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Prince posted:

I always said that the PNC used all of PPP tactics to their advantage. And yes, Indians were given Guyanese citizenship or easier preference. Jagdeo Gods live in India where he was given his doctorate degree. Granger heritage is closer to Africa as Jagdeo is closer to India. Nothing is wrong with that. So why swell all you BT hole if Haitians or Ethiopians go to Guyana. If you don't like it go back and fill the void.  

The grandmother of the Ethiopian is a collie homan name Sarojini.  Look at the Indian features on her face.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Did you read who taking action to control the scam?   The PPP minister herself.  She even revoked licenses of people performing the frauds.  I believe much of these were frauds to gain Guyana citizenship then apply to go to North America!

Thats a far cry from the fraud being perpetrated by the PNC minister of Citizenship.

Try to contextualize the two different scenarios!!

Fraud is Fraud , no one knows what more skullduggery was taking place.

By the way Gail was booted from the position.

Who booted her?

Fraud is not fraud.  Fraud by private individuals with the narrow aim of self enrichment is vastly different from state sponsored fraud aimed at thwarting the rights of a group of its own citizens.  

The state was supposed to uphold the law.  When the state becomes part of breaking the law, then the law has little meaning!

Im surprised at the lengths you go to justify state terrorism!

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Did you read who taking action to control the scam?   The PPP minister herself.  She even revoked licenses of people performing the frauds.  I believe much of these were frauds to gain Guyana citizenship then apply to go to North America!

Thats a far cry from the fraud being perpetrated by the PNC minister of Citizenship.

Try to contextualize the two different scenarios!!

Fraud is Fraud , no one knows what more skullduggery was taking place.

By the way Gail was booted from the position.

Who booted her?

Fraud is not fraud.

 Fraud by private individuals with the narrow aim of self enrichment is vastly different from state sponsored fraud aimed at thwarting the rights of a group of its own citizens.  

The state was supposed to uphold the law.  When the state becomes part of breaking the law, then the law has little meaning!

Im surprised at the lengths you go to justify state terrorism!

She was booted as Home Affairs Minister . Further trying to white wash the illegalities under the previous government doesn't cut it.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Did you read who taking action to control the scam?   The PPP minister herself.  She even revoked licenses of people performing the frauds.  I believe much of these were frauds to gain Guyana citizenship then apply to go to North America!

Thats a far cry from the fraud being perpetrated by the PNC minister of Citizenship.

Try to contextualize the two different scenarios!!

Fraud is Fraud , no one knows what more skullduggery was taking place.

By the way Gail was booted from the position.

Who booted her?

Fraud is not fraud.

 Fraud by private individuals with the narrow aim of self enrichment is vastly different from state sponsored fraud aimed at thwarting the rights of a group of its own citizens.  

The state was supposed to uphold the law.  When the state becomes part of breaking the law, then the law has little meaning!

Im surprised at the lengths you go to justify state terrorism!

She was booted as Home Affairs Minister . Further trying to white wash the illegalities under the previous government doesn't cut it.

I asked who and why.  There is no white wash.  Now that your own Wikileaks blew up in your face, You are trying to whitewash the PNC fraud by pointing to a nonsensical comparison.  

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Base, you will need to break it down real simple and still the idiot will not understand, Dat is a special kind of dumbness and stupidity!!!!~!!!

Banna haul you ass , stay out !!!  the conversations are beyond your capabilities.

HEHEHE Donkey brain talkin bout capabilities. HAHAHA Base, he thinks yuh talkin bout ass kissing and Batty washing. He has a degree


Gail Teixeira was honest, forthright – WikiLeaks cable




-Minister battled documents fraud, fake business weddings, foreign missions

In late 2005, the local US Embassy in Georgetown believed that the then Minister of Home Affairs, Gail Teixeira, was an honest, forthright official who genuinely wanted to fight corruption and inefficiency in her portfolio.
Teixeira had called the meeting with the US Embassy officials on December 23 to discuss, among other things, the incidence of fake civil documents being discovered by the Consular Section.
However, while the Embassy thought her honest, it also believed that the Minister who took over from Ronald Gajraj was still too soft for the position. Gajraj demitted the post after being mired in allegations that he was involved in having links to a killing squad.

