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Originally Posted by Kari:

Caribny, what passes for silence is not necessarily condoning what you're silent about. There are people with a disposition to speak up and there are those with a disposition to chaffe at thing but grit their teeth and shut up. If the evidence shows that the predominant behavior here is that speaking up against racism towards Indians is vocal by some Indians, but other Indians don't speak up against racist comments towards Indians, it simply means that the non-racist Indians are less vocal than the racist Indian. You cannot infer from this statistic that non-racist Indians are racist. You tend to paint a group of people with a broad brush and this is not helpful other than to encourage tons of useless words on a serious topic.

.Kari carry your so and so.  Those SAME supposedly non racist Indians have been VERY vocal when redux, itaname and I have discussed Indian racism and highlighted the bigotry which is displayed here.


How come they are NOT silent when they come out to confront any discussion of Indian racism?


Many talk about alleged ethnic cleansing by APNU/AFC.  They are NOT willing to discuss the reason why the people who have been dismissed have been Indians.  This being that there were almost NO Africans in top slots under the PPP, so only Indians left to dismiss.  They do NOT want to talk about that.


The whole issue of African racism has been discussed.  Rodney, Eusi, Andaiye, David Hinds, Bonita Harris, Trotman, Nigel Hughes, have all talked about it.  ALL remain well regarded among Africans.


Tell me how many Indians have been so bold to discuss Indian racism, and how are the few who do regarded by the Indian population at large. 


The 3 posters who are maligned as racists do NOT deny the existence of African racism, do not deny that Indian suffered under Burnham, and do NOT deny that Indians have a reason to be distrustful of Africans.


But a discussion on the Indian role in our ethnic tensions.  TABOO.  A black person who raises it is damned as a racist.


So Afro Guyanese must accept a narrative of being savage, being stupid, being inferior, being violent, and interested in nothing else other than robbing, raping and killing Indians. YOUR silence means that this becomes the accepted norm, and when we blacks fight back against it, we are damned as racist.


 Even YOU are not exempt as we remember your calls for the PNC to apologize to Indians, as if it was only the PNC which was to blame for our ethnic morass.


Danyael gave you all an opportunity and you refused to, or are AFRAID to discuss this.


Kari come clean.  You know that any Indian who discusses racism risks censure and isolation from other Indians, whereas no educated African can engage in similar bigotry against Indians, without censure from blacks.


Just say so, and stop pretending otherwise.  BE HONEST.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

TK put some statistics here recently demonstrating the strict patterns of ethnic allegiance in electoral politics.  This is the whole nation marching in unison and not to be excused on a small volume of discontents. The entire nation is suffering from racial paranoia. That much is clear.



What should be discussed isn't that Guyanese vote race.  Yes they do and this past election was EXTREMELY racially polarized, despite what some want others to think. 


The discussion ought to be why.  We will not find answers until we are honest about the different ways which Guyanese of different ethnicities identify around their nationality and ethnicity.


What about this you do not understand - Indians in Guyana has a pathological fear (rational or irrational is not the point) of the PNC politically. That's why Ii called fora rebranding of the PNC; an image PR campaign that was scoffed at. You will ask this question for eternity and I will throw this same answer to you. That fear is propagated in families so that a Millennial Indo-Guyanese is not going to have generational sensibilities that fit into your demographic shift in attitudes.



To other Guyanese this confirmation that Indians identify around race, with their nationality as Guyanese, being only incidental.  Basically signaling that an Indian dominated entity (public or private sector) cannot be trusted to be fair to non Indians.


Again you miss the point about this fear and the fact that Afro-Guyanese behavior at that level of society does not help. I grew up in a Black neighborhood with Black friends and I share their sensibilities. I also share Indian sensibilities. That's why I can speak to this question with some closeness.


It is the suspicion that Indians are clannish, and lack any regard for non Indians, which creates angst among Africans.  Its the fear that Africans will act out their angst using violence is what scares the Indian.  Both groups will seek to use the Amerindian, now that neither the African/mixed, nor the Indian can win an election on the race vote alone.


This paragraph is just useless diatribe Caribny. Address this (ir)rational fear of Indians towards Blacks in Guyana.


Guyana should be the manufacturing power house of the Eastern Caribbean.  Instead our industrial exports (excluding milled rice and sugar) are a mere US$90 million, compared to $60 million from a tiny island like St Kitts, and $200 million from an only slightly less tiny Barbados.


Why? RACE!

No. Fix the politics and this potential will be realized. The fix to me is not a change on the part of the PPP. It's a generous acknowledgement on the part of the PNC leaders that whether they have to suck it up, whether they are in the right; that there is this pathology that only they can address. Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela both showed Blacks that they don't have to exercise their sense of historic rightness in the face of injustice.


Kari you do know that all you are doing is making my point.


YOU want me to be aware of the Indian perspective and why they think they way that they do.


YOU are not willing to take into account the African viewpoint and why Africans think they way that they do.


So we are back  to "baaad blackman, innocent Indian".  "blackman bad so he is to fix the problem".


Kari I am MORE entrenched in my views about Indian perspective towards blacks THANKS TO YOU!


The blame is due to blacks, Indians have done nothing wrong, blacks who distrust Indians are racists, but Indians can engage in the most bigoted behavior towards blacks, and you will be "silent".


BOTH are to blame and BOTH suffered and unless BOTH shift their attitudes NEITHER will get any where. 


It is NOT just up to blacks, while Indians fold their arms and feel that blacks have to give them reasons to trust them.  This remains your central thesis AND IT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!


 Many African intellectuals have spoken to African racism and to how Burnham treated Indians.  Most of these remain RESPECTED by Afro Guyanese.


