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Marriott Hotel project…Guyanese right to work has been sold – opposition MP

February 11, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 



- demands immediate resignation of Finance Minister, Brassington


Government’s explanation of why no locals were hired in the US$51M Marriott Hotel project in Kingston has drawn sharp reactions with the main opposition party in the National Assembly, leading to calls for the resignation of the Minister of Finance.
A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) Member of Parliament Joseph Harmon, who has responsibility for public works, is now demanding the immediate resignations of Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh, and head of the Atlantic Hotel Inc., Winston Brassington.

Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh

APNU has 26 seats in the National Assembly and together with the Alliance For Change, commands a one seat majority for the Opposition.
On Friday, in wake of growing anger over news that checks at the project found no locals gainfully employed, Brassington in defense said that the contractor, Shanghai Construction Group (SCG), had demanded Chinese labour be used as part of the contract conditionalities.
There have been questions why government was plunging state funds into such a venture, especially as there was no evidence that a feasibility study was ever conducted. While a number of private sector groups have publicly endorsed the project, none of them have reportedly admitted to wanting to invest in it.
Monies, around $2B, were advanced since 2011 and construction began last year but negotiations with the investors are still continuing, a disclosure that is also angering Parliamentarians.
According to Harmon, the country’s laws require that before work permits are granted to foreign nationals, there must be an absence of the skill in Guyana.
“Was there an advertisement for the skills? Is there a shortage of labourers for construction in Guyana?”
The MP said that the claims by Brassington flies in face of the very glaring reality that there is a high rate of unemployment among young people.
“Did this requirement pass over the Minister of Labour or the Minister of Home Affairs and the venerable Attorney General, the champion of constitutional rights?”
The fact that the Board of Directors of Atlantic Hotels Inc. agreed to these conditions should be grounds for their immediate firing, Harmon said.
AHI, a subsidiary of government’s privatization arm, National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL), reportedly includes a number of Government Ministers.

Winston Brassington

“We must not sell the rights of our people for a few million dollars. It would be interesting to note how much has been paid to the National Insurance Scheme and the Guyana Revenue Authority on behalf of these super efficient workers,” Harmon said.
It was exactly in fear of a scenario like this that APNU had supported a motion, requiring all funding by the state to this project be approved by the National Assembly.
“How could we, as a nation, accept that for the construction cost to be lowered, the right of Guyanese to work as guaranteed in the Constitution of Guyana and the Caribbean be frittered away?”
On Friday, Brassington, in an exclusive interview with the state’s news agency, said that the use of a mostly Chinese labour force to construct the multi-million-dollar Marriott Hotel was just one of several conditionalities necessary for the facility’s efficient and speedy construction.
Brassington, who has been under fire as head of NICIL/Privatisation Unit, which manages Government assets, explained that SCG won the bid to construct the hotel from 23 other firms.
Initially, the price was US$65M, “but they were able to lower the cost to US$51M with the condition that they be able to control who they employ on the site,” the release said Friday.
In defending SCG’s decision to hire Chinese nationals, Brassington said that the company indicated that “(it) had examined the level of skills available for the project as well as the levels of productivity.”

APNU’s MP, Joe Harmon

According to government, the hotel when completed will boast 197 rooms, a large ballroom, conference centre, a casino, nightclub, restaurant, a concrete walkway and all other amenities of a world-class hotel.
However, the casino, nightclub and restaurant will be leased to a third party, which will manage them separately.
Government, in defending its decision to build a Marriott Hotel, said there is a shortage of quality rooms in Guyana…a claim that has been denied by hotel owners who said that there are too many empty rooms to justify a new hotel.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This is a disgrace. I mentioned many moons ago that the Chinese would demand that Chinese workers come over and do the jobs. It is a trick by them. Once those Chinese agents are here they'll apply for a visa to stay. 


But it is a disgrace that Guyanese workers are being left unemployed with the excuse that they are not skilled and won't work fast enough. If that is the attitude of the PPP then soon all honest Guyanese workers will have no jobs at all. It will be foreigners coming over to do the jobs. These people don't pay taxes and do not contribute to the local economy. So where is the money going to come from to support the other businesses that require expenditures from the locals?


Doan forget, dem Guyanese dem does doan speak proper English neither.


