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Guyanese populated Schenectady ranked most dangerous, poorest city in USA

October 3, 2015 1:37 pm Category: Business, Crime A+ / A-

628x471[] – A U.S City where hundreds of Guyanese from across New York were lured into securing cheap homes in the early 2000 is being dubbed the worst city in the nation.

New reports are coming out, showing Schenectady to be the worst city in the United States.

The area which has a large Guyanese population is said to be full of crack cocaine, heroin, and a corrupt police department that was threatened to be shut down a year ago by the FBI.

“The Schenectady Police Depart doesn’t serve and protect, it has a long history of racketeering, prostitution encouragement, and sells drugs,” a U.S media report stated.

With a population of 66,041, violent crime in the area is ranked 7th highest in New York while property crime ranks 14th worst in New York.

In Schenectady, you have a 33% daily chance of being a victim of crime.

Rape is especially serious in Schenectady, where heroin usage is rampant.

Union College, a semi-IVY, has students secured in a fenced in campus because the college students are afraid to leave their dorms. They call the people Schenectoids.

This goes to show how poor Schenectady’s reputation is, but worse yet is the home values.

“The median home value in Schenectady is $87,600. Schenectady home values have declined -3.5% over the past year and Zillow predicts they will fall -0.1% within the next year.”

The income levels in Schenectady are atrocious as well. The average person who works (35% of the population) does little better than minimum wage; in fact, the average hourly rate is minimum wage.

Many people in Schenectady are on welfare.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Prince posted:

October 3, 2015 1:37 pm? Which jungle this guy is living?

Bhai, yuh remember we used to call Dem Dhal Gotayer before last May. Was the wood computa chap also wanted to go into wooden Dhal Gutney??


Quite unfortunate that Guyanese got lured to this dead end city only to be robbed by the scum who live there. Even the industrious Indians were not able to turn the city around as their efforts were thwarted by the overwhelming scum that populate the area.  This is similar to Guyana where one people do the hard work while the other set rob and destroy.

A bustling metropolis North of NYC. Once famous, now is largely inhabited by drug dealers who couldn't hack it in the big city, and the gangs of roaming crack headsthat have fallen victim to the lure of the big city dope dealer's product. There are also alot of Guyanese people who have moved there from NYC and started buying property and making improvements on that property in order to turn it over for a profit....then buy nice homes for themselves in Rotterdam, a nice town on the Schenectady border where the Italians live for the most part. And let us not forget the prostitutes, as there are many. From somewhat high-class call girl types, to nasty toothless crack whores who will suck your dick for $5. Schenectady is also home of the most corrupt police department in the entire world, bar none. They run the drug, prostitution, and gambling rings. They've been known to drive drunk, shoot innocent people, yell racial slurrs, and throw eggs at citizens. In the early to mid 90's, Schenectady was dubbed "Baby New York" largely due to the high murder rate. However, the people that still live there have never given up hope, and they have new pipe dreams every year of businesses moving in. Most businesses that do make the seemingly drastic move to Schenectady typically employ less than 100 people, thus not putting a dent in the city's unemployment problem. Some of the Schenectadian's favorite pass times include: spin the crack head, guess who's got VD, robbing the Haji-Mart, selling drugs to cops, buying drugs from cops, getting raped in Central Park, and being a porch monkey. Some other names for Schenectady are Scum-nectady, Skank-ectady, and shit town.
girl: "so, where ya from anyway?"
guy: "Schenectady"
girl: "OMG, are you a crack head or an AIDS patient?"
Nehru posted:
Prince posted:

October 3, 2015 1:37 pm? Which jungle this guy is living?

Bhai, yuh remember we used to call Dem Dhal Gotayer before last May. Was the wood computa chap also wanted to go into wooden Dhal Gutney??

Pointblack is certainly at a dead end. He ran out to topic to blame Guyanese in America for something. The excitement is over in Guyana and Granger put him and others to shame. Right now he is digging for gold. I hope he is not digging a grave and make believe its gold digging.  

Prince posted:
Nehru posted:
Prince posted:

October 3, 2015 1:37 pm? Which jungle this guy is living?

Bhai, yuh remember we used to call Dem Dhal Gotayer before last May. Was the wood computa chap also wanted to go into wooden Dhal Gutney??

