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My explanation of diaspora Guyanese who return

When I was courting my wife in 1978, we met for lunch often at one of the leading restaurants. One of the co-owners of that place who left in the late eighties is visiting. Over lunch, he said that he noticed a trend in my commentaries – I have something against the Guyanese in the diaspora who come back to work.
Before I could offer my simple explanation, he stated that these people have skills that the locals do not have. My immediate reaction was the acknowledgement of that fact but there were hundreds of “buts” after I said that one of which was “but they return and want to have the best.”
I told the once famous restaurateur that I have nothing against Guyanese returning to help us here; assistance the country needs. But they want top class jobs that should go to locals and which they have no right to possess and which I will campaign against with my academic and journalistic pen.
It would shock Guyanese to know that two diaspora economists who didn’t even visit us for one day during the 2015 election campaign requested the leadership of the Alliance For Change to consider them for Governor of the Bank of Guyana and CEO of GuySuCo, respectively.
The then leader of the AFC, Khemraj Ramjattan, can testify to this because both requests were made to him. One of these two gentlemen turned up at a birthday party of insurance magnate, Bish Panday, where Ramjattan was present to discuss the GuySuCo offer. Ramjattan was livid and asked how he got permission to enter the party.
These diaspora people left moons ago and after their working lives are over and arthritis, failing eyesight, failing health and failing happiness in the metropolitan cities overcame them, they come to Guyana and cream off the best jobs. This son of Guyana says this is unacceptable. This son of Guyana who stayed in his country with his wife and raised a family in his own country says this should not happen.
I make no apologies for this stance. I will not flinch one second from this position. If you gave your youth, skills and soul to another country for over thirty years and you want to come back and participate in nation-building in Guyana this, please do, and we are glad to have you. But don’t come back in your mid-sixties and want to be the head of this and the head of that.
We have people here who are qualified and who stayed and lived with a falling down and failing GPL, Georgetown Hospital, University of Guyana, GWI and countless other state sector places. Guyana should recognize their sacrifice.
I can rattle off my head people who got Commonwealth and Guyana Government doctoral scholarships in the late seventies and eighties and violated the terms of agreement to come back and serve. They never did. They live outside. Some are very big names and you would be shocked to know who they are.
When they reach sixty-five, we may see them back in Guyana, heading this and that state institution.
I have never backed down from speaking my mind. I say unapologetically that Dr. Mark Kirton should have been invited to take up the Vice Chancellor’s chair at UG. Kirton stayed and worked at UG for thirty years and his qualifications are good as other academics in the diaspora.
I told AFC parliamentarian, Michael Carrington that I could not support Dr. Vincent Adams for the post of Department of Energy. I do not support his headship of the EPA. Is there someone in Guyana in environmental sciences who is eligible?
Those who live in the US would know that the Americans a few years back changed the format for green card holders. They now have to spend a longer time in the US. It is simple reasoning – you have American residency then spend time in the country that gave you such status. I recall the heart specialist, Dr. Mahendra Carpen, who returned to Guyana four years ago having an exchange two weeks ago with a Guyanese who lives abroad and criticizes Carpen.
Carpen in his reply quite rightly stated that he lives and works in Guyana. Carpen’s whose wife is a Jamaican doctor, also lives and works in Guyana. She practises at the Georgetown Public Hospital.
I went to UG in the mid seventies with people who have long left Guyana. I was surprised to know that Dr. Hector Butts had returned after 2015 when he turned up at my gate. They are so many others like him. I wish them well but I embrace emotionally those who stayed.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

This is an asinine position to take.

Guyana has too much land, and now oil but not enough people to develop the land. The brain drain lies with the Guyanese people who left Guyana to seek better opportunities elsewhere. So what if they want to return and contribute to their country?

Kissoon seems jealous, and by his logic Guyana will remain a country that is at the bottom at the barrel. If there are more remigrants with education who go back to Guyana, Kissoon will have to compete with many more smart minds around...he will be minimized.



Ray, what you mean by big positions? An engineer with yeras of experience returning should accept a job of filing Clerk?????


Look at Freddy years teaching CRAP at UG No wonder Trump says is a shit hole

VishMahabir posted:

This is an asinine position to take.

Guyana has too much land, and now oil but not enough people to develop the land. The brain drain lies with the Guyanese people who left Guyana to seek better opportunities elsewhere. So what if they want to return and contribute to their country?

Kissoon seems jealous, and by his logic Guyana will remain a country that is at the bottom at the barrel. If there are more remigrants with education who go back to Guyana, Kissoon will have to compete with many more smart minds around...he will be minimized.


