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December 18 ,2020


Dear Editor,

I am not sure why the governments de jure believe that the Guyanese people are interested in malfeasance committed by public officials when we have SOCU. I have seen this circus before. For this reason, I concluded Guyanese people don’t care about opportunistic endeavours of officials.  For instance, there are no daily countrywide protests seeking justice for the same.

The issue lies with the degree of how Guyanese interpret the illegality of giving yourself a raise be it from tax evasion or misappropriation of state or local funds and assets. I am interested in a list of names of officials that have been incarcerated for embezzlement over the last quarter century. Moreover, over the same period, the number of politicians skyrocketed who are listed amongst the wealthiest people in the country.

Lastly, until there are widespread protest about corruption, government de jure should make available to the public every year a year over year comparative analysis of the assets of all state and local governments officials, members of parliaments and their donors. This should create fodder for many of discourses among the citizenry.

Yours faithfully,

Keith Bernard

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Unfortunately, corruption is acceptable to most Guyanese, regardless of race. I think it goes back to colonial days. Doesn't change when they migrate either judging from the widespread corruption in their overseas communities.


Where is the corruption?  Since the PPP/C took over the Government in August 2020, the slate has been wiped clean. The APNU/AFC corruption is being forgotten by the press. These cynics are calling progress, corruption.

what is corruption?

The PPP is building thousands of housing units for the people.

Foreigners are building hotels and resorts in this country.

The government giving out contracts to locals and foreigners to open Businesses.

Roads and bridges are being repaired and new ones built.

Thosaunds of jobs are being created for poor people.

Water supply and Electricity are being improved with loans and aides from Foreign governments, noticable the USA, Canada and the Middle east.

Last edited by Ramakant-P
@Ramakant-P posted:

Where is the corruption?  Since the PPP/C took over the Government in August 2020, the slate has been wiped clean. The APNU/AFC corruption is being forgotten by the press. These cynics are calling progress, corruption.

what is corruption?

The PPP is building thousands of housing units for the people.

Foreigners are building hotels and resorts in this country.

The government giving out contracts to locals and foreigners to open Businesses.

Roads and bridges are being repaired and new ones built.

Thosaunds of jobs are being created for poor people.

Water supply and Electricity are being improved with loans and aides from Foreign governments, noticable the USA, Canada and the Middle east.

This comes from the PPP mouth piece and printed in the PPP rags. Why are independent publications not publishing the same reports ?

You are the  biggest friggin PPP liar on this forum. Its no wonder you are dumped on so much as a dummy. 

@Tola posted:

This comes from the PPP mouth piece and printed in the PPP rags. Why are independent publications not publishing the same reports ?

You are the  biggest friggin PPP liar on this forum. Its no wonder you are dumped on so much as a dummy.

You can't even reply to my intelligent post. You are just as stupid as the PNC inept politicians.  You let yourself be dragged down in the gutter with Tota and Mita.

Can you reply constructively to this?

I don't think so!

The PPP is building thousands of housing units for the people. Foreigners are building hotels and resorts in this country. The government giving out contracts to locals and foreigners to open Businesses. Roads and bridges are being repaired and new ones built. Thousands of jobs are being created for poor people. Water supply and Electricity are being improved with loans and aides from Foreign governments, notably the USA, Canada, and the Middle east.

@Ramakant-P posted:

The PPP is building thousands of housing units for the people. Foreigners are building hotels and resorts in this country. The government giving out contracts to locals and foreigners to open Businesses. Roads and bridges are being repaired and new ones built. Thousands of jobs are being created for poor people. Water supply and Electricity are being improved with loans and aides from Foreign governments, notably the USA, Canada, and the Middle east.

You did not explain the PPP cut in all these projects ?

@Django posted:

December 18 ,2020


Dear Editor,

I am not sure why the governments de jure believe that the Guyanese people are interested in malfeasance committed by public officials when we have SOCU. I have seen this circus before. For this reason, I concluded Guyanese people don’t care about opportunistic endeavours of officials.  For instance, there are no daily countrywide protests seeking justice for the same.

The issue lies with the degree of how Guyanese interpret the illegality of giving yourself a raise be it from tax evasion or misappropriation of state or local funds and assets. I am interested in a list of names of officials that have been incarcerated for embezzlement over the last quarter century. Moreover, over the same period, the number of politicians skyrocketed who are listed amongst the wealthiest people in the country.

Lastly, until there are widespread protest about corruption, government de jure should make available to the public every year a year over year comparative analysis of the assets of all state and local governments officials, members of parliaments and their donors. This should create fodder for many of discourses among the citizenry.

Yours faithfully,

Keith Bernard

When the people are poor and fighting for their bare existence, who has time for investigating the crimes of government officials? You, an 'intilekchewul? Surely, you jest!

Last edited by Former Member

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