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Former Member

Each day that we read the number one water fall newspaper (KN), you can't help not noticing the many editorials on corruptions that is intended for the ruling party. All these articles are written just to demonized the PPP for doing the people's business in Guyana. Now, news media has a moral obligation to protect the citizens of a country and exposed the government of any wrong doing which I fully agree in many regards. But when a news paper will carry an editorial that says it is alright for bandits to shoot and kill citizens and government Ministers are immune to criminal attacks, that is blatantly wrong and irresponsible to the entire country. That statement falls within the category of corruption and the people must denounce this newspaper at all cost. What is worst is that (KN) was trying to make excused to defend such statement at all cost. That again is more insult on the Guyanese people that they offended.


Not long ago Mr. Granger insulted the Indian citizens of Guyana through these corrupted media for all the rape, murder and banditry that is taking place in Guyana. Perhaps Granger forget where he came from and what he ordered his men to do against Indian men, women and children. We may forgive, but we do not forget. Let Mr Granger know that Indo-Guyanese are unwilling to turn the other cheek and they are able, ready and willing to stand up for their rights against his oppressive remarks. I am angry with president Ramotar that he didn't press harder on this issue and let Granger apologized to the Indian citizens or better yet to resigned. Here we have it, folks...who is talking about corruption?

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Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Each day that we read the number one water fall newspaper (KN), you can't help not noticing the many editorials on corruptions that is intended for the ruling party. All these articles are written just to demonized the PPP for doing the people's business in Guyana. Now, news media has a moral obligation to protect the citizens of a country and exposed the government of any wrong doing which I fully agree in many regards. But when a news paper will carry an editorial that says it is alright for bandits to shoot and kill citizens and government Ministers are immune to criminal attacks, that is blatantly wrong and irresponsible to the entire country. That statement falls within the category of corruption and the people must denounce this newspaper at all cost. What is worst is that (KN) was trying to make excused to defend such statement at all cost. That again is more insult on the Guyanese people that they offended.


Not long ago Mr. Granger insulted the Indian citizens of Guyana through these corrupted media for all the rape, murder and banditry that is taking place in Guyana. Perhaps Granger forget where he came from and what he ordered his men to do against Indian men, women and children. We may forgive, but we do not forget. Let Mr Granger know that Indo-Guyanese are unwilling to turn the other cheek and they are able, ready and willing to stand up for their rights against his oppressive remarks. I am angry with president Ramotar that he didn't press harder on this issue and let Granger apologized to the Indian citizens or better yet to resigned. Here we have it, folks...who is talking about corruption?

Bhai, Yuh gun give dem SNAKEOIL SALESMEN Headache.


There is herd of corrupted Indos professionals and businessmen who are patiently waiting out there for the PNC to return to office. These people have learned from experience that it is easier to bribe a PNC minister and get away with murder than to bribe a PPP minister and get a little reduction on import tariffs or tax liability. The returns from corruption is exponentially greater under a PNC gov't than it is on a PPP/Civic gov't. The typical businessman prefers a regime that kick back more to the briber.


Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

There is herd of corrupted Indos professionals and businessmen who are patiently waiting out there for the PNC to return to office. These people have learned from experience that it is easier to bribe a PNC minister and get away with murder than to bribe a PPP minister and get a little reduction on import tariffs or tax liability. The returns from corruption is exponentially greater under a PNC gov't than it is on a PPP/Civic gov't. The typical businessman prefers a regime that kick back more to the briber.


That is a FACT but there are many other issues also.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Each day that we read the number one water fall newspaper (KN), you can't help not noticing the many editorials on corruptions that is intended for the ruling party. All these articles are written just to demonized the PPP for doing the people's business in Guyana. Now, news media has a moral obligation to protect the citizens of a country and exposed the government of any wrong doing which I fully agree in many regards. But when a news paper will carry an editorial that says it is alright for bandits to shoot and kill citizens and government Ministers are immune to criminal attacks, that is blatantly wrong and irresponsible to the entire country. That statement falls within the category of corruption and the people must denounce this newspaper at all cost. What is worst is that (KN) was trying to make excused to defend such statement at all cost. That again is more insult on the Guyanese people that they offended.


