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caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

The PPP went along with the Chinese because it was a true and tried model that worked throughout the world. They had the experience and the know how.  It was not an option to hire Guyanese for this project as it would affect the deliverables and quality of work and the Chinese did not agree.  In the end, all's well that ends well. Now the PNC despite all their big talk hold on to the Marriott instead of liquidating it as promised pre elections.  In fact Guyanese workers were in short demand at the time as they were already pulling in over 25$US a day in the mining and construction industry. 

Guyanese were protesting about this.  If every Guyanese was pulling down cash in the mines and in Barbados why would they have cared?

The PNC did NOT promise to shut down the Marriott. 

Jagdeo screamed that the Marriott was NOT a government owned hotel, and that there were private investors. WHERE ARE THESE INVESTORS?



The only "Guyanese" protesting were those with political motives like yourself. The masons, carpenters etc were already gainfully employed by developers around the country as the economy was buzzing even during Ramoutar's  short reign. 

Drugb posted:

Can you substantiate these remarks with any evidence? You come up with these divisive remarks, pulling it out of your arse when you fully well know that the PnC bandits are the bad behavior around the Caribbean.

Just ask any Trinidadian Indian why they feel greatly insulted if some one calls them a Guyanese.

And I laugh at your accusations that I am divisive when you spend all day screaming that blacks are unproductive criminals.  The vast majority of Guyanese in Antigua are blacks and they account for 15% of the population.  Most arrived in Antigua during the PPP era, fleeing the rampant anti black discrimination of that era.

If this 15% were all engaged in mayhem they would have been tossed out because there would be no way that a tourist dependent island would allow such behavior from a group of non nationals who are so high a % of the population.

In fact Guyanese account for 50% of the immigrants in Antigua, and at one point accounted for a high % of LIATs pilots and flight engineers.

Drugb posted:

The only "Guyanese" protesting were those with political motives like yourself. The masons, carpenters etc were already gainfully employed by developers around the country as the economy was buzzing even during Ramoutar's  short reign. 

You can believe as you wish but the use of Chinese contractors did generate a large amount of blow back. 

How many Guyanese, slaving in Barbados and elsewhere would not have preferred to be back in Guyana working on a project like that.

Which do you think that most would prefer. Suffering in the interior with snake bites and malaria, or working on the Marriott site. The majority of those in gold do this as they cannot do better.  Life on the gold sites is harsh, bitter, and at times abusive. 

The PPP screamed that Guyanese are lazy and so they got Chinese!

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Can you substantiate these remarks with any evidence? You come up with these divisive remarks, pulling it out of your arse when you fully well know that the PnC bandits are the bad behavior around the Caribbean.

Just ask any Trinidadian Indian why they feel greatly insulted if some one calls them a Guyanese.

And I laugh at your accusations that I am divisive when you spend all day screaming that blacks are unproductive criminals.  The vast majority of Guyanese in Antigua are blacks and they account for 15% of the population.  Most arrived in Antigua during the PPP era, fleeing the rampant anti black discrimination of that era.

If this 15% were all engaged in mayhem they would have been tossed out because there would be no way that a tourist dependent island would allow such behavior from a group of non nationals who are so high a % of the population.

In fact Guyanese account for 50% of the immigrants in Antigua, and at one point accounted for a high % of LIATs pilots and flight engineers.

More lies from your secret books of surveys that you alone are privy. 

In fact you use this same devise technique to try to demonstrate division between IndoGuyanese and Indians from India. Keep your spinning, hopefully the PNC boys are paying you well. 

Drugb posted:

In fact you use this same devise technique to try to demonstrate division between IndoGuyanese and Indians from India. Keep your spinning, hopefully the PNC boys are paying you well. 

Go to Trinidad and tell a Trini Indo that he is Guyanese.  Go right ahead.  The abuse you get will send you into permanent hiding.

Druggie when Trinis sent they want a maid, they say they want a "Guyanese".  When a Trini kid wants to cuss out another he calls him a "Guyanese".  These are Trini Indians.

BTW there is a book written by an Asian Indian. He finds Guyanese Indians so pathetic in their reverence for India when all they know of India is from Bollywood.  He found Guyanese Indians so intriguing that he wrote a whole book on them.  He also didn't see why this hatred for blacks given that in his opinion, he didn't see much difference.

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Why only you hear Guyanese blackman horror stories in the Islands?

YOU only hear those stories because you are a racist.  In fact in Trinidad Trini Indians are scared of Guyanese Indians. When the latter kill they slice and dice the bodies with sharp cutlasses.  THAT is the image of Guyanese Indians in Trinidad.

Can you substantiate these remarks with any evidence? You come up with these divisive remarks, pulling it out of your arse when you fully well know that the PnC bandits are the bad behavior around the Caribbean.

We are finally seeing the true colours of Carib. He is a Burnham man.

He fooled the Indians in the AFC into thinking that he was supporting their cause and now shoves a rod in the backs of Indians.

This chap will go down in GNI's history as the biggest conman and the most racist black in Guyana's history. He is worse that Burnham and Granger.

I am sure that the PNC pays him handsomely.

yuji22 posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Why only you hear Guyanese blackman horror stories in the Islands?

YOU only hear those stories because you are a racist.  In fact in Trinidad Trini Indians are scared of Guyanese Indians. When the latter kill they slice and dice the bodies with sharp cutlasses.  THAT is the image of Guyanese Indians in Trinidad.

Can you substantiate these remarks with any evidence? You come up with these divisive remarks, pulling it out of your arse when you fully well know that the PnC bandits are the bad behavior around the Caribbean.

We are finally seeing the true colours of Carib. He is a Burnham man.


What does anything that I wrote have to do with Burnham.  And how come you dream about the jumbie of a man who died 31 years ago, yet you wail if we discuss how Jagdeo allowed Roger Khan to do what he wished, even including the alleged murder of a PPP minister who stood in the way of some thing that the narco trafficker wanted..


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