No Guyanese in Marriott’s construction… Language barrier, lack of skills locally were the reasons – Brassington

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

This is a disgrace. I mentioned many moons ago that the Chinese would demand that Chinese workers come over and do the jobs. It is a trick by them. Once those Chinese agents are here they'll apply for a visa to stay. 


But it is a disgrace that Guyanese workers are being left unemployed with the excuse that they are not skilled and won't work fast enough. If that is the attitude of the PPP then soon all honest Guyanese workers will have no jobs at all. It will be foreigners coming over to do the jobs. These people don't pay taxes and do not contribute to the local economy. So where is the money going to come from to support the other businesses that require expenditures from the locals?

Declare war on the Chinese NOW. Run them out with cutlasses and blow torches.


history repeating itself the white master bring black slave  and end with indian labourers now the indian masters is bring in chinese labourers i wonder if the chinese can cut cane or they  too smart for field wok

Originally Posted by warrior:

history repeating itself the white master bring black slave  and end with indian labourers now the indian masters is bring in chinese labourers i wonder if the chinese can cut cane or they  too smart for field wok

Warria: It was not the white man who sold the slaves;it was the the chiefs in Africa who sold their own into slavery. The white man contributed to this by providing a market for the slaves. 


so if the white man did go into AFRICA with they slave ship who the AFRICAN will sell they slave to all i my saying is the white people brough slave to the carlbbean slave was always in AFRICA and almost every part of the world is like the chinese and the guyana government if the guyana government was not corrupt the chinese will have nobody to corrupt 

Originally Posted by warrior:

so if the white man did go into AFRICA with they slave ship who the AFRICAN will sell they slave to all i my saying is the white people brough slave to the carlbbean slave was always in AFRICA and almost every part of the world is like the chinese and the guyana government if the guyana government was not corrupt the chinese will have nobody to corrupt 

It's more than 2 of your sentences. Nothing makes sense.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:

history repeating itself the white master bring black slave  and end with indian labourers now the indian masters is bring in chinese labourers i wonder if the chinese can cut cane or they  too smart for field wok

Warria: It was not the white man who sold the slaves;it was the the chiefs in Africa who sold their own into slavery. The white man contributed to this by providing a market for the slaves. 

H esaid its the white man who BROUGHT the slaves.  The Africans didnt create the demand for slaves.  They merely provided a reliable supply.  And they did so to weaken competing ethnic groups by depriving them of their strongest, and profiting from the sale.


The notion that Chiefs sold THEIR OWN is a racist fallacy which I expect Indo Nazis like you to peddle.  It makes no sense for a chief to sell his own when the neighboring ethnic group would have then used this reduced ability to produce goods and services and to defend lands, to encroach.


The Africans saw Europeans as another alien group.  They didnt have a notion that an English man was more foreign than a traditional African enemy.  Merely another person with whom they can profit through trade.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:

history repeating itself the white master bring black slave  and end with indian labourers now the indian masters is bring in chinese labourers i wonder if the chinese can cut cane or they  too smart for field wok

Warria: It was not the white man who sold the slaves;it was the the chiefs in Africa who sold their own into slavery. The white man contributed to this by providing a market for the slaves. 

H esaid its the white man who BROUGHT the slaves.  The Africans didnt create the demand for slaves.  They merely provided a reliable supply.  And they did so to weaken competing ethnic groups by depriving them of their strongest, and profiting from the sale.


The notion that Chiefs sold THEIR OWN is a racist fallacy which I expect Indo Nazis like you to peddle.  It makes no sense for a chief to sell his own when the neighboring ethnic group would have then used this reduced ability to produce goods and services and to defend lands, to encroach.


The Africans saw Europeans as another alien group.  They didnt have a notion that an English man was more foreign than a traditional African enemy.  Merely another person with whom they can profit through trade.

You can put all the spin you want. It's a fact that the white man could not have gotten the slaves if the African chiefs did not sell them for colored beads etc.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

You can put all the spin you want. It's a fact that the white man could not have gotten the slaves if the African chiefs did not sell them for colored beads etc.

Funny every history book speasks of the triangle trade. Ships left Europe with MANUFACTURED products, including guns which they sold to Africans in exchange for slaves.


So here you peddle your usually bigoted notion that African chiefs were stupid.


