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From Kaiture news
May 1, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 




Shurlon Austin




Guyanese medical student,Shurlon Austin is now being held in











Havana Cuba. The wife of the first murder victim died today. The couple have left a five-year-old behind.  On Thursday, news from the island stated that the final-year medical student was in police custody having killed a Cuban.  There were also reports that the victim’s wife was found with her throat slit.
Official information out of the island was not forthcoming; the main reason being that the police were conducting their investigations.
There was no stated motive for the killing. Initially there were thoughts of a triangular love affair but this has not been confirmed. Instead, there is the view that after Austin killed the man the woman might have been a witness and hence attracted unwanted attention.
Reports state that the killing occurred at 10:00 hours Thursday but the police were not notified until three that afternoon.  There was also no word whether Austin was arrested at the scene or elsewhere. There was also no assessment of the mood of the Cubans; whether there is some animosity toward Guyanese.
For now the students’ affairs officer has been asked to meet with the remaining Guyanese in the island and to inform them to remain within the confines of their dormitories to avoid any backlash.



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