Pointblack is certainly at a dead end. He ran out to topic to blame Guyanese in America for something. The excitement is over in Guyana and Granger put him and others to shame. Right now he is digging for gold. I hope he is not digging a grave and make believe its gold digging.  

I have to agree.

I recently stayed at Niskayuna, NY during a recent visit to New York.

Pointblank is firing blanks and has blacktop on his face with this article.

Niskayuna is developing and has some very expensive home. I saw no African Americans where I was staying. It appears very upscale, with high taxes and excellent schools and facilities.

Places like Mount Pleasant Schenectady are now digging out after years of economic slump as a result of  Indo Guyanese moving and tearing down homes and building very beautiful homes. Guyanese have transformed these neighbourhoods.

African Americans appear to be left behind. They are poor and the drug problems and theft are restricted to their communities. I cannot speak for them but it is very sad to see human beings living in those conditions. Shooting is a norm in the Afro American neighbourhoods.

Republicans and Democrats have left these people behind.

I saw lots of buildings being torn down and replaced with new and modern buildings, there will be a modern Casino and hotels built around it. Home Depot and many businesses have all returned to Schenectady. The place is on a rebound.

I can see it becoming like Guyana were Indos are doing very well economically and eventually African Americans will start lashing to against the successful similar to Guyana.

Kudos to the Guyanese community for pulling Schenectady out of the slums.

Pointblank hates Indos and can rub some some more blackpot on his face for position nonsense.


Last edited by Former Member

If I may add,

I was very saddened to see the sign of resignation in the eyes of African Americans in poor communities in Schenectady . These folks have endured hardships and have now resigned themselves to hopelessness.

They probably expected a lift with Obama in office but they appear to have sunk deeper into poverty, crime and drugs.

Very sad.


With all it's problems, Guyanese (parentage) kids continue to dominate the high-achievers' list in the middle and high schools.  Indo-Guyanese are like weed, some may wilt and waste, but up spring new shoots even from the wilted weed.  There is nothing worse than surviving the PNC apartheid in Guyana, and that they (we) did.  They will recover and thrive!!

ba$eman posted:

With all it's problems, Guyanese (parentage) kids continue to dominate the high-achievers' list in the middle and high schools. 

Easy to do so in a dying upstate city.  The best and the brightest left LONG ago!

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

With all it's problems, Guyanese (parentage) kids continue to dominate the high-achievers' list in the middle and high schools. 

Easy to do so in a dying upstate city.  The best and the brightest left LONG ago!

Not everyone is fortunate to have Section 8 housing. People live where they like or can afford rent.


Many of the Guyanese living in Schenectady are working for the State and Federal gov't. in Albany.  Many have found jobs that pay a few dollars above the minimum wage.  Somehow they are making it since most of them don't have mortgages to pay. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

With all it's problems, Guyanese (parentage) kids continue to dominate the high-achievers' list in the middle and high schools. 

Easy to do so in a dying upstate city.  The best and the brightest left LONG ago!

You are wrong.  There is an mid/upper class there whose kids are college bound.  In fact, I know several Guyanese whose kids are in Niskayuna district schools and their kids are top quartile.  Maybe your acquaintances are concentrated in the city school district!


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Kari posted:

Cobra seem to be making a pitch to have a separate forum for "Blacks are mankind's worst" . That way he can write endlessly on the topic which he has an obsession with.

Based on what I see on GNI at least 50% of Guyanese Indians will join him.

For some reason being seen as black hating racists sticks more to Guyanese Indians than it does even to those from Trinidad.  Even black Americans and blacks from islands like Jamaica and Barbados have come to this view. 

No wonder as folks see what happens daily on GNI.  This being quite visible to any one who googles "Guyana politics" and then reads druggie screaming about blacks being lazy and welfare dependent, just as if he is on a KKK site.

This site was even mentioned on an online Bajan forum when they discussed that Guyanese Indians go to that island to do low level work, yet still think that they have the right to look down on the blacks of that island.

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

With all it's problems, Guyanese (parentage) kids continue to dominate the high-achievers' list in the middle and high schools. 

Easy to do so in a dying upstate city.  The best and the brightest left LONG ago!