1.  They sold their own people into slavery, their MOST PRODUCTIVE people.  This meant that there would be fewer people to farm and fewer men to defend their territories against bordering groups who were always intent on expanding lands under their control.


2.  The nonsense that chiefs sold highly valuable slavesd for valueless baubles.  The chiefs were very aware how valuable the slaves were and demanded valuable products in exchange.  Indeed by the late 1700sd there was a serious decline in the purchase of slaves because they had become TOO EXPENSIVE!!!



Also note that your ancestors reached Guyana by similar methods.  They were SOLD by folks whose jobs was to procure indentures. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

You can put all the spin you want. It's a fact that the white man could not have gotten the slaves if the African chiefs did not sell them for colored beads etc.

Funny every history book speasks of the triangle trade. Ships left Europe with MANUFACTURED products, including guns which they sold to Africans in exchange for slaves.


So here you peddle your usually bigoted notion that African chiefs were stupid.


1.  They sold their own people into slavery, their MOST PRODUCTIVE people.  This meant that there would be fewer people to farm and fewer men to defend their territories against bordering groups who were always intent on expanding lands under their control.


2.  The nonsense that chiefs sold highly valuable slavesd for valueless baubles.  The chiefs were very aware how valuable the slaves were and demanded valuable products in exchange.  Indeed by the late 1700sd there was a serious decline in the purchase of slaves because they had become TOO EXPENSIVE!!!



Also note that your ancestors reached Guyana by similar methods.  They were SOLD by folks whose jobs was to procure indentures. 

My grandparents were not sold. They migrated voluntarily. Know your facts.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

You can put all the spin you want. It's a fact that the white man could not have gotten the slaves if the African chiefs did not sell them for colored beads etc.

Funny every history book speasks of the triangle trade. Ships left Europe with MANUFACTURED products, including guns which they sold to Africans in exchange for slaves.


So here you peddle your usually bigoted notion that African chiefs were stupid.


My grandparents were not sold. They migrated voluntarily. Know your facts.

 Sir, significant numbers of Indians were tricked, kidnapped and for all intents and purpose duped into going into indentureshop. Theidea that the migrated voluntarily also had other  contingent factors such as excruciating long term poverty and underclass status forcing the choice.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

You can put all the spin you want. It's a fact that the white man could not have gotten the slaves if the African chiefs did not sell them for colored beads etc.

Funny every history book speasks of the triangle trade. Ships left Europe with MANUFACTURED products, including guns which they sold to Africans in exchange for slaves.


So here you peddle your usually bigoted notion that African chiefs were stupid.


My grandparents were not sold. They migrated voluntarily. Know your facts.

 Sir, significant numbers of Indians were tricked, kidnapped and for all intents and purpose duped into going into indentureshop. Theidea that the migrated voluntarily also had other  contingent factors such as excruciating long term poverty and underclass status forcing the choice.

At least they were not herded up and thrown into cages like animals. I am extremely happy that for whatever reason, they left India. God bless their souls.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

You can put all the spin you want. It's a fact that the white man could not have gotten the slaves if the African chiefs did not sell them for colored beads etc.

Funny every history book speasks of the triangle trade. Ships left Europe with MANUFACTURED products, including guns which they sold to Africans in exchange for slaves.


So here you peddle your usually bigoted notion that African chiefs were stupid.


My grandparents were not sold. They migrated voluntarily. Know your facts.

 Sir, significant numbers of Indians were tricked, kidnapped and for all intents and purpose duped into going into indentureshop. Theidea that the migrated voluntarily also had other  contingent factors such as excruciating long term poverty and underclass status forcing the choice.

At least they were not herded up and thrown into cages like animals. I am extremely happy that for whatever reason, they left India. God bless their souls.

 Were you to concern yourself with finding out their predicament on entering into the hold of the ships that brought them you would find they were packed and treated no better than herd animals. The mortality rates across the period could inform you of the conditions.


Indeed it is a good thing for us the descendents but our ancestors lived horrible deprived lives with no reprieve until  a couple of decades after indentureship. Some will say that with 40 percent landless and below the poverty line they are still to see that new day.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

At least they were not herded up and thrown into cages like animals. I am extremely happy that for whatever reason, they left India. God bless their souls.

