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Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Django:

I waiting to see when BJ will declare himself

presidential candidate,he want to come back

thru the back door.Me thinks he sign the law

for a person can only be president for two

terms,let's wait and see how this will play


Two consecutive terms. Nothing can stop a former President from running again. Heavyweights have already expressed their authority on this including Ralph.


All you scared to the Lion King Bharat. Our hero who stands toe to toe with PNC racists while church mouse Moses who is ashamed to declare his Indo Hindu background, hides in his 50 Million dollar SUV and Residence upgrade not including the $ 15 million furniture upgrade.

The constitution is the supreme law of Guyana,read article

90(2)i just checked it.


You are entitled to your PNC fed interpretation. 

Bhai..i am independent i don't kowtow to any political


Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Imagine ah bunch ah COWARDLY Guyanese who ran away under Forbes talking bout Spring Uprising!



Hey Ray, get your facts right.

yuji22 never ran away to Canada because of Forbes.

yuji's daddy posted him to Canada because yuji was madly in love with a pretty Berbician binney the father didn't like.

And I think that was a sound decision because someone would have ingested Gramaxone if that Romeo-and-Juliet affair had been allowed to play out to the End.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

 I predict a Guyanese Spring Uprising.

You also predicted the PPP would rule Guyana for a hundred years and win in 2015 with a 60% majority. Your record is noted. You are a DUNCE!

Ow man Ita, our Predictor-in-Chief must mek a mistake now and then. Political forecasting is not an exact science. Ease up on we frenno yuji. Granted, when he makes a mistake, it's no small mistake.


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