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How 'Mrs Wham Glam' slammed the PM: Guyana-born Roedean pupil who became a model took on Theresa May because Brexit made her 'physically sick' 

  • Gina Miller is the leading figure in today's victorious High Court challenge
  • Guyanan-born ex-model voted Remain said referendum made her 'sick'
  • Mrs Miller, 51, married to a millionaire financier known as 'Mr Hedge Fund' 
  • Remain team of up to 12 barristers also backed by Portuguese hairdresser 
  • In message to Brexiteers she said: 'You should celebrate the win today because the ruling is one that protects the sovereignty of Parliament'

Glamourous, feisty and impeccably well-connected, South American-born former model Gina Miller humiliated Theresa May and derailed British democracy because Brexit made her feel 'physically sick'.

Mrs Miller, 51, lives in London with her financier husband Alan, nicknamed 'Mr Hedge Fund' because he made £30 million after starting one of the City's first in 1997.

The couple run an investment firm with a reported £100million in its portfolios - although Mr Miller did not appear to be at her side today.

Nicknamed 'Mrs Wham Glam' by friends, she  has now been branded 'woman of the century' by Remainers who cheered her on the steps of the High Court today.

And risking more fury Mrs Miller suggested Brexit supporters including Nigel Farage, who called the ruling a 'betrayal', should have joined the celebrations.

She said afterwards: 'I'm quite used to getting ridiculous abuse and I think Mr Farage should be more responsible in his messages because he himself, presumably, believes in the sovereignty of Parliament because he spouted about it throughout the referendum.



'So I would say to him: You should celebrate the win today because the ruling is one that protects the sovereignty of Parliament'. 

 The mother-of-three, who was born in Guyana but grew up in Britain, became a successful City investment manager and also set up the No.1 Ladies' Investment Club for women in business. 

And friends say she is sharp-witted and acid-tongued, with a reputation for winning every argument. 

Describing herself as a 'natural fighter, she has rattled cages in the City and accused the charity sector of widespread inefficiencies.

But this year Mrs Miller, a Labour supporter, put the Government's Brexit plans in her sights because she was 'absolutely stunned' by the referendum result. 

Mrs Miller, who voted Remain, brought the case with the help of a Portuguese hairdresser called Deir Santos because the Brexit vote on June 23 made her feel 'physically sick'. 

Their high-powered team of lawyers to London's High Court, led by top lawyer Lord Pannick QC and a team up to 11 more barristers, has now embarrassed Theresa May.

After today's verdict the Prime Minister must now face the Commons and convince MPs she should be able to trigger Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty to start the UK's exit from the European Union. 

Outside the Royal Courts of Justice today Mrs Miller laughed uproariously as she was cheered and clapped by supporters waving EU flags after her win.

Online her fans called her a 'national hero' and 'the woman of the century'. 

Woman of the moment: Mrs Miller's win is a 'slap in the face' for the Prime Minister 

Woman of the moment: Mrs Miller's win is a 'slap in the face' for the Prime Minister 

She said: 'You can't have a Government casually throwing away people's rights, that why we turned to the courts.  It is about process not politics'.

David Greene, senior partner of law firm Edwin Coe, who acted for Mr Santos, said: 'This is a victory not just for the brave individuals that brought this claim but, more importantly, for Parliamentary democracy and the rule of law.'

Former Liberal Democrat leader Ming Campbell said the ruling was a 'slap in the face' for Mrs May. 

The 51-year-old mother-of-three has received death threats for her campaign.

Mrs Miller, who describes herself as a 'born fighter' and an 'adrenaline junkie', has told how she felt sick when she heard the Brexit result.

She said earlier this year: 'I felt physically sick because I thought: I don't think people know the ramifications of this, of what's happened, and I felt really sorry that people had been tricked and fooled.'

She has also said: 'We must not underestimate or forget the anger in Europe about our vote.... they're very angry that we've had this relationship yet we still threaten the union.'

The daughter of the former Attorney General of Guyana, previously British Guiana, Mrs Miller was sent to a private girls’ school in Britain when she was 10.

At the prestigious  Roedean School in Brighton she ran away because she 'experienced racism for the first time' and 'was bullied badly'.

She said parents were unable to send her money so she worked as a chambermaid.

"Now on Facebook, they're saying: 'B****, go back to where you belong scrubbing floors', which I thought was quite funny because actually, I was very good at that.'

She went on to study law at university and turned to modelling and is said to have been the inspiration behind playwright Dennis Potter’s racy BBC drama Blackeyes, which starred Gina Bellman as a fashion model.

Married for the first time at 20, she had disabled daugher Lucy-Ann, who 'was deprived of oxygen at birth'.

Investment manager Gina Miller, who has married three times, walked away from her second marriage after meeting Mr Miller in 2002

Investment manager Gina Miller, who has married three times, walked away from her second marriage after meeting Mr Miller in 2002

She told The Times: 'She's 28 now and has the mental age of a six-year-old' and still lives with her. She said: 'That's why when people make assumptions about me, I think, "You don't know me at all".' 

Her second marriage was to controversial financier Jon Maguire, whose investment fund later lost around £120million.

