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An Accra High Court has sentenced two persons including a Ghanaian, to a total of 35 years imprisonment for their roles in importing cocaine into the country late last year.

Miller Ronald O’Neil, a Guyanese and Captain of the Guyanese ship as well as Seth Grant, a Ghanaian, were convicted on their own plea and sentenced to 20 and 15 years respectively, on each of the three counts leveled against them.

The sentences are to run concurrently.

The court handed down the sentence on the convicts looking at the gravity of the offense and the reputation of the country.

However, three others, Perceval Curt, Samuel Mornty and Saint Praimchad, all Guyanese, who were also allegedly involved in the crime and who pleaded not guilty, are expected to appear in court on January 10, to stand trial on the alleged offenses leveled against them.

They were all accused of engaging in a criminal conspiracy to commit an offence by engaging in a business relating to narcotic drugs, importation of narcotic drugs without lawful authority and possessing narcotic drugs without lawful authority.

JoyNews' Anny Osabutey, who was in court, reported that the sentence was handed down on the two convicts after a test conducted on the 414 slaps of exhibits suspected to be cocaine by Mark Ablakwa Williams, an official from the Ghana Standard Authority, turned out to be positive for narcotic drug.

The court presided over by Justice C.J. Hoenyenugah, an Appeal court judge, sitting as an additional High Court judge, ordered for the destruction of 413 slaps and the exhibits by officials from the narcotic control board, and the remaining slap left as exhibit for the trial of the remaining three accused persons.

The five were arrested in the Western region aboard a Guyanese ship, “ATIYAH, George-Town”, containing 21 bags of substances with a street value of 50 million dollars.

The ship was intercepted following a tip-off from Ghana’s international security partners.

The ship was travelling from Guyana when it was arrested and escorted by Ghana Naval Ship, Yaa Asantewaa, to the Sekondi Naval Base.

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Officials of the Narcotics Control Board (NACOB), has in a joint collaboration exercise with its various responsible agencies, destroyed 413 slabs of cocaine which were brought into the country by four Guyanese and a Ghanaian with an estimated street value of $US60 million dollars.

The exercise was executed on the orders of trial judge, Justice C.J.        Hoenyenugah, a Court of Appeal judge who sat as an additional High Court judge.

This became possible when the Chief State Attorney Alfred Asiamah Sampong, prayed the court to allow officials of NACOB to go ahead and destroy the 413 slabs of cocaine.

The narcotics were destroyed at the Accra Arts Centre beach and were done in the full glare of the trial judge and the court registrar, as well as personnel from the various stakeholder agencies.

The court, before pronouncing a 35-year jail sentence on the 2nd and 3rd accused persons, ordered NACOB officials to count the 414 slabs of cocaine in open court.

One slab, according to Justice Hoenyenugah, is to be kept in the custody of the registrar till the trial ends.

Three other accomplices are still standing trial.

The three had earlier pleaded guilty with explanation on December 13, 2013.

The court however rejected their explanation.        They are billed to re-appear on Friday.

The court, before the destruction exercise, granted forensic Chemists from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) of the United States of America Department of Justice, the permission to collect a gram each of 30 randomly selected slabs from the courtroom for further investigations in the States.

This was to enable the DEA to trace the origin and purity of the drugs to enhance future investigations.

The court’s order was based upon a written request from NACOB and the US Embassy, with an explanation given by US officials, Laura Michelle Jones, a forensic Chemist from Virginia, as to why the samples were needed.

Michelle Jones also stated that they were invited by the US Embassy to check the purity of the cocaine to determine the origin of the substance.

The bust was made aboard the MV ATTIYAH vessel with registration number 000471.

The ship was intercepted in Ghana’s deep waters as it sailed from Guyana.

The operation led to the seizure of 21 sacks containing 414 slabs of cocaine.

The five suspects, together with the substances, were flown to Accra and handed over to the Narcotics Control Board for investigations.

