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Guyanese do not respect a political opposition that threatens their country’s progressPDFPrintE-mail
Sunday, 17 March 2013 21:20

There is always great optimism, and heightened  expectations when

instances of cooperation between the two opposite sides of the political divide, take place. In the 10th Parliament, given the nature of the political configuration, this scenario has been far and in between. Nevertheless, whenever it  does  occur, the general Guyanese citizenry, accustomed  to a very contentious House, compliments of a power drunk opposition, hopes that it is a sign of better cooperation that is needed to move the business and progress of the nation forward.
Last Friday’s debate and subsequent unanimous adoption of a motion “to put measures in place to restore the capital city to its former glory”, is another of these rare instances of parliamentary unanimity. Without any attempt at debate of importance of the measure, one cannot dispute it’s more than timeliness, urgency,  and absolute necessity. That the city is at its worst in insalubriouness hardly needs repeating – it is an epidemic disaster waiting to happen. Therefore action cannot be delayed, nor must there be any procrastination on the part  of  the various stakeholders  that  will work with  the government executing whatever strategy is agreed upon for the commencement of restorative activities for a garbage-filled city.
But there is  still the larger picture, of working together for the comprehensive whole of the nation and its peoples, a fact which the parliamentary opposition  has conveniently, if not deliberately, put aside; sacrificed on the altar of power politics and diktat.  So much had been promised, given the political  realities of the current parliament. One had  hoped, and not without good reason, that the best traditions of patriotism and love for country would have been displayed; that political differences of whatever ideological hue set aside – all for the common good.  But how must a nation sustain such hopes and belief, with the calibre of  parliamentary opposition parties whose agenda is certainly not  one for the well-being of the nation?
Unfortunately, rather than a meeting of the minds, the track record of the 10th Parliament has been abysmal, with a degradation of  House conduct, occasioned solely by a combined opposition that does not understand the importance of its  role at such a  pivotal time of its country’s history.  For this collection of MPs, their peculiar position, so far,  means  everything else, other than  giving their services unconditionally  to the furtherance of the  national interest. They have disrespected every tenet of parliamentary rule and procedure, without any sound rationale. It can be said to be  a period, where distrust for the political opposition would have multiplied, coupled with  sad regrets on the part of the many  thousands who would have supported them at the last national poll.
The opposition must be reminded, that its  current, intended  strategy of seeking to bring the government to a standstill means also, hurting all Guyanese. This is  political sabotage  that is totally unacceptable to even its very supporters, who have been benefitting from the many socio-economic  programmes offered by the PPP/C government.
Guyanese will not respect, neither will they support, an opposition, whose actions threaten their country’s progress.


Taken from the Guyana Chronicle

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Guyanese don't respect the PPP, who have raped the constitution and imprisoned political opponents. Death squads roam the country in search of victims. And at the same time a huge amount of money is spent keeping PPP members in the money that is borrowed from abroad.



"The vote against the bill piloted by the Home Affairs Minister, Mr Rohee perpetuates the view that the opposition has no workable strategy to achieve its goal of gagging the minister and will now play the role of spoiler. This is a tactical error as the public is less concerned with the opposition’s success in gagging the minister than it is in measures that would alleviate the enormous crime burden. Continuing obstinately with its quest to silence the minister hints at bruised egos in the opposition ranks and an inability or unwillingness to veer from tunnel vision. Both the courts and the Speaker of the National Assembly have made it abundantly clear that muzzling Mr Rohee in his role as a Member of Parliament is a non-starter".



The joint opposition has proven to be solely responsible for the 10th Parliament being the least successful in the history of Guyana.


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