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RiffRaff posted:

1st Matt Centrowitz MD with his parents Beverly and Matt

What does their ethnicity have to do with the qwe qwe crew Granger et al? The boy inherited the genes of his father who was also an Olympic athlete.  Any PNC genes running through his veins has been watered down to insignificance due to the small % of PNC genes in his mom and the dominance of his dad's genes. 

Drugb posted:
RiffRaff posted:

1st Matt Centrowitz MD with his parents Beverly and Matt

What does their ethnicity have to do with the qwe qwe crew Granger et al? The boy inherited the genes of his father who was also an Olympic athlete.  Any PNC genes running through his veins has been watered down to insignificance due to the small % of PNC genes in his mom and the dominance of his dad's genes. 

Have you seen Granger make any claims on this fellow.

Now focus instead on the fact that since 1992 T&T has won 12 Olympic medals, in addition to others, while Guyana obtained ZERO!

If you want to assign blame do so on the PPP and its usual cadre of court jesters.  After all no one who is old enough to be at the Olympics would have begun their involvement 15 months ago.

Maybe its your idiotic exclusion of the facts which is why the PPP has failed. Spent millions on Providence, yet inaccessible Dominica now gets more matches!

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
RiffRaff posted:

1st Matt Centrowitz MD with his parents Beverly and Matt

What does their ethnicity have to do with the qwe qwe crew Granger et al? The boy inherited the genes of his father who was also an Olympic athlete.  Any PNC genes running through his veins has been watered down to insignificance due to the small % of PNC genes in his mom and the dominance of his dad's genes. 

Have you seen Granger make any claims on this fellow.

Now focus instead on the fact that since 1992 T&T has won 12 Olympic medals, in addition to others, while Guyana obtained ZERO!

If you want to assign blame do so on the PPP and its usual cadre of court jesters.  After all no one who is old enough to be at the Olympics would have begun their involvement 15 months ago.

Maybe its your idiotic exclusion of the facts which is why the PPP has failed. Spent millions on Providence, yet inaccessible Dominica now gets more matches!

As I mentioned before, when teams come to Guyana, they get robbed by the PNC theifman. Blame this on the PNC, high crime has driven away those looking to have a good time in Guyana. What a shame that you folks would prey on visitors for a few dollars. 

Drugb posted:

As I mentioned before, when teams come to Guyana, they get robbed by the PNC theifman. Blame this on the PNC, high crime has driven away those looking to have a good time in Guyana. What a shame that you folks would prey on visitors for a few dollars. 

How come T&T and Jamaica, the two murder capitals of the Caribbean attract cricket, and Guyana cannot.  Tourists have been murdered in Tobago, St Lucia and Antigua, yet the latter 2 get loads of test matches.

Providence is a gloried Thirst Park and scarce foreign exchange has to be used to pay off on the debt incurred to build it.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

As I mentioned before, when teams come to Guyana, they get robbed by the PNC theifman. Blame this on the PNC, high crime has driven away those looking to have a good time in Guyana. What a shame that you folks would prey on visitors for a few dollars. 

How come T&T and Jamaica, the two murder capitals of the Caribbean attract cricket, and Guyana cannot.  Tourists have been murdered in Tobago, St Lucia and Antigua, yet the latter 2 get loads of test matches.

Providence is a gloried Thirst Park and scarce foreign exchange has to be used to pay off on the debt incurred to build it.


skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

As I mentioned before, when teams come to Guyana, they get robbed by the PNC theifman. Blame this on the PNC, high crime has driven away those looking to have a good time in Guyana. What a shame that you folks would prey on visitors for a few dollars. 

How come T&T and Jamaica, the two murder capitals of the Caribbean attract cricket, and Guyana cannot.  Tourists have been murdered in Tobago, St Lucia and Antigua, yet the latter 2 get loads of test matches.

Providence is a gloried Thirst Park and scarce foreign exchange has to be used to pay off on the debt incurred to build it.


