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97% respondents want clarity from David Granger led administration.

This is embarrassing when the Guyanese people are asking their government for clarity on an economic plan. This government has been ignoring all the warning signs that the economy is in bad shape. 

The billion dollar jubilee and two investment opportunity in Canada and New York did make a difference when you have 32 freebies advisors. Penny wise and pound foolish.  


Guyanese want to see an economic plan from APNU+AFC – public opinion poll.

GUYANESE are clear about wanting the current A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) Administration to detail its plans, specifically an economic plan, for the country.

A recent public opinion poll found that 97 per cent of respondents want clarity from the David Granger-led Administration. Three per cent responded no when asked ‘Should President David Granger detail his Government’s economic and other plans for Guyana to the Guyanese people?’

The results of the poll come on the heels of a similar call by the Private Sector Commission (PSC).

RELATED: APNU+AFC ‘nowhere near’ having an economic plan – Jagdeo

The current local economic growth is slowing and the Commission wants the APNU+AFC Coalition Government to show the business community an economic plan.

Immediate past president and member of the PSC Executive, Ramesh Persaud, in a presentation at the PSC’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), in May, underscored the decrease in aggregate expenditure and the decline of other sectors such as rice and sugar.

Persaud stated that swift actions are needed to improve the economic landscape of the country and stressed that APNU+AFC must share its economic vision and plan for the country, contending that “very little is known at this stage”.

According to him, an economic plan will help the local business community have a better understanding of where the country is heading economically. He also pointed to the need for greater engagements on the part of the Government and business community, specifically to address investments in Guyana.

RELATED: Jagdeo to Jordan: Haphazard actions are not a plan for ‘fixable’ local economic troubles

“We need to focus a little more on export led growth, we need to improve our competitiveness as companies, and focus on standards, on productivity, on the niche markets, we need to innovate more and spend more on research and development,” Persaud said.

Improvements to the Public Sector Investment Programme, which was developed under the former PPP/C administration, and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the Public Service were among other recommendations made by the PSC.

Guyana’ Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth at the end of 2015 dropped below projections to three per cent.


PNC got in power by winging it and fooling some people.  They had no plan.  Their plan was linked to the discovery of oil, this is why they ran hat in hand to get some front-loading from Exxon.  Exxon will not do that without even the first commercial well being drilled.  That was such an immature act by the PNC, reflects ignorance.

As the PNC go through their learning curve, they will find out their options are very limited and that the PPP's plan had merit.  The PNC will have to find a face-saving way to take up some key PPP initiatives.  They will soon find out that cleaning up GT and hosting a bacanal is not an economic Plan!


A better plan would be to empower the region between Bolum Turn and Crabwood Creek. That has better chances of success.

Baseman, WE should form some sort of company. Identify what type of manufacturing is suited. Raise the capital by crowdfunding. And implement a program for prosperity for the region.

After 50 years, governments failed to implement national strategies.

It is time to make money and develop a better standard of living for all in the area, meaning even the Afro-Guyanese that are living between those spaces.

Wah yuh seh.


Agree with you here in regards to a learning cure for the coalition on this one.

Shaping the economy for oil is the right thing to do, and the idea of building a green economy is excellent.

But they do need a plan going forward short,medium and long economically which they look to have at the moment which is very worrying.

The PPP had many good ideas some the coaliton should use! Unfortunately to many woefully executed, corruption and incompetence in even delivering the smallest project without back handers galore 

Sorry to sound like a broken record but Gaskin isn't a good fit at all, Harmon or even Pollard (now ambassador to India ) make a lot more sense, Sattaur Gafoor as an advisor even

I do like Holder as a person but seeing as we are looking at agriculture as a whole to play such a large part economically then lets start hearing a plan from the minister as significant number of important bodies fall under his wing 


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