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Guyanese do not trust the PPP propaganda outlets


Dear Editor,
When change comes to Guyana, it would be televised on social media such as twitter or face book and not on Jagdeo’s friends’ radio.  So the PPP can hand out as many radio licenses to their surrogates as they want, it will not stifle the message of change. Today, people thousands of miles away are reading headlines such as “Guyana probes alleged Police beating of Indians” in the Kaieteur News, New York Times or the Miami Herald.
We want the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal to know that the social media has proved to be far more effective than their friends’ radio stations. Therefore the cabal is downright dumb, naÏve and vindictive in trying to stifle the issuance of licence to a wider cross section of media houses especially Capitol News, Stabroek News and Kaieteur News, the premier media houses in Guyana.
These Stalinists have decided in Freedom House that if they give out microphones, they cannot control who speaks and what they would say; but they can control the domestic terrorist.  But what the JAGDEO/RAMOTAR CABAL has failed to comprehend is that the people have so much access to the independent social media now through the internet, that radio in itself is slowly losing its relevance as a source of influence and facts. It is so easy for any student in Guyana to find the truth from the social media of who are engaging is squander-mania, propaganda and untruths and which members of the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal are downright economic gangsters.
They definitely will not tune in to Jagdeo’s friends’ radio for such facts because they know that those in the cabal do not tell the truth. This is a cabal that is hell bent on dictating to the people and doing what they want with the taxpayers’ money. These culprits believe that they can fool the people all the time but they will soon get a rude awakening. Old people always seh “the longest rope has an end.”
The JAGDEO/RAMOTAR CABAL does have its presence on the social media but they are most ineffective.  Their message will only be effective if the people trust that message but the people do not. Thus no matter how hard the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal tries with their social media attempts, Guyanese do not trust their propaganda outlets, be it I-NEWS, LiveinGuyana, NCN or Newguymedia or any of their Facebook handlers.
These PPP social media creatures continue to push people’s trust to the limit but people have little time to bother with their propaganda. As a matter of fact, the overwhelming Guyanese population from coast to coast trusts Kaieteur News far more than any of the PPP ill-conceived media networks.
The youths of Guyana love their social media but these PPP fronts continue to invest in so much untruths and distortions that the youths are not buying into them.  All and sundry but the JAGDEO/RAMOTAR CABAL now accepts that the message from the evil and wicked PPP front organization is “sour lime, sweet coated with honey without substance.”  As an example, the people are told that Guyana is experiencing an annual 5% growth rate.
But how true is this growth rate for members of the poor and the working class whose poor wages are far from adequate to put food on the table?  How true is this growth rate when close to 50% of the youth population ((16-24 years) are unemployed? How true is this growth rate when 85% of UG graduates are fleeing the country? How true is this growth rate when the PPP regime has refused to give civil servants and other workers a 10% increase to compensate for the high cost of living? Many are seeing their real living standard shrink thus exposing these PPP economic and political charlatans for what they are worth. Guyanese from all walks of life are using the social media to counter the lies and propaganda coming from the Freedom house gang, thus causing a slow but certain momentum for the velvet revolution.
So we are not surprised at the dinosaur and backward thinking of the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal with respect to Linden TV and independent radio stations as well as Ramotar’s promise to reduce corruption and crime. But they have failed to understand the impact of Benschop radio across the land and in the Diaspora; AFC Facebook page; APNU twitter page; the YouTube channels of Gerhard Ramsaroop or Capitol News; the blogs of Ralph Ramkarran or Vidya Kissoon all doing great work at highlighting the fact, and the trials and tribulations of the people. We must congratulate Kaieteur News for being at the forefront at exposing corruption in all levels of government and other illegal activities that are taking place daily by this worthless PPP cabal. Can they handle the soon to be launched Moses Nagamootoo blog?
As this letter has revealed, there is an alchemy between social media, factual information and working class revolution. The devotion and integrity of independent Guyanese social media operators place a unique trust on the youths in the messages and videos that come out of these outlets. Essential to any reader of the social media, loyalty is the belief that we all are part of something bigger than ourselves.  We end our letter with the question at the beginning – When change comes to Guyana, would it be televised on Jagdeo’s friends radio or on the social media? We hope this sinister regime gets the message!
Dr. Asquith E Rose and Harish S. Singh

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The directors of Telecor, one of the companies controversially allocated radio frequencies last year, are close relatives of Minister of Natural Resources, Robert Persaud. One of the directors is Persaud’s wife Kamini Persaud and the other  is Persaud’s sister Ruth Baljit. Snews


In fact the Guyanese public see all the politicians as cooks, including the AFC/PNC bandits.  They choose the lesser of the evils by electing the PPP who at least thief but give back. If given a chance the PNC/AFC bandits want to tek it all and leave nothing for the people. 


Rose & Harrish seh: JAGDEO/RAMOTAR CABAL now accepts that the message from the evil and wicked PPP front organization is “sour lime, sweet coated with honey without substance.”  As an example, the people are told that Guyana is experiencing an annual 5% growth rate.
But how true is this growth rate for members of the poor and the working class whose poor wages are far from adequate to put food on the table?  How true is this growth rate when close to 50% of the youth population ((16-24 years) are unemployed? How true is this growth rate when 85% of UG graduates are fleeing the country? How true is this growth rate when the PPP regime has refused to give civil servants and other workers a 10% increase to compensate for the high cost of living? Many are seeing their real living standard shrink thus exposing these PPP economic and political charlatans for what they are worth.


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