You do know that the first wave of indentures arrived in boats that were previously used to transport slaves.  And the mortialty artes were very high due to the atrocious conditions found on board.


An additional point is that many whi voluntarily left India were fleeing gthe naked exploitation of land owners, money lenders and others.  So many in India were just as evil as the Africans who sold slaves to Europeans and to Arabs/Persians/Indians.



In fact a savings of 14M USD is significant to any project, almost 23% discount. 

From the Chinese perspective I see where they would benefit from this type of arrangement. The local labor would be too troublesome, worries of strikes would be averted.  Also the Chinese workers would have more experience since they would have worked on construction sites of similar magnitude throughout the world. Local labor would take time to get up to snuff to the Chinese standards and of course the language barrier would add to the delay. And finally let us not forget that the Guyanese workers would immediately start robbing and stealing building supplies once on the inside. The Chinese are shrewd in this regard, whether it is right is another matter, but an expedient business decision by both the Chinese and Nicil. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

In fact a savings of 14M USD is significant to any project, almost 23% discount. 

From the Chinese perspective I see where they would benefit from this type of arrangement. The local labor would be too troublesome, worries of strikes would be averted.  Also the Chinese workers would have more experience since they would have worked on construction sites of similar magnitude throughout the world. Local labor would take time to get up to snuff to the Chinese standards and of course the language barrier would add to the delay. And finally let us not forget that the Guyanese workers would immediately start robbing and stealing building supplies once on the inside. The Chinese are shrewd in this regard, whether it is right is another matter, but an expedient business decision by both the Chinese and Nicil. 

 You know in other parts of the Caribbean where the Chinese behave like this, the locals have begun to attack and rob them, feeling that this is the only way that they can benefit.  In fcat a few years ago Surinamers even drive the Chinese out of a few villages.


This is what you wish for Guyana.

  The reason why the Chinese might save on labor costs is because they are introducing a form of slavery to Guyana, where rural Chinese, who have few employment opportunities, are forced to accept slave like conditions outside of China.  Is this waht you want for Guyana?


Do you think that Guyanese workers (who are  valued OUTSIDE of Guyana) are being unreasonable, or because you know that they will not tolerate virtual slavery?


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

In fact a savings of 14M USD is significant to any project, almost 23% discount. 

From the Chinese perspective I see where they would benefit from this type of arrangement. The local labor would be too troublesome, worries of strikes would be averted.  Also the Chinese workers would have more experience since they would have worked on construction sites of similar magnitude throughout the world. Local labor would take time to get up to snuff to the Chinese standards and of course the language barrier would add to the delay. And finally let us not forget that the Guyanese workers would immediately start robbing and stealing building supplies once on the inside. The Chinese are shrewd in this regard, whether it is right is another matter, but an expedient business decision by both the Chinese and Nicil. 

You are an dirty,awful,lawless person. You go out of your way to find all ways and means to make all forms of corruption,legal.

You are the best dirtbag around. You are a Filthy scumbag, pheeewww!!!

Just remember I warned you. You are being watched, keep it up.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

You can put all the spin you want. It's a fact that the white man could not have gotten the slaves if the African chiefs did not sell them for colored beads etc.

Funny every history book speasks of the triangle trade. Ships left Europe with MANUFACTURED products, including guns which they sold to Africans in exchange for slaves.


So here you peddle your usually bigoted notion that African chiefs were stupid.


My grandparents were not sold. They migrated voluntarily. Know your facts.

 Sir, significant numbers of Indians were tricked, kidnapped and for all intents and purpose duped into going into indentureshop. Theidea that the migrated voluntarily also had other  contingent factors such as excruciating long term poverty and underclass status forcing the choice.

At least they were not herded up and thrown into cages like animals. I am extremely happy that for whatever reason, they left India. God bless their souls.

 Were you to concern yourself with finding out their predicament on entering into the hold of the ships that brought them you would find they were packed and treated no better than herd animals. The mortality rates across the period could inform you of the conditions.


Indeed it is a good thing for us the descendents but our ancestors lived horrible deprived lives with no reprieve until  a couple of decades after indentureship. Some will say that with 40 percent landless and below the poverty line they are still to see that new day.