Did you read thoroughly?

These diaspora people left moons ago and after their working lives are over and arthritis, failing eyesight, failing health and failing happiness in the metropolitan cities overcame them, they come to Guyana and cream off the best jobs.

These are the people the writer is referring to and I absolutely agree.

Mitwah posted:

Perhaps he feels threatened and insecure. Most Guyanese returning have better experiences and academic qualifications. Money talks, Bullshit walks. 

I am not sure which Guyanese would want to leave their way of life here and return to Guyana. Are these Guyanese with advanced degrees from a recognized institution?

Mitwah posted:

Perhaps he feels threatened and insecure. Most Guyanese returning have better experiences and academic qualifications. Money talks, Bullshit walks. 

The bottom line is the best qualified person should get the job. Explain what you mean by "Money talks, Bullshit walks", in this case.

GTAngler posted:
Mitwah posted:

Perhaps he feels threatened and insecure. Most Guyanese returning have better experiences and academic qualifications. Money talks, Bullshit walks. 

The bottom line is the best qualified person should get the job. Explain what you mean by "Money talks, Bullshit walks", in this case.

The persuasive power of money....  

skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:

Perhaps he feels threatened and insecure. Most Guyanese returning have better experiences and academic qualifications. Money talks, Bullshit walks. 

I am not sure which Guyanese would want to leave their way of life here and return to Guyana. Are these Guyanese with advanced degrees from a recognized institution?

They are the retiree, who gets a pension overseas and wants to go back home to get another job. 

 the lifestyle overseas will not work for these guys. 

Dave posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:

Perhaps he feels threatened and insecure. Most Guyanese returning have better experiences and academic qualifications. Money talks, Bullshit walks. 

I am not sure which Guyanese would want to leave their way of life here and return to Guyana. Are these Guyanese with advanced degrees from a recognized institution?

They are the retiree, who gets a pension overseas and wants to go back home to get another job. 

 the lifestyle overseas will not work for these guys. 

Too many old peeps holding down positions and our parliament is like an old folks home. They are like dead wood stifling the young shoots to grow.

Let these retirees come back and start up their own businesses and provide employment, especially in the services sector.

GTAngler posted:
VishMahabir posted:

This is an asinine position to take.

Guyana has too much land, and now oil but not enough people to develop the land. The brain drain lies with the Guyanese people who left Guyana to seek better opportunities elsewhere. So what if they want to return and contribute to their country?

Kissoon seems jealous, and by his logic Guyana will remain a country that is at the bottom at the barrel. If there are more remigrants with education who go back to Guyana, Kissoon will have to compete with many more smart minds around...he will be minimized.


Did you read thoroughly?

These diaspora people left moons ago and after their working lives are over and arthritis, failing eyesight, failing health and failing happiness in the metropolitan cities overcame them, they come to Guyana and cream off the best jobs.

These are the people the writer is referring to and I absolutely agree.

Banna, you sounding like a very insecure Freddie Kissoon...anti-Guyanese diaspora. Use your head and think for yourself...

Read your highlighted area above...who in their right mind would hire people with those credentials? You have to trust the government to be the gatekeeper and do the right thing....Guyana does not have the critical mass of intelligent people IN GUYANA who can move this country forward after its now poised to become economically developed.

Frankly, you and Freddie should appreciate the fact that Guyanese who left are now willing to return (most of them are native born in Guyana, not second or third migrants) to provide the skills the country needs to move the nation forward.   

Frankly, I would put them ahead of all the foreigners (who know nothing about the people, culture, etc) who are now given these big time high-paying jobs.

VishMahabir posted:
GTAngler posted:
VishMahabir posted:

This is an asinine position to take.

Guyana has too much land, and now oil but not enough people to develop the land. The brain drain lies with the Guyanese people who left Guyana to seek better opportunities elsewhere. So what if they want to return and contribute to their country?

Kissoon seems jealous, and by his logic Guyana will remain a country that is at the bottom at the barrel. If there are more remigrants with education who go back to Guyana, Kissoon will have to compete with many more smart minds around...he will be minimized.


Did you read thoroughly?

These diaspora people left moons ago and after their working lives are over and arthritis, failing eyesight, failing health and failing happiness in the metropolitan cities overcame them, they come to Guyana and cream off the best jobs.

These are the people the writer is referring to and I absolutely agree.

Banna, you sounding like a very insecure Freddie Kissoon...anti-Guyanese diaspora. Use your head and think for yourself...

