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Originally posted by FC:
If as it has been rumoured that political parties knew the results on Monday night and the public is left waiting & wondering who is the winner on Wednesday night.

You're absolutely wrong about that. You should know better from the ballot counting that has been updated every hour or more. The officials in Guyana know what they are dealing with for any delay to be announce. I have a reasonable idea why they did that.
Originally posted by FC:
New govt please with a goal to have results in a timely manner. They giving laptops away when they can be used to capture votes at remote locations and up load to a central computer.

If you knowingly pay a friend $300 for a laptop that cost $200 and u give away the laptop just before election u have achieve two objectives. First your friend make an extra $100 which he can share with you and you have people with laptops who may vote for you.

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