Former Home Affairs Minister, Gail Teixeira

β€œAnother possibility is that the position has overwhelmed her. Post rates Teixeira highly as an honest, forthright interlocutor. However, more than a few Guyanese insiders think of her as a lightweight better suited to her previous position as Minister of Youth, Culture, and Sport.”
The feeling of the Embassy is contained in a December 28 secret cable sent by then Charge d’ Affaires, Michael Thomas. The cables were part of a cache of sensitive documents acquired by whistle-blower website, WikiLeaks, and released on the website.
The cables have reported on incidents and in many cases shown the local US Embassy’s feelings and opinions on the incidents. Government has dismissed the relevance of the released cables, many of them proving embarrassing.
Teixeira had wanted to be briefed on the extent of fraudulent birth and marriage certificates issued by the General Register Office (GRO) that had been detected by the Consular Section.
β€œTeixeira was particularly worried that she is not getting full and accurate details on these incidents in the briefings GRO gives her. Deputy Consul described the problematic birth and marriage certificates submitted to the Consular Section in Immigrant Visa cases, which appear to have been genuinely issued using GRO paper and seals, but which were not obtained in accordance with Guyanese law.”
The issues include the ease which birth certificates were issued and the β€œbusiness” marriages.
β€œMinister Teixeira expressed what seemed to be genuine displeasure with these improperly or unlawfully issued civil documents involving GRO. She explained how she is already trying to fix the problem. She has confronted GRO about similar incidents but to date GRO has denied responsibility for the fraudulent documents. However, the evidence is too convincing now β€” the paper stock, seal, and signatures of these certificates are all genuine.”
Regarding marriages, Teixeira told embassy officials that she had revoked the license of one marriage officer and was said to be scrutinizing the entire marriage licence process, the US Embassy reported in the cable.
Teixeira, during that meeting in 2005, had mentioned several suspicious visa cases on her plate. β€œShe said this flow of people wanting to enter Guyana on unlikely pretenses could relate to trafficking in persons, the gold and diamond industries, arms smuggling, or terrorist links. She said she would like to work with (US Government) to prevent these activities.”
The then Minister also disclosed that she was taking a hard line with tour operators applying for visas for large groups of young, single, businessmen purportedly traveling to Guyana for tourism.
Teixeira also described the steps she has taken to curtail irresponsible, or corrupt, consular operations at Guyana’s diplomatic posts.
β€œShe said she encountered β€œgreat resistance in foreign missions trying to tighten up on visa issuances” and lamented that the (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and other ministries do not understand that visa officers overseas are an important part of the country’s security apparatus.” All diplomatic missions are supposed to send visa issuance reports to the Home Affairs Ministry, but the Ministry receives them six weeks after the fact when the travelers have already either transited Guyana or have arrived and disappeared, the cable said Teixeira told them during the meeting.
Guyana has managed to bring Beijing, China visa operations under control.
β€œGuyana has ceased issuing visas for Chinese to join their families in Guyana, although Chinese are still granted visas to work in the timber and sugar industries… She said that a corrupt system operated in China involving the mission and the Ministry. Now, the mission in Beijing can only deal with bilateral cooperation and investment issues.”
During the meeting, Teixeira acknowledged there β€œwas quite a lot of corruption in the immigration division”. She has tried to deal with it by firing many employees in the Ministry. However, she fears that these corrupt former employees will sell their knowledge of the system and ability to forge documents.


Wikileaks cable… Teixeira accused Gajraj of visa racketeering

Former Presidential Advisor on Governance under the PPP administration, Gail Teixeira

TOP executive of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) and former Home Affairs Minister Gail Teixeira had told the United States back in 2005 that her predecessor Ronald Gajraj was corrupt and was involved in visa racketeering with another senior official, whom she was forced to sideline. After being forced to resign under international pressure for his alleged involvement in a β€œdeath squad” here, Gajraj was posted to head Guyana’s mission in New Delhi. This revelation was made in a cable dated December 28, 2005 and written by then Charge d’Affaires at the US mission here, Michael Thomas.
The cable is one of several that whistle-blowing website Wikileaks, has released. Headlined, β€œTeixeira struggling to control Home Affairs Ministry,” the cable detailed a conversation between Teixeira and senior officials of the U.S. Embassy here on December 23, 2005, during which she requested a consular briefing on trends in fake Guyanese civil documents detected by the Consular Section.
During the meeting, the cable said, Teixeira acknowledged that there β€œis quite a lot of corruption in the immigration division.” She was also quoted as saying that she had tried to deal with it by firing many employees in the ministry, but that her greatest fear was that these corrupt former employees will sell their knowledge of the system, and ability to forge documents.
For example, she is quoted in the cable as saying that former Home Affairs Ministry Security Policy Coordinator Sultan Kassim, β€œis very closely linked to a number of networks, particularly the Chinese,” and describing a slush fund financed by Brazilian fees for work permits that Gajraj and Kassim had run.”