Source: NACOB Communication Unit


The afc/pnc fundraising campaign going big time. I would not have believed that they were capable of moving $60m US in merchandise. Look for robberies to increase in Guyana as their drug operation is interrupted. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The afc/pnc fundraising campaign going big time. I would not have believed that they were capable of moving $60m US in merchandise. Look for robberies to increase in Guyana as their drug operation is interrupted. 

Dude, did you ask for evidence as to one making a claim and do you suspect you have a screw loose in your head? That we are a natural conduit for the drug trade is not the AFC's fault.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The afc/pnc fundraising campaign going big time. I would not have believed that they were capable of moving $60m US in merchandise. Look for robberies to increase in Guyana as their drug operation is interrupted. 

Dude, did you ask for evidence as to one making a claim and do you suspect you have a screw loose in your head? That we are a natural conduit for the drug trade is not the AFC's fault.

You should listen to your own advice when you blame the PPP for everything under the sun, including a black man stumping his toe, a buckman shyting his shorts and domestic abuse.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The afc/pnc fundraising campaign going big time. I would not have believed that they were capable of moving $60m US in merchandise. Look for robberies to increase in Guyana as their drug operation is interrupted. 

Dude, did you ask for evidence as to one making a claim and do you suspect you have a screw loose in your head? That we are a natural conduit for the drug trade is not the AFC's fault.

You should listen to your own advice when you blame the PPP for everything under the sun, including a black man stumping his toe, a buckman shyting his shorts and domestic abuse.

Do yo think a casual rejection of what is naked before you will obviate the reality of a perverse administration? I blame them for all administrative lapses  because it is the reason they are in office.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
... did you ask for evidence as to one making a claim ...

Sound guidance for you, Danyael, to follow.

find a toilet when you feel a need to defecate. I know it is hard given your age but at least try.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
... did you ask for evidence as to one making a claim ...

Sound guidance for you, Danyael, to follow.

find a toilet when you feel a need to defecate. I know it is hard given your age but at least try.

It is indeed unfortunate that you do not have a toilet and you "do your stuff" publicly on the road-side and similar places.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The afc/pnc fundraising campaign going big time. I would not have believed that they were capable of moving $60m US in merchandise. Look for robberies to increase in Guyana as their drug operation is interrupted. 

Dude, did you ask for evidence as to one making a claim and do you suspect you have a screw loose in your head? That we are a natural conduit for the drug trade is not the AFC's fault.

You should listen to your own advice when you blame the PPP for everything under the sun, including a black man stumping his toe, a buckman shyting his shorts and domestic abuse.

and for the big goadee you have

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
... did you ask for evidence as to one making a claim ...

Sound guidance for you, Danyael, to follow.

find a toilet when you feel a need to defecate. I know it is hard given your age but at least try.

It is indeed unfortunate that you do not have a toilet and you "do your stuff" publicly on the road-side and similar places.

Sorry, I think you need to speak to our kin in India. The point I make is the matter in your head is productive of waste no less than your intestines.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
... did you ask for evidence as to one making a claim ...

Sound guidance for you, Danyael, to follow.

find a toilet when you feel a need to defecate. I know it is hard given your age but at least try.

It is indeed unfortunate that you do not have a toilet and you "do your stuff" publicly on the road-side and similar places.

Sorry, I think you need to speak to our kin in India. The point I make is the matter in your head is productive of waste no less than your intestines.

You seem to do the identical thing like your kin in India.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
... did you ask for evidence as to one making a claim ...

Sound guidance for you, Danyael, to follow.

find a toilet when you feel a need to defecate. I know it is hard given your age but at least try.

It is indeed unfortunate that you do not have a toilet and you "do your stuff" publicly on the road-side and similar places.

Sorry, I think you need to speak to our kin in India. The point I make is the matter in your head is productive of waste no less than your intestines.

You seem to do the identical thing like your kin in India.