She walked away from that marriage after meeting Mr Miller in 2002 and the pair now run their own investment firm, a philanthropic foundation and campaign against dishonest charges in the financial industry. 


In her career she worked for BMW in the UK, before moving into financial services for Legal & General and Scottish Widows.

In 2002, the former model moved to investment firm New Star, where she met her multi-millionaire husband Alan, 52, and the pair later left the firm to have children and go travelling.

Mr Miller was involved in an acrimonious divorce from his ex-wife, Melissa.

His ex was earning £85,000-a-year at a pharmaceutical company but gave up work after they were married.

The childless marriage broke down after less than three years around the time he met Gina. 

Melissa was awarded £5million of his £30million fortune, which he challenged all the way to the House of Lords and lost.

During the battle, Mr Miller's lawyer claimed it would be cheaper for him to run over his ex-wife than pay the settlement.

Gina married her third husband in a register office and at 41 became pregnant. 

When son Luca was nine months she became pregnant again at 43 and had daughter Lana.

Mr Miller and his new wife Gina had reached Panama on their travels by 2008, but returned to the UK to 'put their house in order' as the financial crisis hit.

In the wake of the crisis, the couple set up SCM Private, which now manages hundreds of millions in funds.

They have two young children and live in a £7million townhouse in Chelsea, West London. Mrs Miller has an older daughter from her first marriage.

On an online CV, Mrs Miller said: ‘People say I am a passionate person with a feisty tone of voice. This is because I love what I do, and do what I believe is right.

‘I am not afraid to speak out when I confront intellectually or morally bankrupt arguments, and have an independent mind-set.’

Mrs Miller has recently spent much of her time working for her True and Fair Foundation, which she founded in 2009.

The foundation advises charities on how to take what she calls 'a more strategic business-like approach' to their work.

Earlier this year, she criticised Judy Murray after it emerged just £20 of a £60-a-head charity event hosted by the tennis star's mother was going to good causes.

The Millers also led the so-called 'True and Fair Campaign', which called for more transparency in the City of London. 

She has become the public face of the Brexit legal challenge, although the case has been brought on behalf of her and a London hairdresser, Deir dos Santos, described by his lawyer as ‘just an ordinary guy’.

It also includes the so-called ‘People’s Challenge’, which claims the backing of thousands of supporters, and a group of Britons living in France who are expected to put forward their own legal arguments under the name Fair Deal for Expats.

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Bibi Haniffa posted:

Doodnauth Singh would be so proud of his daughter.  PPP girls Rock.  And Roll.

Maybe. Gina did not grow up with Doodnauth Singh. Her parents separated very early in her life. Doodnauth thereafter took away his law partner Ayube Mc Doom's wife and lavished his affections on her.

I don't know whether Gina is a rock-and-roll PPP girl. All the same, she is a smart rocker.


Leaders of Germany and Britain take on Guyanese Gina Miller. 

By Tim Sculthorpe, Mailonline Deputy Political Editor

Theresa May has told German Chancellor Angela Merkel and officials in Brussels she has no intention of letting High Court judges slow down Brexit.

Downing Street today insisted it was 'confident' of winning an appeal to the Supreme Court on whether Mrs May can start Brexit at a time of her choosing.

In a round of calls Mrs May told German Chancellor Ms Merkel and EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, yesterday's ruling would not set Brexit back by a year.

In a deeply controversial landmark ruling, a panel of three senior judges insisted Mrs May had no power to unilaterally start two years of Brexit talks - demanding she instead put the timing in the hands of Parliament by passing new laws.

Read more:



Bibi Haniffa
RiffRaff posted:


They have successful peopke of all races from Guyana.

Don't frame this in the context of race

They can talk Indian this and Indian that all day and then call me a racist when I confront them.

caribny posted:
RiffRaff posted:


They have successful peopke of all races from Guyana.

Don't frame this in the context of race

They can talk Indian this and Indian that all day and then call me a racist when I confront them.

Ignore their attacks, Carib. Continue posting what is true to your conscience and what is level with your high intellect. You and Stormy and Mars have my steady respect and appreciation.


Lead Brexit Claimant Gina Miller Flooded With Racist Death Threats After High Court Ruling

The woman who brought Brexit to the High Court has received death threats and racist online abuse after judges ruled that the U.K. government must get parliamentary approval if it wants to leave the European Union.

In June, during the aftermath of the U.K.'s referendum, businesswoman and philanthropist Gina Miller privately hired City law firm Mishcon de Reya in order to challenge the authority of the British government over implementation of Brexit and its power to invoke Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union, arguing that Parliament had a say in the matter.

Miller’s victory on November 3 means that the process cannot begin until U.K. lawmakers vote, a decision that has added more frustration and delay to a government that has yet to lay out its Brexit plan.  

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Lead Brexit Claimant Gina Miller Flooded With Racist Death Threats After High Court Ruling

The woman who brought Brexit to the High Court has received death threats and racist online abuse after judges ruled that the U.K. government must get parliamentary approval if it wants to leave the European Union.