Ronald gajraj
Ronald gajraj

According to the cable, unable to pin any direct evidence of illegal activity on Kassim, Teixeira said she dealt with the matter by sending him on long-term leave. She also asked the U.S. Embassy to send a Consular Officer to brief her on fraudulent birth and marriage certificates issued by the local General Register Office (GRO) that had been detected by the Consular Section. Teixeira was particularly worried; the cable said, that she was not getting full and accurate details on these incidents in her briefings with the GRO.
At her requested meeting with a consular official from the U.S. Embassy, Teixeira was told by the Deputy Consul of the problematic birth and marriage certificates submitted to the Consular Section in Immigrant Visa cases, which appeared to have been genuinely issued, using GRO paper and seals, but which were not obtained in accordance with Guyanese law.
β€œThe clear implication is that the GRO is issuing civil documents improperly,” the cable quoted the consular official as telling Teixeira.
According to the cable, in a common example, someone whose original birth certificate does not list a father was able to obtain a new certificate from GRO that includes the purported father’s name. However, according to the U.S., Teixeira confirmed this was not legal without the father at least going to court and accepting paternity.

Regarding marriage certificates, Guyanese marriage certificates state whether the marriage is by licence, by notice, or by banns. The latter two methods require both the bride and groom to be in Guyana for weeks before the marriage. The U.S. also noted that in Guyana’s widespread business marriages, the Guyanese-American petitioner will usually remain in the country less than a week, and use an unscrupulous marriage officer to wed them and obtain a certificate. This was confirmed by Teixeira, who also noted that these β€œquick-visit” marriages were invalid if done by notice or banns.
Teixeira, the cable noted, expressed what seemed like genuine displeasure at these improperly or unlawfully issued civil documents involving GRO, explaining how she is already trying to fix the problem. According to the cable, Teixeira had confronted the GRO about similar incidents, but the GRO had denied responsibility for the fraudulent documents.
On the matter of visa issuance, according to the cable, Teixeira mentioned having several suspicious visa cases on her plate at the time. She said back then that the flow of people wanting to enter Guyana on the most unlikely of pretexts, could relate to trafficking in persons, the gold and diamond industries, arms-smuggling, or terrorist links.
She said then, too, that she would like to work with the United States government to prevent these activities and had taken some files to the Guyana Police Force’s Special Branch for them to check Interpol databases or any other sources, since the ministry at the time had no computer resources to conduct such checks.
Additionally, the cable mentioned that following up on discussions of a November 17 meeting with Indian tour operators (reftel), Teixeira said she was taking a hard line with tour operators applying for visas for large groups of young, single businessmen purportedly travelling to Guyana for tourism. According to the cable, Teixeira described the steps she’d taken to curtail irresponsible or corrupt consular operations at Guyana’s diplomatic posts, but mentioned that she had encountered β€œgreat resistance in foreign missions trying to tighten up on visa issuances” and lamented that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other ministries did not understand that visa officers overseas are an important part of the country’s security apparatus.
Teixeira had also told the U.S. that she’d managed to bring Beijing visa operations under control, and that Guyana had ceased issuing visas for Chinese to join their families here, although Chinese are still granted visas to work in the timber and sugar industries. She also detailed that a corrupt system operated in China involving the mission and the ministry.
Meanwhile, in response to a question from the U.S., Teixeira was quoted as saying that the visa situation in India was β€œmanageable.” She also said that all visa applications from South India came to the Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) in Georgetown for adjudication, thereby allowing greater scrutiny. She was also of the belief that Southern Indians who wanted a Guyanese visa would not travel all the way to New Delhi to apply in person at the High Commission there.
In response to a direct question about visa operations at the Guyana mission in New Delhi, Teixeira told the U.S.: β€œDelhi doesn’t deal with us.”
According to the cable, when the conversation turned to Delhi, β€œthe normally animated Teixeira slowed down and spoke carefully and deliberately. She was noticeably less forthcoming about the situation in Delhi than about any other topic during the two-and-a-half-hour meeting.”
She did suggest, however, that her relationship with the Delhi Embassy was dictated by orders from higher authority. Teixeira said Guyana’s embassy in Suriname and Guyana’s honorary consuls (particularly in Africa and Israel) are now her biggest problems on the visa front.
In Teixeira’s own words, according to the cable, Guyana does not have an immigration policy. β€œThere is little control over visa issuance. Immigration authorities cannot control or keep track of who enters the country. The government loses immigration cases in court. Deportation is expensive and often ineffective,” she was quoted as saying.
The cable mentioned that in the past, all immigration decisions contained a note that refused applicants could appeal directly to the minister, a practice Teixeira said she had abolished. Teixeira said disorder in the immigration process was embarrassing to the government.
The U.S. concluded, according to the cable, that the meeting confirmed that Teixeira had genuinely wanted to fight the corruption and inefficiency that had a crippling effect on her broad portfolio (including GRO, immigration, the attorney-general and the courts, and the police force). β€œLong-standing smuggling routes that transfer illegal migrants from India, Pakistan, and China through Guyana to the U.S. and Canada are ideal for exploitation by terrorists and others who would do us harm,” Michael Thomas wrote in the cable.
Thus, he said it would be strongly β€œin U.S. interest to find ways to assist Teixeira in vetting suspect visa applications and tightening control of civil documents.” Thomas pointed out that unfortunately, although Teixeira criticised her predecessor β€œGajraj’s imperious, direct control over the ministry’s workings, she has only slightly loosened the reins of control herself. This may reflect her very valid concerns over both corruption and competence within the MoHA, or the PPP’s habit of centralised decision-making and micro-management,” Thomas wrote.
He said, too, that the fact that Teixeira was involved herself personally in sensitive visa applications supported either hypotheses. β€œAnother possibility is that the position has overwhelmed her,” Thomas said, adding that the embassy highly rated her as β€œan honest, forthright interlocutor. However, more than a few Guyanese insiders think of her as a lightweight, better suited to her previous position as Minister of Youth, Culture, and Sport.”

