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Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

WHERE? . . . HOW?


NCN? NICIL? FIP MOTILALL? JAGDEO/RAMROOP INC [MOH contracting, that is, since U gon waan play stupid]??


ress uself with the nonsense yeh

Ramotar want's to act but he is boxed-in at the moment.  The Linden shootings have complicated his options for moving harder against entrenched interest.

What is your evidence for this?


My understanding is that Ramotar is "boxed-in" because Jagdeo cleverly hitched him and his family's fortunes to the corrupt "entrenched interest"

I know, you just have to take my word for it.

Why should I?


You have not challenged my assertions in the 2nd paragraph . . . which would reduce any envisioned 'break-out' of the corruption cycle by Ramotar to posing and rhetoric.

Your assertion may have some merit but it transcends personal interest.  But yes, the Ramotar clan have benefited from the PPP being in power.

My assertions either have merit or they don't.


The Ramotar clan either "benefited" [and continue to benefit] from PPP corruption or not.


Enough with the transparent attempts @ 'cleverness'

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by redux:

bai, i spill meh drink and nearly fall aff meh chair on dis wan, ROTFLMFAO!!

Of course you would find this village idiots juvenile references to body parts humorous as you are his designated cheering section.  Idiots of a feather flock together. 

You like to call peeps idiots and dunces, you should stare long into the mirror but don't scare yourself.

 You are a dunce for using references to body parts as insults when you lack the ability to articulate your feelings or make a proper rebuttal. Like a child you revert to kicking sand screaming when you don't get your own way. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by redux:

bai, i spill meh drink and nearly fall aff meh chair on dis wan, ROTFLMFAO!!

Of course you would find this village idiots juvenile references to body parts humorous as you are his designated cheering section.  Idiots of a feather flock together. 

You like to call peeps idiots and dunces, you should stare long into the mirror but don't scare yourself.

 You are a dunce for using references to body parts as insults when you lack the ability to articulate your feelings or make a proper rebuttal. Like a child you revert to kicking sand screaming when you don't get your own way. 

Stop being a friggin crybaby. Were yo u not the person mentioning on another thread about Ramjattan's eye and Stormguy had to pull you up on it.

After all you don't want these guys mention anything about a certain goadiewalla, do you?

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC posters are now desperate to a point now where they resort to foul language and are now intertwined with the PNC for their survival. They are now drinking PNC soup.

Why don't you shut your patacake, always hanging onto someone's coattails and talkin sheer shit.

How old are you 14?

Sober up and get off Co cain.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by redux:

bai, i spill meh drink and nearly fall aff meh chair on dis wan, ROTFLMFAO!!

Of course you would find this village idiots juvenile references to body parts humorous as you are his designated cheering section.  Idiots of a feather flock together. 

You like to call peeps idiots and dunces, you should stare long into the mirror but don't scare yourself.

 You are a dunce for using references to body parts as insults when you lack the ability to articulate your feelings or make a proper rebuttal. Like a child you revert to kicking sand screaming when you don't get your own way. 

You fight like a goat. How appropiate with that goadee.


Please don't start useing your brains now; too much hydro from your seeds  has diminished cell growth.  We could be in deep trouble.


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