Not long ago Mr. Granger insulted the Indian citizens of Guyana through these corrupted media for all the rape, murder and banditry that is taking place in Guyana. Perhaps Granger forget where he came from and what he ordered his men to do against Indian men, women and children. We may forgive, but we do not forget. Let Mr Granger know that Indo-Guyanese are unwilling to turn the other cheek and they are able, ready and willing to stand up for their rights against his oppressive remarks. I am angry with president Ramotar that he didn't press harder on this issue and let Granger apologized to the Indian citizens or better yet to resigned. Here we have it, folks...who is talking about corruption?

Had we not a pervasively corrupt regime in office the daily accounting in the news would not be so skewed to stories about corruption.


That this article exist is itself a part and parcel  of that corrupt propaganda mill in the dark arts department of the PPP ceaselessly churning out stories about Indians having to look over their shoulder for the PNC ( euphemism for black people). One only has to look to its neglect of a Chronicle editorial by the infamous Parvatti-Persaud Edwards in favor of demonizing Granger.


The gentleman made a tame statement ie Indians are oppressed by their own in crime.Given the corruption in the regime and that the elder statesmen in the drug cartel are all Indians that is not an unfair statement.


The Chronicle editorial was more insidious. It implied that criminality was and indelible trait of the African. That woman was supposed to be sanctioned but as usual with the PPP she trots merrily along in their company with nary a slap on the wrist. I wonder who should be pressed to apologize for what here?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

There is herd of corrupted Indos professionals and businessmen who are patiently waiting out there for the PNC to return to office. These people have learned from experience that it is easier to bribe a PNC minister and get away with murder than to bribe a PPP minister and get a little reduction on import tariffs or tax liability. The returns from corruption is exponentially greater under a PNC gov't than it is on a PPP/Civic gov't. The typical businessman prefers a regime that kick back more to the briber.


Almost every Guyanese in one way or another are involved in bribery either by giving or taking bribe. It's a tough habit to get rid of but I hope this handful of Indians may soon learn the hard way for maintaining this contagious disease. However, as much as they may want the PNC back in office it's a long shot from becoming reality.
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

There is herd of corrupted Indos professionals and businessmen who are patiently waiting out there for the PNC to return to office. These people have learned from experience that it is easier to bribe a PNC minister and get away with murder than to bribe a PPP minister and get a little reduction on import tariffs or tax liability. The returns from corruption is exponentially greater under a PNC gov't than it is on a PPP/Civic gov't. The typical businessman prefers a regime that kick back more to the briber.


That is a FACT but there are many other issues also.

it is a true measure of the evil nature of you people that in the next breath you wail apocalyptically in the battam houses about genocide and "slavery" awaiting Indo-Guyanese if the PNC returns to executive office


all with a straight face . . . naturally


baseman, please come in

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

. . . But when a news paper will carry an editorial that says it is alright for bandits to shoot and kill citizens and government Ministers are immune to criminal attacks, that is blatantly wrong and irresponsible to the entire country. . .

mendacity marries stupid . . .


what was the highest grade u complete in school again ?


Nehru, if the AFC didn't condemn Granger's remarks which is designed to insult Indo-Guyanese as criminals and rapists, isn't that there are in agreement with APNU's Anti-Indian sentiments? How could Ramjattan and Nagamootoo be so cruel toward their own people and allow Granger to throw shit in Indo-Guyanese faces?

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Nehru, if the AFC didn't condemn Granger's remarks which is designed to insult Indo-Guyanese as criminals and rapists, isn't that there are in agreement with APNU's Anti-Indian sentiments? How could Ramjattan and Nagamootoo be so cruel toward their own people and allow Granger to throw shit in Indo-Guyanese face?



BTW which remark Granger made that insulted East Indians? 

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Nehru, if the AFC didn't condemn Granger's remarks which is designed to insult Indo-Guyanese as criminals and rapists, isn't that there are in agreement with APNU's Anti-Indian sentiments? How could Ramjattan and Nagamootoo be so cruel toward their own people and allow Granger to throw shit in Indo-Guyanese faces?

this certified racist fool ABIDHA continues to think he smart

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

He is a typical PPP racist whose aim in life is solely to thief and blame any black person in sight.