Nehru posted:

Base, you must expect that from Batty washers and certified ASS KISSERS!!!

Dude whatdafk is your problem, why the rass you have to be a skonthole every fkin day? We are well aware you are a fkin moron no need to prove it every dam time. I intend to call you out with each dumbass post you dumb rass come up with. It is morons like you that give Indians a bad name..FKIN IDIOT.

Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:

Since Guyana is on the world map with OIL, all these forgotten sons and daughters suddenly reappear. 

Maybe a few thousand Ethiopians will soon show up for citizenship!

Any stopping of East Indians from the Caribbean or Indians from India entering Guyana or given Citizenship ??

You talk sheer shit.  Let the PPP attempt to flood Indians into Guyana in a naked effort to effect the electoral outcome.  GT will be in flames and many Indians would be lying in ditches!

Ayuh talk sheer shit.

Its this attitude why I sometimes say, fk it, let the Hispanics, Brazilians etc swamp it.  Bus few thousand Trumps rejects from the Mexican border!  Guyana needs people anyway!  Right!!

......Why  the Haitians didn’t used Guyana as a transit point during PPP government. 

PPP government were killing blacks at the time, remember?

Dondadda posted:

No Cain. They were killing criminals. Criminals come in all colours, not only black.

There are some things I will never second guess the action taken. 

Where were these clowns when mostly Indian victims of all ages were being slaughtered like lambs in their bed, cars, work, streets and places of entertainment.  

In the end we must recognize what you dealing with.

Their much touted 400 β€œvictims” included known criminals killed by the police and many victims. 

Four years after taking power the PNC has to yet provide this famous list of victims!

cain posted:
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:

Since Guyana is on the world map with OIL, all these forgotten sons and daughters suddenly reappear. 

Maybe a few thousand Ethiopians will soon show up for citizenship!

