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Former Member

AS it has always been, Guyanese in their thousands thronged the shopping centres, shopping for Christmas as they have always done traditionally for decades. What is it about this particular time of the year that seeps into the mental psyche of not only Guyanese, but tens of millions around the world, to go the extra mile commercially? Certainly, the aerial shots in the Guyana Chronicle gave the answer for this nation’s people. But let us focus specifically on Guyana.
It is evident that commercial businesses will declare much more sales profit for this Yuletide than they did for 2011. There will be those, especially the opposition critics, who will sing the usual boring stanza that economically, Guyanese are still struggling to cope, and that many are kept afloat by remittances from overseas. Well, to be balanced, there are economic hardships globally; with so many States in dire circumstances at the moment. Therefore, who have not been complaining? Even the great American economy almost collapsed, but because of President Obama’s stimulus plan.
However, despite the many socio-economic challenges, Guyanese would have had much to celebrate at this festive time.
For many more thousands, owning that dream home would have been finally realised, as well as that house lot, the gateway to the latter. Many families would have acquired that new car, adding greater convenience to their domestic lives; acquisition of other material comforts; that SSEE success; and that employment promotion just to name a few.
These are milestones, many pivotal that would have been observed, in the usual Guyanese style, come Christmas. But that Guyanese were out in their huge numbers, again this year, has to do primarily with an economy that has been prudently managed, thereby allowing for a stable workforce unaffected by cuts, unlike many other countries; an increase in the income tax threshold;  and an increase in wages and salaries for all workers. All this means that Guyanese have had more disposable income that they have been able to put to use.
Wishing the President and his administration a successful 2013.

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