In June, during the aftermath of the U.K.'s referendum, businesswoman and philanthropist Gina Miller privately hired City law firm Mishcon de Reya in order to challenge the authority of the British government over implementation of Brexit and its power to invoke Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union, arguing that Parliament had a say in the matter.

Miller’s victory on November 3 means that the process cannot begin until U.K. lawmakers vote, a decision that has added more frustration and delay to a government that has yet to lay out its Brexit plan.  

It's abominable but not unexpected. I also read some of the nasty Twitter and Facebook comments that the UK Independent newspaper published today.

Gilbakka posted:
caribny posted:
RiffRaff posted:


They have successful peopke of all races from Guyana.

Don't frame this in the context of race

They can talk Indian this and Indian that all day and then call me a racist when I confront them.

Ignore their attacks, Carib. Continue posting what is true to your conscience and what is level with your high intellect. You and Stormy and Mars have my steady respect and appreciation.

Thanks. The feeling is mutual.

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Lead Brexit Claimant Gina Miller Flooded With Racist Death Threats After High Court Ruling

The woman who brought Brexit to the High Court has received death threats and racist online abuse after judges ruled that the U.K. government must get parliamentary approval if it wants to leave the European Union.

In June, during the aftermath of the U.K.'s referendum, businesswoman and philanthropist Gina Miller privately hired City law firm Mishcon de Reya in order to challenge the authority of the British government over implementation of Brexit and its power to invoke Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union, arguing that Parliament had a say in the matter.

Miller’s victory on November 3 means that the process cannot begin until U.K. lawmakers vote, a decision that has added more frustration and delay to a government that has yet to lay out its Brexit plan.  

It's abominable but not unexpected. I also read some of the nasty Twitter and Facebook comments that the UK Independent newspaper published today.

She is a tough girl.  I am sure she can handle it.  Funny how the name Gina Miller threw them off.  If she change her name to her mother's name, Savitrie Singh, then they will know that she is a real Chat-3.  London is the same city that elected a Muslim mayor who look like a Chat-3.

Bibi Haniffa

Financial entrepreneur Gina Miller, a lead claimant in the case, said the lawsuit wasn't an attempt to stop Brexit -- just to ensure that Parliament is sovereign.

"I hope the MPs (members of Parliament) will do their job and debate this in a sober, grown up way," she said.

David Greene, lawyer for hairdresser Deir Santos, another claimant, said "democracy has been reaffirmed and now very much needs to show it is alive and kicking."

The pound, which has lost about a fifth of its value since the June 23 decision to leave the EU, shot back up on the verdict, rising about 1.5 percent to $1.2493. The ruling boosted the hopes of the financial sector, which is largely opposed to Brexit, that its effects may be mitigated by Parliament.

The case is considered the most important constitutional matter in a generation, pitting the rights of Parliament against those of the executive.

Nick Barber, associate professor of constitutional law at Oxford University, said the court had ruled decisively that "you can't use executive power to overturn statutory rights."

Jeff King, professor of law at University College London, said the government's Supreme Court appeal "would be unlikely to succeed under the circumstances."

Bibi Haniffa

Alot of these black British and South Asians hide behind the Christian church and an English name to avoid White supremacy racism that is why many of them have never experienced " carry your black ass racism" therefore they can never contemplate the anti-paki racism inflicted on South Asian people living in Britain and who are proud of their identity by these polish and other Eastern European racists who are using anti South Asian racism to be accepted into white British society.

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:

Alot of these black British hide behind the Christian church and an English name to avoid White supremacy racism that is why many of them have never experienced " carry your black ass racism" therefore they can never contemplate the anti-paki racism inflicted on South Asian people living in Britain by these polish and other Eastern European racists who are using anti South Asian racism to be accepted into white British society.

You have to be kidding if you think that blacks don't experience racism in the UK. I will be quite interested to see what type of racial epithets are thrown, as with a name Gina Miller she can pass for any number of "red" women.

The only reason why blacks might get a little less stress is many whites love black music and style.  But check the number of young black men whose skulls have been cracked open by the UKs Finest.  Or others passed over for promotion, or locked out of employment opportunities because they don't "look the part", in others they aren't white men.

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Yes.  She is his daughter. 

Well I am not surprise. She came from very good stock.  Guyana's BEST!!!

And from Corriverton  as well.

Our late GNIer Jalil who was very close to Uncle Doods are having a good time up there. 


The Brits were cheering on America for getting a black president, but they live by the principle of "not in my backyard," either way, I like how this girl is shaking up things there.  Brexit will pass but she has ensured a proper parliamentary process.  The money gods of England are backing her because they have the most to lose. 

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

This woman should go by her real East Indian name and see what happens.                                               Being mistaken for a red British christian African surely protects against anti-paki polish and Eastern European racism in the UK.

Last edited by Prashad

As I said before I am happy that England is out of the Eu. Racists from Eastern Europe were using England status in the EU to flood the country with hardcore racists from Poland and other Eastern European countries. Lower class South Asians were at the receiving end from the anti-paki racism of these very racist Eastern Europeans who were using the paki racism to gain acceptance in White British society.


Last edited by Prashad

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