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Guyexpo, taking tourism, manufacturing sectors to greater heights - President Ramotar - at lunch of Guyexpo 2012


Georgetown, GINA, March 30, 2012

Source - GINA


Guyana’s Head of State President Donald Ramotar addressing the gathering at the launch of  GuyExpo at the  Guyana International Conference Centre, Liliendaal


As part of the continuous process by the administration to promote and advance linkages among local, regional and international stakeholders in the tourism and manufacturing sectors in Guyana, the Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce launched its annual international exposition and trade fair, GuyExpo on Friday evening.


This initiative by the Ministry which has been promoting growth in the economy year after year was launched under the theme ‘Strengthening the Traditional, embracing the New”.            


It will be held at the Sophia Exhibition complex from September 27 to 30.

Guyana’s Head of State Donald Ramotar at the launch at the Guyana International Conference Centre, Liliendaal, said that the vision of the administration is to use the exposition and trade fair to create more businesses for local entrepreneurs while strengthening the manufacturing sector.


“We have to consolidate on what we have, build on it, strengthen it and also seek new areas of development…I have seen new areas that we can anchor our economy into and, expand as we go forward,” President Ramotar said.


The agriculture sector is one such area from which new initiatives can be derived.

With the investments being undertaken by the administration in developing new infrastructure, particularly the hydropower venture, there is high optimism that there will be much interest in investing.


Guyana’s Head of State President Donald Ramotar unveils the theme to officially launch GuyExpo 2012


Gold and bauxite, he said like agriculture can be a big plus for Guyana, creating more wealth and jobs for citizens and urged the labour and private sector bodies to move together in the same direction.


“For a strong manufacturing sector we will need a strong workforce and that is why my Government has invested in construction of more technical institutes…so that we can raise the technical and technological capabilities of the workforce in every area,” President Ramotar said.

He also urged stakeholders to grab hold of the economic opportunities that exist within the industry and, those that are yet to be created including the expansion of the manufacturing sector and the deep water harbour.


A section of the gathering at the launch of  GuyExpo  


President Ramotar said the Administration has been making huge investments so as to promote key sectors and alluded to the inputs to transform the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, Timehri.


With an improved image as a viable tourism destination, new airlines are increasingly expressing their interest to ply the Guyana route.

Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce (ag) Irfaan Ali said that GuyExpo is the ultimate showcase for Guyana, which brings both pride and joy to the private and public sectors. 


The exposition, he said has over the years transformed itself into being self – sufficient and its theme characterises the plans of the People’s Progressive Party Civic administration to make Guyana self reliant. 


“This Guyexpo we will use the opportunities created to prepare the business community to meet new avenues and challenges in the future,” Minister Ali said.


Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, (ag) Irfaan Ali outlining the plans for GuyExpo 2012 


Against this background, he said that Government will be launching a small business fund, to support the development of new businesses, create incentives for those already in operation and develop and promote community based tourism, which holds great potential for the future.


He also noted that prior to the exposition; participants will be exposed to a number of workshops and forums.    


Chairman of the Private Sector Commission, Ramesh Dookhoo lauded the Ministry for its continual input in such a bold initiative which helps annually to create a catalyst for growth and development.


The event will see participants from hundreds of local companies coming to showcase their products and services, exchange ideas and promote new initiatives. 


Guyexpo 2011 was a huge success attracting hundreds of local companies. A delegation of 70 from neighbouring Suriname and 45 through the Brazilian Micro and small business Development Organization (SEBREA) were also present.

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