Any stopping of East Indians from the Caribbean or Indians from India entering Guyana or given Citizenship ??

You talk sheer shit.  Let the PPP attempt to flood Indians into Guyana in a naked effort to effect the electoral outcome.  GT will be in flames and many Indians would be lying in ditches!

Ayuh talk sheer shit.

Its this attitude why I sometimes say, fk it, let the Hispanics, Brazilians etc swamp it.  Bus few thousand Trumps rejects from the Mexican border!  Guyana needs people anyway!  Right!!

......Why  the Haitians didn’t used Guyana as a transit point during PPP government. 

PPP government were killing blacks at the time, remember?

When did PPP kill blacks?

I know Blacks were invading the homes of Indians and stealing and killing them by dozens. The Indians did what they had to do because PPP government failed them. 

From 5 PM the police station gates were locked. 

Current minister were meeting with criminals in Buxton. 

Tell us Cain, when did PPP kill blacks. 

Baseman posted:
Dondadda posted:

No Cain. They were killing criminals. Criminals come in all colours, not only black.

There are some things I will never second guess the action taken. 

Where were these clowns when mostly Indian victims of all ages were being slaughtered like lambs in their bed, cars, work, streets and places of entertainment.  

In the end we must recognize what you dealing with.

Their much touted 400 β€œvictims” included known criminals killed by the police and many victims. 

Four years after taking power the PNC has to yet provide this famous list of victims!

You are absolutely correct. 

cain posted:

Holyyyy shit! All these years you people were jumping up and down happy about BJ and Gajraj being heroes for their drug running gang taking out blacks and now you guys have the balls to ask for proof. No need to, it is here in the archives, look it up I don't spend all dam day on the net.

Banna, gwan suh!  If the target was Portuguese, you would be clamoring for action. 

You are barefaced.  Rather than talking shyte, ask the PNC to produce their list of victims!

cain posted:

Holyyyy shit! All these years you people were jumping up and down happy about BJ and Gajraj being heroes for their drug running gang taking out blacks and now you guys have the balls to ask for proof. No need to, it is here in the archives, look it up I don't spend all dam day on the net.

Perhaps the reason BJ is pushing like rass to get this government out is because RJ will be back and he can spill the beans on all that went on but with ( BJ as Prez ) he can take care of that. You guys really think the ABC countries wish to see that sour pus running Guyana after what he has done?

This govt has to stay it's course and hold elections when it is due and not when that bastard wants it.

Baseman posted:
cain posted:

Holyyyy shit! All these years you people were jumping up and down happy about BJ and Gajraj being heroes for their drug running gang taking out blacks and now you guys have the balls to ask for proof. No need to, it is here in the archives, look it up I don't spend all dam day on the net.

Banna, gwan suh!  If the target was Portuguese, you would be clamoring for action. 

You are barefaced.  Rather than talking shyte, ask the PNC to produce their list of victims!

 I'm waiting for when you jump the fence again and take PNC side which shouldn't be too long.

cain posted:
Baseman posted:
cain posted:

Holyyyy shit! All these years you people were jumping up and down happy about BJ and Gajraj being heroes for their drug running gang taking out blacks and now you guys have the balls to ask for proof. No need to, it is here in the archives, look it up I don't spend all dam day on the net.

Banna, gwan suh!  If the target was Portuguese, you would be clamoring for action. 

You are barefaced.  Rather than talking shyte, ask the PNC to produce their list of victims!

 I'm waiting for when you jump the fence again and take PNC side which shouldn't be too long.

Ha..ha..that bhai all over the place, he need to stay the course.


The new and naive from this generation are now convinced that the PNC aka APNU is a racist party that is working towards making East Indians a subservient minority in Guyana. Political consciousness is growing while the AFC is quickly fading, or has already faded. The young people oblivious of life under the PNC of the past have changed their views of Guyana's politics and are now seeing more like the old generation.  We can fault the AFC for giving the PNC power, but we must realize the PNC is the biggest problem. They have no intention of respecting the constitution and allowing free elections.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Django posted:
cain posted:
Baseman posted:
cain posted:

Holyyyy shit! All these years you people were jumping up and down happy about BJ and Gajraj being heroes for their drug running gang taking out blacks and now you guys have the balls to ask for proof. No need to, it is here in the archives, look it up I don't spend all dam day on the net.