Read your highlighted area above...who in their right mind would hire people with those credentials? You have to trust the government to be the gatekeeper and do the right thing....Guyana does not have the critical mass of intelligent people IN GUYANA who can move this country forward after its now poised to become economically developed.

Frankly, you and Freddie should appreciate the fact that Guyanese who left are now willing to return (most of them are native born in Guyana, not second or third migrants) to provide the skills the country needs to move the nation forward.   

Frankly, I would put them ahead of all the foreigners (who know nothing about the people, culture, etc) who are now given these big time high-paying jobs.

Please show me where I am "anti-Guyanese diaspora". Maybe you didn't read what I wrote afterwards about the best qualified person getting the job. Now which government should I trust? Jagdeo's and the in absentia CEO of Guysuco or the one now that does geriatric recruiting. I fully support anyone who has any sort of expertise they can offer to Guyana. 


This man Freddie Sounds very Third World.  It's third world mentality that keeps Guyana from progressing.  They want change but they don't realize that they have to change for change to come. These people would eat and drink off those living abroad and then turn around and degrade them. I wonder if Freddie was indirectly making a reference to our GNI's wonder boy, TK. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Ray posted:

I think his point is that overseas Guyanese who return later in life want big positions

Freddy has nothing to worry about. Overseas Guyanese who are accomplished in their field and have a track record of success can retire anywhere they want, be it other Caribbean islands, Europe, other South American nations like Belize etc.

No one is lining up (except maybe we own Labba who may want fuh be Governor of bank of Guyana) to take any position from Freddy. He and he "brilliant" leadership in Guyana can continue fuh place dem square peg in roun hole and admire um cause it "loyal".

This is one of the reasons why Guyana is forever condemned to shithole status.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

This man Freddie Sounds very Third World.  It's third world mentality that keeps Guyana from progressing.  They want change but they don't realize that they have to change for change to come. These people would eat and drink off those living abroad and then turn around and degrade them. I wonder if Freddie was indirectly making a reference to our GNI's wonder boy, TK. 

He actually was referring to TK. They are scraping the bottom of the barrel in a Shyte Hole AFC/PNC governed Guyana. Looks good on them.

They promised change, remember ?

A bunch of fools followed them into the shyte hole.

Last edited by Former Member

Mitwah, you are the biggest proponent of the AFC/PNC shyte hole government. Tek it good and grappa now.

You see how you got one good kick when you applied for the GRA job ?

Dat info is readily available but people do not want to further embarrass you.

Last edited by Former Member
GTAngler posted:
VishMahabir posted:

This is an asinine position to take.

Guyana has too much land, and now oil but not enough people to develop the land. The brain drain lies with the Guyanese people who left Guyana to seek better opportunities elsewhere. So what if they want to return and contribute to their country?

Kissoon seems jealous, and by his logic Guyana will remain a country that is at the bottom at the barrel. If there are more remigrants with education who go back to Guyana, Kissoon will have to compete with many more smart minds around...he will be minimized.


Did you read thoroughly?

These diaspora people left moons ago and after their working lives are over and arthritis, failing eyesight, failing health and failing happiness in the metropolitan cities overcame them, they come to Guyana and cream off the best jobs.

These are the people the writer is referring to and I absolutely agree.

GT, correct me if I'm wrong. With the above mentioned highlighted ailments, who in their right mind would want to go back to guyana and work. As I see it, these people  would be needing serious medical attention, not the cream of any job. And Guyana is certainly not the place to get that. So what is Freddy saying really.


I agree with Freddy Kissoon that top jobs should be given to the locals. They are the ones that stayed in Guyana through thick and thin when many of us run away from serving our country needs. All you lil remittance shouldn't be counted for a better position. Haul allyou backside so. 

Sheik101 posted:
GTAngler posted:
VishMahabir posted:

This is an asinine position to take.

Guyana has too much land, and now oil but not enough people to develop the land. The brain drain lies with the Guyanese people who left Guyana to seek better opportunities elsewhere. So what if they want to return and contribute to their country?

Kissoon seems jealous, and by his logic Guyana will remain a country that is at the bottom at the barrel. If there are more remigrants with education who go back to Guyana, Kissoon will have to compete with many more smart minds around...he will be minimized.


Did you read thoroughly?

These diaspora people left moons ago and after their working lives are over and arthritis, failing eyesight, failing health and failing happiness in the metropolitan cities overcame them, they come to Guyana and cream off the best jobs.

These are the people the writer is referring to and I absolutely agree.