You are wrong.  There is an mid/upper class there whose kids are college bound.  In fact, I know several Guyanese whose kids are in Niskayuna district schools and their kids are top quartile.  Maybe your acquaintances are concentrated in the city school district!

Sensible people don't move to that dying town.  So the fact that some one might have kids performing well is no great feat.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

With all it's problems, Guyanese (parentage) kids continue to dominate the high-achievers' list in the middle and high schools. 

Easy to do so in a dying upstate city.  The best and the brightest left LONG ago!

You are wrong.  There is an mid/upper class there whose kids are college bound.  In fact, I know several Guyanese whose kids are in Niskayuna district schools and their kids are top quartile.  Maybe your acquaintances are concentrated in the city school district!

Sensible people don't move to that dying town.  So the fact that some one might have kids performing well is no great feat.

You don't know of what you speak!

ba$eman posted:

You don't know of what you speak!

Upstate is a disaster and a dying region. The mayor of that town fooled Guyanese. Well sensible people fled that town he looked for fools to encourage to move there.  

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

You don't know of what you speak!

Upstate is a disaster and a dying region. The mayor of that town fooled Guyanese. Well sensible people fled that town he looked for fools to encourage to move there.  

Not true Carib.

No one was fooled. Guyanese Indians who could not have afforded houses in New York City took a chance and moved up there. Many of them are working in the many different industties including Pepsi that had a Hugh manufacturing g and distribution center  up there. Others are working in Albany ( I am traveling there tomorrow  for a confrench with Cuomo), others are nurses and teachers etc etc.

As to this day Guyanese are still moving there for the same reasons that  they did some 15 years ago.

Chief posted:

As to this day Guyanese are still moving there for the same reasons that  they did some 15 years ago.

And yet as NYCs population has grown significantly NYSs population hasn't due to declining upstate populations.

We lost 2 congressional representatives as a result of this.  NYC has seen a significant population increase. Lagging NYS growth is because upstate populations are DECLINING.  That is why cheap housing is available. While the immigrant population will be content to work in this stagnant economy what prospects are they offering their kids?

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

You don't know of what you speak!

Upstate is a disaster and a dying region. The mayor of that town fooled Guyanese. Well sensible people fled that town he looked for fools to encourage to move there.  

Many industrial jobs have been outsourced to China.  Trump would have brought them back, but you want crooked Hillary.  There is a push to bring manufacturing back to the region which will have a positive impact in the economy.

Guliani and the local mayor there wanted a revival like they saw in Queens due to the industrious and hard working Indian population.  However, without a significant economic mainstay to employ the more skilled and educated, it's a difficult task.

Chief posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

You don't know of what you speak!

Upstate is a disaster and a dying region. The mayor of that town fooled Guyanese. Well sensible people fled that town he looked for fools to encourage to move there.  

Not true Carib.

No one was fooled. Guyanese Indians who could not have afforded houses in New York City took a chance and moved up there. Many of them are working in the many different industties including Pepsi that had a Hugh manufacturing g and distribution center  up there. Others are working in Albany ( I am traveling there tomorrow  for a confrench with Cuomo), others are nurses and teachers etc etc.

As to this day Guyanese are still moving there for the same reasons that  they did some 15 years ago.

This story is yet to have a conclusion. Years ago people said the same about the Porteguese/Brazillians in the Ironbound section of Newark. Today it is the most prosperous enclave in Newark while the south bound area where Blacks occupy continue to be the armpit of the state.

Drugb posted:
Chief posted:
caribny posted:

Upstate is a disaster and a dying region. The mayor of that town fooled Guyanese. Well sensible people fled that town he looked for fools to encourage to move there.  

Not true Carib.

No one was fooled. Guyanese Indians who could not have afforded houses in New York City took a chance and moved up there. Many of them are working in the many different industties including Pepsi that had a Hugh manufacturing g and distribution center  up there. Others are working in Albany ( I am traveling there tomorrow  for a confrench with Cuomo), others are nurses and teachers etc etc.

As to this day Guyanese are still moving there for the same reasons that  they did some 15 years ago.

This story is yet to have a conclusion. Years ago people said the same about the Porteguese/Brazillians in the Ironbound section of Newark. Today it is the most prosperous enclave in Newark while the south bound area where Blacks occupy continue to be the armpit of the state.

