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Guyanese urged to celebrate their fore parents' sacrifices, and protect their gains - as 177th anniversary of Indian arrival observed

Written by , Published in News, Georgetown, GINA, May 5, 2015, Source


As Guyanese observed Arrival Day today, they were urged to celebrate the sacrifices made by their ancestors, and most importantly to protect the gains made for freedom.


Head of State Donald Ramotar implored this upon a huge gathering at the Albion Community Centre Ground  at the Indian Arrival Committee’s (IAC) Arrival Day ' Guyana Hamara Concert'.


“A very happy Arrival Day to all Guyanese... Arrival Day applies to every Guyanese, as we struggle to build this country, we had to fight against slavery, fight for independence from colonialism…”


Independence and democracy are two of the gains which all Guyanese enjoy today, and these two should not be taken for granted.


 President Donald Ramotar addressing the large gathering at the Indian Arrival Committee's 'Hamara Guyana Concert' which was held at the Albion Community Centre Ground.

President Donald Ramotar addressing the large gathering at the Indian Arrival Committee's 'Hamara Guyana Concert' which was held at the Albion Community Centre Ground.



“We had to fight against a dictatorship and freedom only came only after 1992, and since then we have been able to live in freedom to transform our country.”


President Ramotar alluded to the fact that Guyana has been transformed from a Highly Indebted Poor Country to a middle income developing country and that in itself  is cause to celebrate.


“Today, we are a middle income developing country, and we could have gone much further. The people in opposition, they are doing their best to hold back the country, but we have been growing by 5% every year, and even in an economically challenging environment.”


President Donald Ramotar interacting with patrons at the IAC 'Hamara Guyana concert' was held at the Albion Community Centre Ground.


Going forward on May 11 when Guyana is set to hold general and regional elections, the Head of State said the citizens of Guyana have in their hands the power to decide how fast Guyana will grow.


“Our future lies in building a strong and modern economy. I know what we went through for the fight for freedom.” He highlighted the importance of a modern state, and a growing economy, for which the foundations have already been set.


“While we celebrate Arrival Day, we must be proud of who we are, and the culture we brought here. We are not ashamed of who we are, we must be proud of who we are."


President Donald Ramotar as he addressed the gathering at Uitvlugt during the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha's Indian Arrival Day celebration.


Pledging his government’s commitment to the sugar industry which the indentured labourers helped to build, President Ramotar said, once re-elected, his  government over the next five years will invest $20 B to support the industry.


“I will see the sugar industry meet better days, once more this is an occasion for celebration, and we must commemorate the sacrifices of our fore parents. We would never meet this stage so we have to reflect on that and not forget history.”


The event was a part of three major “Hamara Guyana Concerts”  which coincided with activities to commemorate the 177th anniversary of Indian arrival in Guyana.


Trinidadians KI, Artie Butkoon and Satnarine Raghu, along with International Guyanese artiste Terry Gajraj and Marissa Deodat, put on a splendid show for the large crowd at Albion. The first concert was held on Friday, May 1 at the National Stadium, Providence; and the second on May 2, at the Anna Regina Community Centre Ground.


Members of a dance group doing one of their routines during the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha's Indian Arrival Day celebration.


Also later in the evening, the President joined the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha for their Arrival Day celebration and concert at the Uitvlugt Mandir ground.


There the President echoed similar messages as he called for Guyanese to unite and to celebrate the sacrifices and protect the gains fought for by their ancestors. He noted that when the ancestors came they all made a significant contribution to the rich and diverse culture all Guyanese enjoy today.


East Indians first came to then British Guiana in 1838 as indentured labourers to work on the sugar plantations. 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Pinjre ke panji re is a bhajan that would have been on the minds of the 1838 indentured servants. Their crossing was a trial. Their arrival was a trial. Their adaptation in British Guiana was a trial.


And those remaining from the abuses, sickness and pestilences thrived for the day of return back to Calcutta.


Very few remained in the colony. But many of their dead bones lay in the soil 


of Guyana.


And they stopped coming for 4 years.


Now 177 years since, Ramotar and his Thiefing Gang playing on the sentiments of the Indians to carry on raping the country.  


After 177 years, we should reflect on the people our forefathers met Guyana. How they helped them to survive in a strange land. After departing a troubled Bihar.


Instead, the ingrates of the Ramotar Gang would want to have them punished again and again. 

Originally Posted by seignet:

After 177 years, we should reflect on the people our forefathers met Guyana. How they helped them to survive in a strange land. After departing a troubled Bihar.


Instead, the ingrates of the Ramotar Gang would want to have them punished again and again. 

Those Friggin Limey BEASTS?????   You gat to be a LUNATIC!!!  Those DOGS we will always remember for their inhumanity, Barbaric Animals they were!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by seignet:

After 177 years, we should reflect on the people our forefathers met Guyana. How they helped them to survive in a strange land. After departing a troubled Bihar.


Instead, the ingrates of the Ramotar Gang would want to have them punished again and again. 

Those Friggin Limey BEASTS?????   You gat to be a LUNATIC!!!  Those DOGS we will always remember for their inhumanity, Barbaric Animals they were!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was thinking more of Amerinds and Africans. Just to remind the Indians of their place in the society.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by seignet:

After 177 years, we should reflect on the people our forefathers met Guyana. How they helped them to survive in a strange land. After departing a troubled Bihar.


Instead, the ingrates of the Ramotar Gang would want to have them punished again and again. 

Those Friggin Limey BEASTS?????   You gat to be a LUNATIC!!!  Those DOGS we will always remember for their inhumanity, Barbaric Animals they were!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was thinking more of Amerinds and Africans. Just to remind the Indians of their place in the society.

Amerindians and Africans to some extent did help. But then Africans started to feel the Indians are being treated better, the Indians will take their Jobs and gradually started to be against the Indians. Before Independence the relationship was much better.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by seignet:

After 177 years, we should reflect on the people our forefathers met Guyana. How they helped them to survive in a strange land. After departing a troubled Bihar.


Instead, the ingrates of the Ramotar Gang would want to have them punished again and again. 

Those Friggin Limey BEASTS?????   You gat to be a LUNATIC!!!  Those DOGS we will always remember for their inhumanity, Barbaric Animals they were!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was thinking more of Amerinds and Africans. Just to remind the Indians of their place in the society.

Forgive him for he knows not what he speaks of.


His forefathers came to Guyana and met the Limeys dressed in disguise as indigenous people

Last edited by cain

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