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Rob Ford video scandal: The man between the media and the mayor

Security guard Mike Toolaram has become Mayor Rob Ford's constant companion amid the furor surrounding the crack-cocaine video scandal, guarding him at press conferences, escorting departed staff and parting the sea of media when Ford needs to get somewhere.
Michelle Siu, centre, a freelance photographer with The Canadian Press, is given a hard time by City Hall security guard Mike Toolaram, left, and Mayor Ford's interim press secretary Sunny Petrujkic inMay.

Carlos Osorio / Toronto Star

Michelle Siu, centre, a freelance photographer with The Canadian Press, is given a hard time by City Hall security guard Mike Toolaram, left, and Mayor Ford's interim press secretary Sunny Petrujkic inMay.


Every time Rob Ford makes it onto the late night talk shows, the tall man with the goatee and signature cornflower blue shirt are there, escorting, protecting, keeping guard.


Meet Mike Toolaram. He’s the omnipresent security guard who plays a supporting role in the media circus that’s erupted daily at City Hall since two Star reporters reported on a video which appears to show Ford smoking crack cocaine and uttering an anti-gay slur.


Toolaram’s imposing silhouette has been an ever-present reminder of the ratcheted-up tension between media and the embattled Ford, but not much is known about the man — and he’d like to keep it that way.

When asked about his history at City Hall, Toolaram replied that he didn’t want to talk about it and walked away.


The city confirmed his name and job title, but could not say how long he had been employed there, citing confidentiality.

His father, reached by phone, said he’s 43 and came to Toronto with his family from Guyana about 20 years ago. He’s married now, his dad said, and has always been a good son.


According to the city press corps, Toolaram has been a “gentle giant” for some time, patrolling the corridors and occasionally chatting in a quiet voice.

He was named Mensch of the Week by The Grid for “going beyond the call of duty.”

In recent weeks, reporters say he has been attached specifically to the mayor, following him everywhere and spotted at least once in plain clothes outside City Hall with Ford. He’s rarely more than a few feet away from the mayor, more like a secret service agent than a regular security guard.


And with the increased media presence camped outside Ford’s office for hours each day, it falls on Toolaram to escort the mayor through a throng of reporters – something that’s forced him to change his style.

Several photographers and cameramen caught in the path of the mayor’s entourage have found themselves briskly pushed aside by the guard.

Michelle Siu, a freelance photographer working for the Canadian Press, was confronted by Toolaram and physically held back from entering a press conference because he was concerned over her credentials.


“He pulled me back, like he grabbed my backpack and arm. Not hard or anything but he pulled me back and let everybody else through,” said Siu. “I’m like 5’1” and 100 pounds. I just didn’t think it was necessary.”

Eventually Toolaram relented but did not apologize, she said.

Toolaram, was also on-hand to protect the mayor when he walked into a television camera in April, even earning a passing reference from late-night host Jimmy Kimmel.


“Ah f--- man. Holy Christ,” the mayor said, grabbing his eye after the camera hit him. “Holy — guys, have some respect. You just hit me in the face with a camera.”

Too late to stop the incident, Toolaram acted quickly to ensure the mayor of Canada’s largest city was safe by wrapping his arm around Ford and ushering him to a secure location — but not before having a little laugh about the situation.


“Look at the guy behind him smiling,” said Kimmel, who featured the video on his show. “I have a feeling that gentleman is soon to be unemployed.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I can empathize with this guy Mike Toolaram. Many of us ran away from crooked employers in Guyana only to find ourselves working for more crooked employers in Canada. That's the reality immigrants face in the job market.


Nothing has been proven against the Mayor, so far it is nothing but scandal.

This is a Mayor who along with his brother, also in politics, do not take a salary, they donate theirs to charity organizations.

These guys are self made millionaires.

Ford was voted as Mayor on the platform "Stop the gravy train", now the members of the gravy train are hopping mad and like we see with the PPP, try to discredit their opposition at any cost.


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