Interested in hearing what Indians have been you go silent, and suddenly too shy to chat, or focus on how blacks must grovel t Indians and beg for forgiveness, which you screamed that we should do.

Last edited by Former Member

And Kari you will NOT fix the politics until you fix the racial issue.


LOOK at what is happening in Guyana now, despite all the love & unity, peace & harmony rhetoric.


The PPP ran a racist campaign damning blacks as savages, and they won MORE votes, even as their support began to decline in the 2001 election.  So now the PPP continues to throw racial bombs by making Guyana look like Syria.  It worked to mobilize the Indian vote.  And of course blacks watch the behavior and their paranoia about Indians INCREASES.


We will get NO CHANGE until we confront RACE!  So even little St Kitts exports US$60 million in electronic components to the USA, when our biggest industrial export is low end bulk rum to Europe.  And industrial exports, aside from sugar and rice, account for a mere US$90 million.


We cannot build a BRAND Guyana as Jamaicans have built their brand, so even though our premium rums are MUCH BETTER than theirs they whip us in the export of branded rums into the USA.  We don't have a BRAND because he do NOT have a sense of being Guyanese, the way that Jamaicans are JAMAICAN.  Why? RACE!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:

Caribny, you seem to not want to address the Indo-Guyanese pathological fear of a Black political class. You insist on saying that Indo-Guyanese calling out other Indo-Guyanese as the panacea for fixing the race issue.


Good luck!


Kari. Now making yourself a narrow minded racist jus6t like the Indo KKK.



1  I stated that African racism existed, that Indians suffered under the PNC, and that Indians have a valid claim to be distrustful.


2.  I stated that Africans have spoken to African racism, remain respected among Africans, to the point where open displays of African bigotry will be roundly condemned by most thinking African.


So Yes I have looked at Indian ethnic insecurity.


You howvere continue to endorse the racist screams that "black man lazy, black man violent, black man living off Indians".  You say NOTHING on it.  You claim that this is because you are too quiet.




1.  You endorse a narrative of "black man bad, Indians innocent, so black man has to apologize"





2.  You fear being censured and  ostracized by other Indians





YOU cannot even be bothered to look at the African side of the equation and concede that


1.  BOTH have been guilty and BOTH have suffered.


2.  BOTH are obligated to make changes to solve the problem.


African racism has been discussed to death, and often by Africans such as Eusi, David Hinds, Andaiye, Bonita Harris, Raphael Trotman, and Nigel Hughes.


WHICH Indians, who haven't been ostracized by Indians at large, are bold enough to discuss Indian racism?

Last edited by Former Member

Kari I am on to you and other closet Indo KKK types.  You quietly endorse the blatant bigotry promoted by people like Jagdeo, but don't want to be linked to it.


So you find all sorts of excuses to avoid discussing Indian racism and then pretend as if blacks do not speak to what Burnham did to Indians.


You think that you will shut down a discussion on Indian racism.


Kari you make it WORSE, as you further the perception that blacks have of Indians, that they are clannish, and are united by a racist perspective of blacks.


Despite your claims, you have NO IDEA of the thinking of Africans on this subject, because if you did, your reaction would be different!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

you are the biggest racist and a dog on this planet. get the hell in yuh bloody corner idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!

coming from an illiterate drunk like you, I wear the title proudly. I heard it's raining in NY today. So choose your after hours gutter carefully after you drink the free swill served to you by the PPP.

that banana got a PhD...and from an accredited school...showing you clearly that idiots can be minted any place.

If you believe his lie that he's a professor with a PhD, then I have a bridge across the Berbice River that I'd like to sell you.
Originally Posted by Chief:

Caribj is a racist poke!

Chief we have heard your nonsense since last year.  YOU and Kari wanted blacks to apologize to Indians, and not have Indians also apologize to blacks.  When your trick was exposed, you call us racists.


Yet we have seignet preaching that blacks have demons, and must be punished, and the others screaming "blackman gun kill ahbe" and then it turns out that some of the murders are Indo on Indo, or Indo paying Afro to kill Indo.    This with the intent of painting blacks as violent savages, whose sole goal is to rob, rape, and kill Indians.


Like Kari, you are too "shy" to see where the REAL racism on GNU is.


Your notion of a racist is a black man who shines a light on Indo racism, to expose Indos like you who pretend as if the only racists in Guyana are blacks.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Vish M:

This is the sort of rooted racism that I was talking about.


This fella seems to be doing his thesis on Guyanese racism.


I wonder if he will be awarded his "PhD" 

Racism is defined as a feeling of superiority or hatred towards another race.


Identifying the fact of racism, and pointing out that the focus of racism in Guyana is ALWAYS focused on that of Africans towards Indians, and never about Indians towards Africans is not racism. 


Those who insist that it is merely wish to continue to avoid discussions of Indian racism, even as Jagdeo and the Guyana Times continue a campaign of bigotry towards blacks.  Yes the old story of the savage black man, assaulting Indians.


I wonder how you would react if there were blacks prattling about Indian stereotypes, you know the ones about Indians being money hungry, greedy, and lacking in basic ethics. 


NOT one person who opines on Indian racism uses these stereotypes, yet regularly we see the usual rounds of black violence, black laziness, and black uselessness.  SILENCE from the vast majority of these Indians who CLAIM that they are not racist.  Kari even pretended that he is shy!

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by cain:

carib is correct here.

Puitagees jealous of both blacks and indians.

Oh yeah? I jealous of you chief, I wish I could say prayers that go nowhere, tell others that my religion is the one and only, preach tolerance while same time tell others to "shut deh poke."

Few people are blessed with that art!


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