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GuyExpo becoming a world class event - President lauds exhibitors

Georgetown, GINA September 29, 2011
Source - GINA

President Bharrat Jagdeo joins in cutting the ribbon to open GuyExpo 2011

Guyana’s renowned trade fair and exposition GuyExpo was declared open this evening by President Bharrat Jagdeo who lauded the support exhibitors have given to the event over the years, taking it from mediocre to world class.

The Head of State was at the time delivering the feature address before declaring the event open in the presence of a large gathering of patrons from the government and private sector entities.

Held under the theme “Enhancing Growth through Competitiveness,” GuyExpo is now 16 years in operation and provides a platform for stakeholders in the business sector to interact with other sections of society.

A section of the gathering at the opening of GuyExpo 2011

Over 200 arts and craft producers from Georgetown, the Rupununi and riverain areas will be among those exhibiting their produce at the four-day event.

Outside of the hemisphere are a delegation of 70 from neighbouring Suriname and 45 through the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Development Organisation (SEBREA).

The Head of State in his remarks expressed the hope that the exposition and trade fair grow in strength, fulfilling a promise that “started off as a small spark and today has grown into a bright burning fire.”

“Exhibitors are growing in the range of products and I want to thank them particularly for the support they have given to this exposition. They have done an enormous job,” President Jagdeo said.

The cadre of participants also includes personnel from the culinary arts who will be preparing local and international cuisines through a collaborative effort of the Carnegie School of Home Economics and the Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce.

President Bharrat Jagdeo tours a replica of the St George’s Cathedral on display at GuyExpo 2011. He was accompanied by Prime Minister Samuel Hinds and Minister of Tourism Industry and Commerce Manniram Prashad

In the midst of applause President Jagdeo described the GuyExpo exhibitors as the “real heroes” who are contributing to the creation of value and jobs. The organizing committee led by Minister of Tourism Industry and Commerce Manniram Prashad and the private sector were also lauded.

“I hope that next year you all will come to a bigger and better GuyExpo and our country will continue to march forward,” President Jagdeo said before declaring the event open.

The bulk of President Jagdeo’s speech however focused on Guyana’s path to development over the last five years and his prospects for the future after he demits office this year.

“I’m confident that this country will be led by a President who is grounded, who is captured by a far reaching vision, who believes sincerely in people and who will continue to lead Guyana to that brighter future,” President Jagdeo said.

b]President Bharrat Jagdeo and Vice President of Suriname Robert Ameerali touring the exhibits at GuyExpo 2011[/b]

He made reference to five consecutive years of solid economic growth using per capita income, national reserves, corporate tax, private sector liquidity, exchange rate as some of the main indicators.

He then pointed to the symptomatic changes in the physical environment pointing to the Berbice River and Takutu bridges, the Ogle International Airport, Guyana International Conference Centre (GICC) the Guyana National Stadium at Providence, newly refurbished schools and hospitals.

The Head of State credited much of the progress he listed to the task at the early stages by the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) administration to address the debt situation.

“The foundational work of the 1990s and the first five years of the 21st century created the Guyana that is visible today; getting our debt under control at the turn of the century, graduating from dependence on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) a few years later,” President Jagdeo said.

The last five years, President Jagdeo also believes, were spent laying the foundation for the future of hydro and solar power energy, liberialised telecommunications driven by high speed infrastructure and a laptop in the home of every Guyanese family.

“Being one of the highest growth economies in the Caribbean for the past five years is satisfying but, we are now emerging as one of the fastest growing economies in South America,” President Jagdeo said.

He believes nevertheless that Guyanese should maintain the outward look and take advantage of the potential in Guyana to supply the world with the raw materials that are in high demand.

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The last five years, President Jagdeo also believes, were spent laying the foundation for the future of hydro and solar power energy, liberialised telecommunications driven by high speed infrastructure and a laptop in the home of every Guyanese family.

“Being one of the highest growth economies in the Caribbean for the past five years is satisfying but, we are now emerging as one of the fastest growing economies in South America,” President Jagdeo said.

He believes nevertheless that Guyanese should maintain the outward look and take advantage of the potential in Guyana to supply the world with the raw materials that are in high demand.

WATACK OUCH SNAKEOIL ANYONE?? partybanana partybanana
Originally posted by Nehru:


GREENHEART COMPUTA ANYONE. partybanana partybanana
lol I see you on a roll this morning. But I bet you never attended one of these expos.
Bhai, I am just doing my DUTY to Humanity. I am tired of seeing People selling Snakeoil as GOLD. yippie
Originally posted by Sheik101:
Originally posted by Nehru:


GREENHEART COMPUTA ANYONE. partybanana partybanana
lol I see you on a roll this morning. But I bet you never attended one of these expos.

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