Seeming is what you rely on since being is outside the scope of your understanding. I have the Amerind and White portion of my cultural pull as a definite lure away from the half made men that makes up much of our reality

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Good catch DG, that boy once claimed that he had Indian blood. Then recently he changed his tune and said it was buck and white.

As usual you are as confused as a jaybird. I acknowledge I am a miscegenation of the blood lines of three continents. You only need to do a search if it so concerns you. Actually I made the point to you.Lying does become you.


Originally Posted by caribny:



Druggie apparently NYPD doesnt like PPP supporters.

As usual you rush to judgement. If you took the time to read the article you would notice that NYPD incident was from 2007, 7 years ago. In addition, being Indian these days is not synonymous to PPP supporter. 

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
... did you ask for evidence as to one making a claim ...

Sound guidance for you, Danyael, to follow.

find a toilet when you feel a need to defecate. I know it is hard given your age but at least try.

It is indeed unfortunate that you do not have a toilet and you "do your stuff" publicly on the road-side and similar places.

Sorry, I think you need to speak to our kin in India. The point I make is the matter in your head is productive of waste no less than your intestines.

You seem to do the identical thing like your kin in India.

Seeming is what you rely on since being is outside the scope of your understanding. I have the Amerind and White portion of my cultural pull as a definite lure away from the half made men that makes up much of our reality

So, you are far less than even the half made men?

Originally Posted by Wally:

On the brighter side, if there is one, at least he is in a country that has fried plantains and Metem soup as meals.

I may be confused as to your statement about soup and plantains since that goes with allusions to homosexuality. I have no quarrel with homosexuals and think they have a right to all the state affords others without a question asked as to their sexual preferences.


That being said my mention to half made men is exactly that half made in the sense of culturally confused and hyper acute to perceptions of infractions to cultural infraction by others who are essentially ourselves.


We in the west indies often mirror or mimic other people cultures, mostly Europeans, with no question. We have little respect for our own reservoir of native belief systems that can serve us well if some active synchretizm was recognized and nurtured because it is who we ultimately are.


It is the reason we have prefixes ie Indo Guyanese, Afro Guyanese when these things do not have meaning except as labels. On either the suffix or the Prefix we do not have any understanding of what they are. Indians are not as Indians from India since no Indo Culture as we have exists in india. Actually Guyanese have a far richer expression of Indian philosophy than india itself yet we look with longing eyes to some mythical bharat mata that in reality never was a mother to any of our ancestors.


Afro as a suffix has lost its meaning. The idea of recreating what was African it in some general way is often fictive and fanciful illusion of an enlightened reality. There can be no recreating but expressing what has been forged in the cauldron of experiences here. There is so much cultural ground here that when taken advantage of is supremely and satisfyingly beautiful.


As for the Guyanese part we are yet to grasp that that means since we are not fostering any synchretism of ideas among in our various peoples. We are a divided society and so have why we are better than them structures in the society being reinforced more than why we are one.. Maybe the only reason those suffixes exist are to highlight the confused status of our cultural identity.


This is the reason I speak of half made peoples. It has nothing to do with homosexuality but with an urgent need for us to fortify our ideas around what we have become as a people and express that as a whole cultural person.

Last edited by Former Member

Danyael how you jump from the similarities of meals between Guyana and Ghana to gay men and sex  is beyond my understanding.


That is like Caribj jumping to the conclusion that Fidel is anti- African when the man did more for Africa than any other Caribbean leader and has African blood in him from his grandmother.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Wally:

Danyael how you jump from the similarities of meals between Guyana and Ghana to gay men and sex  is beyond my understanding.


That is like Caribj jumping to the conclusion that Fidel is anti- African when the man did more for Africa than any other Caribbean leader and has African blood in him from his grandmother.



that is what happens when you do not quote or speak directly to the question at hand. As noted in the initial paragraph I did not get what you were saying. I made sure you are not making that allusion.


Additionally, I explained what I meant in detail.


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