GT, correct me if I'm wrong. With the above mentioned highlighted ailments, who in their right mind would want to go back to guyana and work. As I see it, these people  would be needing serious medical attention, not the cream of any job. And Guyana is certainly not the place to get that. So what is Freddy saying really.

We all read and interpret differently. What I got from that was people who are retired, not in the best of health and are looking for cushy high paying jobs which they can't perform out of greediness, whose qualifications are they know somebody or they are from overseas and who take advantage of situations because of a particular void.

Prince posted:

I agree with Freddy Kissoon that top jobs should be given to the locals. They are the ones that stayed in Guyana through thick and thin when many of us run away from serving our country needs. All you lil remittance shouldn't be counted for a better position. Haul allyou backside so. 


Take your head out of the sand. 

Not every body run away. Some people who left have legitimate reasons to do maybe to get a tertiary and post graduate degrees...but they have skills they could never have had if they remained in Guyana. Thats for sure.

With globalization and a shrinking world, those with technical skills they posses now would be in demand...would you not rather they take those skills back to Guyana? Or would you want to see a bunch of foreigners exploiting and imperializing the place?  

By the way, it was those remittances that kept your family afloat during the hard times...including Freddie Kissoon.

GTAngler posted:
VishMahabir posted:
GTAngler posted:
VishMahabir posted:

This is an asinine position to take.

Guyana has too much land, and now oil but not enough people to develop the land. The brain drain lies with the Guyanese people who left Guyana to seek better opportunities elsewhere. So what if they want to return and contribute to their country?

Kissoon seems jealous, and by his logic Guyana will remain a country that is at the bottom at the barrel. If there are more remigrants with education who go back to Guyana, Kissoon will have to compete with many more smart minds around...he will be minimized.


Did you read thoroughly?

These diaspora people left moons ago and after their working lives are over and arthritis, failing eyesight, failing health and failing happiness in the metropolitan cities overcame them, they come to Guyana and cream off the best jobs.

These are the people the writer is referring to and I absolutely agree.

Banna, you sounding like a very insecure Freddie Kissoon...anti-Guyanese diaspora. Use your head and think for yourself...

Read your highlighted area above...who in their right mind would hire people with those credentials? You have to trust the government to be the gatekeeper and do the right thing....Guyana does not have the critical mass of intelligent people IN GUYANA who can move this country forward after its now poised to become economically developed.

Frankly, you and Freddie should appreciate the fact that Guyanese who left are now willing to return (most of them are native born in Guyana, not second or third migrants) to provide the skills the country needs to move the nation forward.   

Frankly, I would put them ahead of all the foreigners (who know nothing about the people, culture, etc) who are now given these big time high-paying jobs.

Please show me where I am "anti-Guyanese diaspora". Maybe you didn't read what I wrote afterwards about the best qualified person getting the job. Now which government should I trust? Jagdeo's and the in absentia CEO of Guysuco or the one now that does geriatric recruiting. I fully support anyone who has any sort of expertise they can offer to Guyana. 

Lets not make this personal...I read your are smarter than this.

All I am saying is that if Guyanese have the skills they should lend it, provide it or donate it or sell it (if they qualify) to their people in Guyana. 

Freddie has a personal grudge, seems like he is saying "I suffered more stating in Guyana all these years, so why should citizens in the diaspora return to a cushy job, and end up making more money than me"....

The simple reason they should is because Guyana needs them...besides many Guyanese in the diaspora struggled to get where they are today.

(And who cares if they are collecting 2 pensions...spending the money in Guyana will benefit the people there).

which government should I trust?...its simple, you trust the government of the day, the one the natives voted to run the country...its not about you and your personal likes and dislikes.  

VishMahabir posted:
GTAngler posted:
VishMahabir posted:
GTAngler posted:
VishMahabir posted:

This is an asinine position to take.

Guyana has too much land, and now oil but not enough people to develop the land. The brain drain lies with the Guyanese people who left Guyana to seek better opportunities elsewhere. So what if they want to return and contribute to their country?

Kissoon seems jealous, and by his logic Guyana will remain a country that is at the bottom at the barrel. If there are more remigrants with education who go back to Guyana, Kissoon will have to compete with many more smart minds around...he will be minimized.


Did you read thoroughly?

These diaspora people left moons ago and after their working lives are over and arthritis, failing eyesight, failing health and failing happiness in the metropolitan cities overcame them, they come to Guyana and cream off the best jobs.

These are the people the writer is referring to and I absolutely agree.

Banna, you sounding like a very insecure Freddie Kissoon...anti-Guyanese diaspora. Use your head and think for yourself...