Correct, I visited there recently, its even better that few year back.  Caribj looks for instant gratification and defines progress as running around with a shirt-jack, push-toe slipper and a diary in your hand.  An SEZ bringing in a few businesses and the place will start hopping. 


Caribj is correct.  Schenectady is a hell hole.  People who did not have any opportunities anywhere else moved there hoping for a break to move on with their lives.  They were lured there by dirt cheap property prices.  Many have since moved back to where they came from.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Caribj is correct.  Schenectady is a hell hole.  People who did not have any opportunities anywhere else moved there hoping for a break to move on with their lives.  They were lured there by dirt cheap property prices.  Many have since moved back to where they came from.

I was there in July, not a hell hole but not  Paradise either.  Many Guyanese are doing just fine. The Guyanese that are there are the Guyanese who are not afraid of hard work, sacrifice,  not on

welfare and dont know the Art of Pickpocket!!!!!!!!


Yuh think only Guyanese know fuh wuk hard....anyway, ayuh leave them people alone...people do what they can to survive...lots of people one job loss away from poverty...

is not like yuh can grow bora and mind chicken in winter

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Caribj is correct.  Schenectady is a hell hole.  People who did not have any opportunities anywhere else moved there hoping for a break to move on with their lives.  They were lured there by dirt cheap property prices.  Many have since moved back to where they came from.

I was there in July, not a hell hole but not  Paradise either.  Many Guyanese are doing just fine. The Guyanese that are there are the Guyanese who are not afraid of hard work, sacrifice,  not on

welfare and dont know the Art of Pickpocket!!!!!!!!

I was in Niskayuna, Schenectady just over a week ago. It is very upscale with excellent schools and facilities. I visit Niskayuna and NYC very often in the Summertime.

It depends where in Schenectady one talks about.

Certain areas are indeed drug and crime infested but those areas are restricted to African American communities which has lost hope and lack economic opportunities.  

Just take a look at few communities in NYC and you get the big picture.

Indo Guyanese on the other hand, are doing quite well by purchasing homes, tearing them down and building beautiful homes. They are slowly but surely changing Schenectady. 

Yes a few have returned to NYC but the NYC lifestyle is quite different than the lifestyle of Schenectady. 

I know someone who owns about 30 homes in Schenectady and has upgraded them and is doing quite well.

As stated before, those who have not visited in a while are speaking nonsense, that place is developing with new buildings, a new casino, new hotels, new businesses etc.

Guyanese are productive and are gainfully employed unlike some African Americans on welfare and living from day to day.

It is a great place for new Immigrants to start with affordable homes. Lots of jobs also exist in the medical facilities etc. Guyanese are gainfully employed and are doing quite well. I saw Guyanese driving very expensive vehicles and they own beautiful homes.

Carib is talking from his rear when he speaks of Guyanese not doing well in Schenectady. He is trying to trash talk Indo Guyanese. He is probably trying rub the filth that African Americans are living under on Guyanese who are doing quite well.

I saw it for my own eyes.

Last edited by Former Member

I visited there a few times[one of my niece lives there],recently earlier this year,there is a section that is bad and run down,there is where the property are cheap,out of that area the place seems great.

Chief posted:
ba$eman posted:
Nehru posted:

I know someone who makes in excess of 75000 per year living in Schenectady.

That's decent money for that area!

Decent money anywhere.

Once you work and make it on you own, you are making decent money. You can be a janitor and make $10.00 an hour, if it feeds you and your family and put a roof over your head, you are good. Life is not all about how much you make; it's how much you help your fellow man.

Stormborn posted:

First of all Guyanese were lured to that broken down city by the Guyanese Scam cartel. It is also ridiculous that the 3 or 4 thousand there who took the bait see that place as opportunity given it is what they can afford in housing cannot change that place. There are as many other asians there and they also combined cannot change the place unless there is change in the entire city with a population of some 70k.Blacks only make up between 15 to 20 percent of the population. That is a mainly white city.

I believe it was GE that moved out causing the depression.  Another big employer is needed and the place will start hopping again.  No amount of Guyanese, Asians,etc can materially change anything without such an employer.  Queens was revived by Indo-Guyanese because of Manhattan.


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