I spoke to my grandfather about his life in India and his journey from India. Who are you to doubt him? What do you know about their history? I thought you were mostly concerned about the native tribes in Guyana.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

You can put all the spin you want. It's a fact that the white man could not have gotten the slaves if the African chiefs did not sell them for colored beads etc.

Funny every history book speasks of the triangle trade. Ships left Europe with MANUFACTURED products, including guns which they sold to Africans in exchange for slaves.


So here you peddle your usually bigoted notion that African chiefs were stupid.


My grandparents were not sold. They migrated voluntarily. Know your facts.

 Sir, significant numbers of Indians were tricked, kidnapped and for all intents and purpose duped into going into indentureshop. Theidea that the migrated voluntarily also had other  contingent factors such as excruciating long term poverty and underclass status forcing the choice.

At least they were not herded up and thrown into cages like animals. I am extremely happy that for whatever reason, they left India. God bless their souls.

 Were you to concern yourself with finding out their predicament on entering into the hold of the ships that brought them you would find they were packed and treated no better than herd animals. The mortality rates across the period could inform you of the conditions.


Indeed it is a good thing for us the descendents but our ancestors lived horrible deprived lives with no reprieve until  a couple of decades after indentureship. Some will say that with 40 percent landless and below the poverty line they are still to see that new day.

I spoke to my grandfather about his life in India and his journey from India. Who are you to doubt him? What do you know about their history? I thought you were mostly concerned about the native tribes in Guyana.

 Since it is your grand father that came and ou are not in your 80's then he came very late when most of the hardship was even out. Further, the records are clear that the trips were horrible. Kidmost who post here grandfather was a ship surgeon so he could tell you it was no picnic.


As for knowing history, that is not ethnic specific. Further, my great grandfather came as well so who are you to tell me that you on account of your Indian heritage you know better. That is bunk. You actually has to concern yourself with the history.


What you think are my concerns are irrelevant to what is.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

You can put all the spin you want. It's a fact that the white man could not have gotten the slaves if the African chiefs did not sell them for colored beads etc.

Funny every history book speasks of the triangle trade. Ships left Europe with MANUFACTURED products, including guns which they sold to Africans in exchange for slaves.


So here you peddle your usually bigoted notion that African chiefs were stupid.


My grandparents were not sold. They migrated voluntarily. Know your facts.

 Sir, significant numbers of Indians were tricked, kidnapped and for all intents and purpose duped into going into indentureshop. Theidea that the migrated voluntarily also had other  contingent factors such as excruciating long term poverty and underclass status forcing the choice.

At least they were not herded up and thrown into cages like animals. I am extremely happy that for whatever reason, they left India. God bless their souls.

 Were you to concern yourself with finding out their predicament on entering into the hold of the ships that brought them you would find they were packed and treated no better than herd animals. The mortality rates across the period could inform you of the conditions.


Indeed it is a good thing for us the descendents but our ancestors lived horrible deprived lives with no reprieve until  a couple of decades after indentureship. Some will say that with 40 percent landless and below the poverty line they are still to see that new day.

I spoke to my grandfather about his life in India and his journey from India. Who are you to doubt him? What do you know about their history? I thought you were mostly concerned about the native tribes in Guyana.

 Since it is your grand father that came and ou are not in your 80's then he came very late when most of the hardship was even out. Further, the records are clear that the trips were horrible. Kidmost who post here grandfather was a ship surgeon so he could tell you it was no picnic.


As for knowing history, that is not ethnic specific. Further, my great grandfather came as well so who are you to tell me that you on account of your Indian heritage you know better. That is bunk. You actually has to concern yourself with the history.


What you think are my concerns are irrelevant to what is.

Go take your ramblings to one who would care what you have to say.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

You can put all the spin you want. It's a fact that the white man could not have gotten the slaves if the African chiefs did not sell them for colored beads etc.

Funny every history book speasks of the triangle trade. Ships left Europe with MANUFACTURED products, including guns which they sold to Africans in exchange for slaves.


So here you peddle your usually bigoted notion that African chiefs were stupid.


My grandparents were not sold. They migrated voluntarily. Know your facts.

 Sir, significant numbers of Indians were tricked, kidnapped and for all intents and purpose duped into going into indentureshop. Theidea that the migrated voluntarily also had other  contingent factors such as excruciating long term poverty and underclass status forcing the choice.