Banna, gwan suh!  If the target was Portuguese, you would be clamoring for action. 

You are barefaced.  Rather than talking shyte, ask the PNC to produce their list of victims!

 I'm waiting for when you jump the fence again and take PNC side which shouldn't be too long.

Ha..ha..that bhai all over the place, he need to stay the course.

This is what you get from two dunces.  My positions are based on right and wrong, not PNC or PPP!  You two  dunces are like Bots, PNC = Good, PPP = Bad.   I don’t see it that simple!  Neither are always wrong or right!

Django you have no moral grounding that’s why you contort anything for the PNC to look clean, even when it’s full with shit. You hate your own, 100% a turncoat!   You are like the Jews put by the Nazi to guard other Jews in the Warsaw Ghettos!   Cain, you are a closet Indian hater pretending to have some grounding, but your shit floats!

When it comes to the action of the PPP in dealing with the terrorist, I’ve never, and will never waver on that. 

I wholeheartedly support the actions taken.  I’m sure mistakes were made, but so be it!!

As I said, you two clowns, let your PNC furnish the list!

Last edited by Former Member

The blacks that were killed were WANTED criminals, that the  PNC controlled police force refuse to detain and charge. The force is so out of control that even today they can't stop the crime. Yes, Roger Khan is coming, he still has his boys to put fear on the government.

Some of you would prefer civil disobedience , if the Black dominated forces were incompetent , then BJ took matter in his hands and terminate the criminals.

Django posted:
cain posted:
Baseman posted:
cain posted:

Holyyyy shit! All these years you people were jumping up and down happy about BJ and Gajraj being heroes for their drug running gang taking out blacks and now you guys have the balls to ask for proof. No need to, it is here in the archives, look it up I don't spend all dam day on the net.

Banna, gwan suh!  If the target was Portuguese, you would be clamoring for action. 

You are barefaced.  Rather than talking shyte, ask the PNC to produce their list of victims!

 I'm waiting for when you jump the fence again and take PNC side which shouldn't be too long.

Ha..ha..that bhai all over the place, he need to stay the course.

Good for you ,stay on the PNC course, soon or later they may recognize you and rewarded  with a barrel of crude oil.

kp posted:

The blacks that were killed were WANTED criminals, that the  PNC controlled police force refuse to detain and charge. The force is so out of control that even today they can't stop the crime. Yes, Roger Khan is coming, he still has his boys to put fear on the government.

Some of you would prefer civil disobedience , if the Black dominated forces were incompetent , then BJ took matter in his hands and terminate the criminals.

The same forces the PNC took their bonuses and the PPP want to re establish!

Baseman posted:

This is what you get from two dunces.  My positions are based on right and wrong, not PNC or PPP!  You two  dunces are like Bots, PNC = Good, PPP = Bad.   I don’t see it that simple!  Neither are always wrong or right!

Django you have no moral grounding that’s why you contort anything for the PNC to look clean, even when it’s full with shit. You hate your own, 100% a turncoat!   You are like the Jews put by the Nazi to guard other Jews in the Warsaw Ghettos!   Cain, you are a closet Indian hater pretending to have some grounding, but your shit floats!

When it comes to the action of the PPP in dealing with the terrorist, I’ve never, and will never waver on that. 

I wholeheartedly support the actions taken.  I’m sure mistakes were made, but so be it!!

As I said, you two clowns, let your PNC furnish the list!

You does talk sk..nt , plain and simple.

kp posted:
Django posted:
cain posted:
Baseman posted:
cain posted:

Holyyyy shit! All these years you people were jumping up and down happy about BJ and Gajraj being heroes for their drug running gang taking out blacks and now you guys have the balls to ask for proof. No need to, it is here in the archives, look it up I don't spend all dam day on the net.

Banna, gwan suh!  If the target was Portuguese, you would be clamoring for action. 

You are barefaced.  Rather than talking shyte, ask the PNC to produce their list of victims!

 I'm waiting for when you jump the fence again and take PNC side which shouldn't be too long.

Ha..ha..that bhai all over the place, he need to stay the course.

Good for you ,stay on the PNC course, soon or later they may recognize you and rewarded  with a barrel of crude oil.

I don't  follow a pack of lying rats.


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