Dem PPP bandits never mastered that way of robbing people. So instead they started using guns when the PPP started handing dem out to dem friends to shoot black people. Now dem PPP bandits using these guns to shoot each other after a robbery so that they do not have to share the loot.

Mr.T posted:
skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

As I mentioned before, when teams come to Guyana, they get robbed by the PNC theifman. Blame this on the PNC, high crime has driven away those looking to have a good time in Guyana. What a shame that you folks would prey on visitors for a few dollars. 

How come T&T and Jamaica, the two murder capitals of the Caribbean attract cricket, and Guyana cannot.  Tourists have been murdered in Tobago, St Lucia and Antigua, yet the latter 2 get loads of test matches.

Providence is a gloried Thirst Park and scarce foreign exchange has to be used to pay off on the debt incurred to build it.


Dem PPP bandits never mastered that way of robbing people. So instead they started using guns when the PPP started handing dem out to dem friends to shoot black people. Now dem PPP bandits using these guns to shoot each other after a robbery so that they do not have to share the loot.

How sad. Too bad a bullet never caught you.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:


And yet in 23 years the PPP did NOT do anything about that.  Now we see more criminals actually getting caught.

Your 98% PNC police force were supposed catch the bandits. They refused because they were part of the gangs and got their share. They use to let out prisoners at night to rob people and put them back in lockups by daybreak. When people complained they saw the prisoners committing the crime, they refuted the charges saying that the prisoners were in the lockups.

skeldon_man posted:

Your 98% PNC police force were supposed catch the bandits. They refused because they were part of the gangs and got their share. They use to let out prisoners at night to rob people and put them back in lockups by daybreak. When people complained they saw the prisoners committing the crime, they refuted the charges saying that the prisoners were in the lockups.

This is the difference between T&T and Guyana. The police force in that country is also mainly black, and given that racial politics also occurs then most would have been PNM supporters.

Did Kamla scream that she couldn't be held responsible for the police because 90% didn't support her?  NO!

So if the PPP was unable to perform the most basic task of governing, why didn't they just resign?  Screaming that because the police support the opposition means that the PPP had no responsibility to ensure safety is something idiotic that ONLY the PPP could concoct.

This is as if Granger said that the reasons why there problems in sugar and rice and in the larger private companies is because most of these are PPP supporters who are deliberately sabotaging the government.

Any case you LIE. Henry Greene was police commissioner, and he was picked by Jagdeo HIMSELF.  When he died yet another CoP was picked by Ramotar. Gary Best then head of the GDF was picked by Jagdeo HIMSELF FACT.  Greene was barred from entry into the USA.  So if the PPP picks a criminal to head the police force, why the shock that crime soared.

skeldon_man posted:
RiffRaff posted:

I could see why Centrowitz would never acknowledge his Guyana roots

I did not see you commenting a while ago when this low life nuisance wished me a violent death. I saw why then you failed and I can see why you commented now. Excellent job Riff.

I wish I had the time to read every post on here....maybe you have the time

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Your 98% PNC police force were supposed catch the bandits. They refused because they were part of the gangs and got their share. They use to let out prisoners at night to rob people and put them back in lockups by daybreak. When people complained they saw the prisoners committing the crime, they refuted the charges saying that the prisoners were in the lockups.

This is the difference between T&T and Guyana. The police force in that country is also mainly black, and given that racial politics also occurs then most would have been PNM supporters.

There is nothing stopping former and present canecutters with criminal experience from applying for police training, and eventually a job. They'll get to carry  a gun legally as well as part of the perks of the job. But no, they prefer the better paid and saver job as a canecutter by day, and bandit by night.


Why are we fighting over this athlete who is part Polish part Guyanese?  We should all be proud that he is from the USA where most of us live and secondly, he has made Guyanese people feel proud. I noticed one of our sprinters, Winston George, is ranked #26 in world. This guy did a 400MM in 45.25.  That is pretty fast even though it is not enough to be the world champ.  However, with training he could improve and become a serious competitor for a medal in the next Olympics.  Let's wish him well.   

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin

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