At least they were not herded up and thrown into cages like animals. I am extremely happy that for whatever reason, they left India. God bless their souls.

 Were you to concern yourself with finding out their predicament on entering into the hold of the ships that brought them you would find they were packed and treated no better than herd animals. The mortality rates across the period could inform you of the conditions.


Indeed it is a good thing for us the descendents but our ancestors lived horrible deprived lives with no reprieve until  a couple of decades after indentureship. Some will say that with 40 percent landless and below the poverty line they are still to see that new day.

I spoke to my grandfather about his life in India and his journey from India. Who are you to doubt him? What do you know about their history? I thought you were mostly concerned about the native tribes in Guyana.

 Since it is your grand father that came and ou are not in your 80's then he came very late when most of the hardship was even out. Further, the records are clear that the trips were horrible. Kidmost who post here grandfather was a ship surgeon so he could tell you it was no picnic.


As for knowing history, that is not ethnic specific. Further, my great grandfather came as well so who are you to tell me that you on account of your Indian heritage you know better. That is bunk. You actually has to concern yourself with the history.


What you think are my concerns are irrelevant to what is.

Go take your ramblings to one who would care what you have to say.

Point taken, don't read what you do not care for. This is a discussion board. The option is not to desist from posting but to desist from commenting or reading/

Originally Posted by cain:

Oh rass Skeldondude, you asked Storman questions, notice the ????in your posts?

Now you go tell the man that you doan wanna hear anything.

de man rambles too much. Doesn't get to the point without giving a piece of garbage.


skeltonman if your grandfather know you will support people that steal he might have kill you in your sleep you have to be a old man to know your grandfather to speak to him and still remember there is nothing worse than a old fool i forgive you for all the dumb things you say to me now go take your nap

Originally Posted by cain:
You are an dirty,awful,lawless person. You go out of your way to find all ways and means to make all forms of corruption,legal.

You are the best dirtbag around. You are a Filthy scumbag, pheeewww!!!

Just remember I warned you. You are being watched, keep it up.

What specifically is your threat against me?  Do I need to get the authorities involved or should I chalk this up to an emotional outburst due to the lack of proper debating skills?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by cain:
You are an dirty,awful,lawless person. You go out of your way to find all ways and means to make all forms of corruption,legal.

You are the best dirtbag around. You are a Filthy scumbag, pheeewww!!!

Just remember I warned you. You are being watched, keep it up.

What specifically is your threat against me?  Do I need to get the authorities involved or should I chalk this up to an emotional outburst due to the lack of proper debating skills?

Get te authorities involved. I am sure they'll be eager to talk to a PPP drug smuggler and money launderer who sponsors foreign criminals to harm US citizens.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by cain:
You are an dirty,awful,lawless person. You go out of your way to find all ways and means to make all forms of corruption,legal.

You are the best dirtbag around. You are a Filthy scumbag, pheeewww!!!

Just remember I warned you. You are being watched, keep it up.

What specifically is your threat against me?  Do I need to get the authorities involved or should I chalk this up to an emotional outburst due to the lack of proper debating skills?

Get te authorities involved. I am sure they'll be eager to talk to a PPP drug smuggler and money launderer who sponsors foreign criminals to harm US citizens.

Go ahead Druggie.

Originally Posted by warrior:

skeltonman if your grandfather know you will support people that steal he might have kill you in your sleep you have to be a old man to know your grandfather to speak to him and still remember there is nothing worse than a old fool i forgive you for all the dumb things you say to me now go take your nap

As the Rev said, you are lightweight. No need to reply you from now on. I will not stoop to your level of name calling. When you lack any education, ignorance confuses the brain. FYI: I am not cursing you. 

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by cain:
You are an dirty,awful,lawless person. You go out of your way to find all ways and means to make all forms of corruption,legal.

You are the best dirtbag around. You are a Filthy scumbag, pheeewww!!!

Just remember I warned you. You are being watched, keep it up.

What specifically is your threat against me?  Do I need to get the authorities involved or should I chalk this up to an emotional outburst due to the lack of proper debating skills?

Get te authorities involved. I am sure they'll be eager to talk to a PPP drug smuggler and money launderer who sponsors foreign criminals to harm US citizens.

Is your handle Cain? Did you issue a threat? If not then mind your own business and let this coward answer in his own words.


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