Read your highlighted area above...who in their right mind would hire people with those credentials? You have to trust the government to be the gatekeeper and do the right thing....Guyana does not have the critical mass of intelligent people IN GUYANA who can move this country forward after its now poised to become economically developed.

Frankly, you and Freddie should appreciate the fact that Guyanese who left are now willing to return (most of them are native born in Guyana, not second or third migrants) to provide the skills the country needs to move the nation forward.   

Frankly, I would put them ahead of all the foreigners (who know nothing about the people, culture, etc) who are now given these big time high-paying jobs.

Please show me where I am "anti-Guyanese diaspora". Maybe you didn't read what I wrote afterwards about the best qualified person getting the job. Now which government should I trust? Jagdeo's and the in absentia CEO of Guysuco or the one now that does geriatric recruiting. I fully support anyone who has any sort of expertise they can offer to Guyana. 

Lets not make this personal...I read your are smarter than this.

All I am saying is that if Guyanese have the skills they should lend it, provide it or donate it or sell it (if they qualify) to their people in Guyana. 

Freddie has a personal grudge, seems like he is saying "I suffered more stating in Guyana all these years, so why should citizens in the diaspora return to a cushy job, and end up making more money than me"....

The simple reason they should is because Guyana needs them...besides many Guyanese in the diaspora struggled to get where they are today.

(And who cares if they are collecting 2 pensions...spending the money in Guyana will benefit the people there).

which government should I trust?...its simple, you trust the government of the day, the one the natives voted to run the country...its not about you and your personal likes and dislikes.  

That's exactly what I'm saying. Its the ones who are more out to see what Guyana can do for them as opposed to what they can do for Guyana I am apprehensive about. Freddie has his own demons.


When Cheddi Jagan became President in 1992 he urged Guyanese professionals abroad to return home temporarily and share their experience and expertise for a token G$1 per year. A few volunteers took up the challenge but later left Guyana disappointed and disgusted. They did not blame Jagan. They blamed local coworkers who believed their jobs were threatened and were hesitant to cooperate. The volunteers encountered amazing obstacles and concluded that local Guyanese felt they knew it all and didn't need help. Upon their return to North America or wherever, some wrote letters to the press about their unfortunate & unforeseen experiences in Guyana.

Gilbakka posted:

When Cheddi Jagan became President in 1992 he urged Guyanese professionals abroad to return home temporarily and share their experience and expertise for a token G$1 per year. A few volunteers took up the challenge but later left Guyana disappointed and disgusted. They did not blame Jagan. They blamed local coworkers who believed their jobs were threatened and were hesitant to cooperate. The volunteers encountered amazing obstacles and concluded that local Guyanese felt they knew it all and didn't need help. Upon their return to North America or wherever, some wrote letters to the press about their unfortunate & unforeseen experiences in Guyana.

This, to a certain extent, confirms the Freddi Kissoon syndrome...from what I have been reading this is not simply an attitude shared by a few people, but it seems to be widespread in Guyana, even among government officials. That’s probably why when those people returned to Guyana, they were given the royal run around. Not just volunteers, but people who legitimately went back to start private businesses shared the same experiences.

Cheddi Jagan look like he was begging for  patriotic volunteers to return and help for a G$1. Really, who which Guyanese will take the bait?

I know some Guyanese businessmen who went there to do business but they were so fed up with the bureaucratic red tape, incompetence and corruption that they left their resources there and re-migrated.

Soon Guyana will have the capacity to pay top salaries to invite qualified people to provide services in various sectors of the economy.


When we started our charity, some government officials always pushed back at anything we tried to do.   I will not name them. Their favorite term, you overseas Guyanese think you know more than us.  

I can tell you, we don’t know, but them sorely lacking management skills.  And there was also a lack of care and sensitivity.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

This man Freddie Sounds very Third World.  It's third world mentality that keeps Guyana from progressing.  They want change but they don't realize that they have to change for change to come. These people would eat and drink off those living abroad and then turn around and degrade them. I wonder if Freddie was indirectly making a reference to our GNI's wonder boy, TK. 

Hey hey man Mr Freddie was cussin Mr TK deh foh true. Mr TK want big wuk and munista wuk. Mr Dr Dr Dr Dr Jagdoe kick he. Mr good chuch man one lover Granger kick he. Mr Rumjattan kick he. Mr no publication Kisson kick he. Hey hey hey....

Nehru posted:

TK is a sample, never see a man take abuse suh fuh lil wuk

Hey hey man get kick fram everybady. As abie balahoo brahmin man get used and abused.  


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