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Passengers stranded at JFK, CJIA
December 19, 201611
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…as Dynamic Airways cancels flights


The holiday travel plans for hundreds of passengers in Guyana and New York, United States have seen major disruptions as air carrier Dynamic Airways over the weekend cancelled at least two flights – one out of Guyana and the other from the John F Kennedy Airport. On Sunday, images surfaced of passengers camped out, many fast asleep at JFK while at Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA), passengers and their worried families were seen haplessly standing outside the departure entrance in the afternoon hours.
More than 200 passengers at the CJIA had turned up to travel Saturday morning, but have been waiting ever since. According to reports, passengers in New York have been stranded at JFK since Friday evening and were anxiously awaiting word from the airline.
Meanwhile, on local shores, Dynamic Airways representative in Guyana, Captain Gerry Gouveia attempted to pacify passengers late Sunday afternoon.


Hundreds of passengers were camped out at JFK waiting for their Christmas-bound Dynamic Airways flight to Guyana
Hundreds of passengers were camped out at JFK waiting for their Christmas-bound Dynamic Airways flight to Guyana
Hundreds of passengers stranded at the CJIA
Hundreds of passengers stranded at the CJIA
“I am extremely concerned and sensitive about the feelings and emotions of the Dynamic passengers that are experiencing delays and cancelled flights in both JFK and GEO at this time,” he disclosed via his social media account.
Captain Gouveia also explained that two of Dynamic’s 767 Boeing flights were grounded after a ground handling truck at the New York airport “accidentally hit the left engine” .
“The engineers are working around the clock to return that aircraft to serviceability,” Gouveia stressed.
He noted that the second aircraft was used and was flown twice. However, the back-up aircraft also developed issues.
“On the return flight to JFK, the aircraft developed a maintenance issue, which is currently being rectified by the maintenance teams working around the clock to fix,” the Gouveia claimed.
“I am really sorry these events occurred at this time, but would like to reassure the passengers that every effort is being made to resolve this delay as soon as possible,” the airline’s local representative stressed.
Meanwhile, according to reports coming out of New York City, Dynamic representatives at JFK are reluctant to provide detailed information that the Guyana-bound passengers requested. Guyana Times understands that representatives gave to passengers a telephone number, which provided flight information. However, passengers were greeted by automated recorded messages and were unable to garner any key information on when their flights would leave the airport. Passengers at both airports are still awaiting their flights.



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  • Stranded-696x392
  • Stranded-2-696x710

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Please explain when Dynamic did the SAME thing under the PPP, and when EZjet, Universal, Constellation, etc pulled the SAME stunt that the PPP wasn't to blame.

Note of course that it was the PPP which gave Dynamic route rights into Guyana.

caribny posted:

Please explain when Dynamic did the SAME thing under the PPP, and when EZjet, Universal, Constellation, etc pulled the SAME stunt that the PPP wasn't to blame.

Note of course that it was the PPP which gave Dynamic route rights into Guyana.

PPP is not in government now... 

Imran posted:
caribny posted:

Please explain when Dynamic did the SAME thing under the PPP, and when EZjet, Universal, Constellation, etc pulled the SAME stunt that the PPP wasn't to blame.

Note of course that it was the PPP which gave Dynamic route rights into Guyana.

PPP is not in government now... 

And did you blame the PPP when they were in power for destroying GAC and allowing these multiple fiascos to steal money from Guyanese?  NO!

caribny posted:

Please explain when Dynamic did the SAME thing under the PPP, and when EZjet, Universal, Constellation, etc pulled the SAME stunt that the PPP wasn't to blame.

Note of course that it was the PPP which gave Dynamic route rights into Guyana.

You folks had all the answers when you were in opposition. Now that the jackasses are in power you rush to make excuses. 

Drugb posted:

You folks had all the answers when you were in opposition. Now that the jackasses are in power you rush to make excuses. 

Jagdeo now screams that he has all the answers. So why was he so incompetent?  Destroying GAC and allowing a phalanx of frauds to enter the JFK GEO market stealing millions from poor Guyanese.

caribny posted:

Jagdeo now screams that he has all the answers. So why was he so incompetent?  Destroying GAC and allowing a phalanx of frauds to enter the JFK GEO market stealing millions from poor Guyanese.

Jagdeo is not in power. In fact when he was in power he brought the economy from the doldrums of despair to the precipice of hope.  Now jackass Granger et al make promises they can't keep.   Jagdeo did not destroy GAC, show evidence of this. It was a failing airline that govt had no business owning as per capitalist ideals.

Drugb posted:
 In fact when he was in power he brought the economy from the doldrums of despair to the precipice of hope.  

In fact the economic growth began under Hoyte, and continued under Jagan, who was forced to accept his economic reforms.

Jagdeo came and the economy stagnated, and in fact even shrunk in some years.  It is only gold prices soaring, thanks to the Great Recession, and the fact that gold become a speculative item, which helped Guyana after 2007.

Now why don't you discuss the fact that Jagdeo was seen as the hand maiden of the drug barons of Guyana and had turned G/T into Cali, with a bloodthirsty savage using his para militias to terrify even PPP ministers into compliance. RK then killed one who thought that he could do as he wishes. The rest then fell into silence.  Jagdeo even went screaming, threatening to leave CARICOM.


You must hate Wikileaks as it revealed much. I posted a link on it yesterday.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
 In fact when he was in power he brought the economy from the doldrums of despair to the precipice of hope.  

In fact the economic growth began under Hoyte, and continued under Jagan, who was forced to accept his economic reforms.

Jagdeo came and the economy stagnated, and in fact even shrunk in some years.  It is only gold prices soaring, thanks to the Great Recession, and the fact that gold become a speculative item, which helped Guyana after 2007.

Now why don't you discuss the fact that Jagdeo was seen as the hand maiden of the drug barons of Guyana and had turned G/T into Cali, with a bloodthirsty savage using his para militias to terrify even PPP ministers into compliance. RK then killed one who thought that he could do as he wishes. The rest then fell into silence.  Jagdeo even went screaming, threatening to leave CARICOM.


You must hate Wikileaks as it revealed much. I posted a link on it yesterday.

Hoyte was a dictator, stealing power for 7 years and was forced by the world bank and IMF to implement economic reform or face the threat of further devaluation of the dollar and a cutoff of loans and aid. He didn't do it willingly. They also forced him to have elections.

With regard to Jagdeo, you may claim that gold was his savior but none of Hoyte's reform had any beneficial effects on his tenure. Let me remind you that the PNC were burning, looting, raping, robbing and killing during Jagdeo time until he tamed them. He brought the country to prosperity via economic policies that allowed business to flourish, which the PNC has since rolled back.  Caricom was and is useless as it provide no benefit for Guyana. 


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