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I listened to about half and if the other half is anything like the first this is sheer stupidness. When does a country's president have to be involved in a simple domestic matter. Can't she just get on a bus, boat or plane and go to Guyana if that is really what she wants or is the publicity sufficient for her? So she has a home in Guyana and perhaps relatives but she can't enlist any of them to help her resolve her situation that she had to go all the way to the country's president for help. The alleged rape resulting in that child had to have occurred when the other Bouterse was president but suddenly now she woke up and realize she needs help. Looks like attention seeking to me or something far more sinister. Like a political circus show.


I agree.  She needs to file a complaint in family court in Suriname. Jurisdiction is there.

Anyway, For her to use the child as a display of a product of rape by a man to whom she is married is unconscionable.

When relationships go bad, women know no limits in seeking revenge.

Last edited by Former Member
@Prashad posted:

The woman is a Guyanese citizen.  It is Irfan and Granger's problem.

Incorrect. Country of residency takes jurisdiction. She can request help from the Guyana consulate. 

She is in a predicament. She want to leave and return to Guyana but she has a child with the man.  Should they divorce he can demand the child not leave Suriname and nothing she can do.

She was foolish to attack him in public as now he can be inflexible and she’s stuck. She can also give up custody and return with her other child. 

Whatever, the choices are difficult.

@Former Member posted:

Incorrect. Country of residency takes jurisdiction. She can request help from the Guyana consulate. 

She is in a predicament. She want to leave and return to Guyana but she has a child with the man.  Should they divorce he can demand the child not leave Suriname and nothing she can do.

She was foolish to attack him in public as now he can be inflexible and she’s stuck. She can also give up custody and return with her other child. 

Whatever, the choices are difficult.

Or it can all be fake.


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