Tbone, you might soon have to leave masaland and go back to the homeland when them fanatics introduce sharia laws to chop off your balls. We don't call that racist, it's sharia justice.
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

There is herd of corrupted Indos professionals and businessmen who are patiently waiting out there for the PNC to return to office.

And there are hundreds of herds of corrupted Indo businessmen who are currently benefitting from PPP corruption.  Just start with those investing in the Marriott.  Imagine screams of how profitable this venture will be, yet the investors demand 100% guarantee that if the project fails they are 100% protected. 


Mr. Brandon, with his Choice brand, doesnt get this.  He probably would wonder why he should benefit from this, even if it was offered.  If an investor believes in his prtoject the  he shouldnt demand a guaranteed return of his investment of it fails.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Nehru, if the AFC didn't condemn Granger's remarks which is designed to insult Indo-Guyanese as criminals and rapists, isn't that there are in agreement with APNU's Anti-Indian sentiments? How could Ramjattan and Nagamootoo be so cruel toward their own people and allow Granger to throw shit in Indo-Guyanese faces?

And when you all PPP Indo Nazis scream that all blacks are violent, criminal and lazy and that only Indians have been victims of violence what do you call that?


OOOps....forgot its OK to demonize blacks using bigoted stereotypes, but when some one suggests that there are also Indo criminals, victimizing mainly Indos, then that is called a racist statement.  That is what Granger said.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The gentleman made a tame statement ie Indians are oppressed by their own in crime.Given the corruption in the regime and that the elder statesmen in the drug cartel are all Indians that is not an unfair statement.


The Chronicle editorial was more insidious. It implied that criminality was and indelible trait of the African. That woman was supposed to be sanctioned but as usual with the PPP she trots merrily along in their company with nary a slap on the wrist. I wonder who should be pressed to apologize for what here?

Indo nazis like Rev Al, ABIDHA, Nehru, baseman, skeldon, and other PPP supporters believe this and so cannot see how racist they are. 


Granger told them that there are also Indians victimizing other Indians and they wail that this is a racist remark.  Yet they remain silent when the PPP screams about "bad black man" in their bottom house meetings.

Originally Posted by TK:



BTW which remark Granger made that insulted East Indians? 

When he reminded them that many (most likely most) Indian rape victims were raped by other Indians, and that there is growing criminality among young Indos and their victims are almost always other Indians.


What a racist remark to make when the PPP peddles the myth that the only criminals and rapist in Guyana are blacks, and 100% of their victims are Indians, and that  a loss of power by the PPP will make these black "savages" even more brutal.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Nehru, if the AFC didn't condemn Granger's remarks which is designed to insult Indo-Guyanese as criminals and rapists,

Did the PPP condemn itself when it allowed the Chronicle to print an EDITORIAL lambasting AfroGuyanese as being criminal because of their culture, whose sole purpose is attacking Indians?


They didnt and lost 95% of the votes from black Guyanese as a result.


The Chronicle was EXPLICIT in its racism and yet you say nothing...You do not because they express LOUDLY what you say in private.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Caribny, can you be an Indo for a day or you want to remain a blackman forever? 

Do you want to be a black man?  If not then you answered your question.

Yes, I want to be a blackman for a day but I am afraid I may inherit the criminal instinct.

You are black. You are here what the hell do you think every redneck think you are?

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

 I appreciate the Ameriandian people and recognise their hard work unlike the blacks.

I see that you are determined that the PPP loses.  You know its losing hold of Indians, so unless it wins over some blacks and mixed people to replace them its future is quite dire.


Look at every election since 1992. IN EVERY election the PPP won fewer votes than in the previous one.  Now they have dipped under 50%, despite hwving the advantages of incumbency and 100% control over much of the media in some locations.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

I also would like to be an Amerind for a day to remember the fine taste of piwari and cassava bread. I said that in the most respected term because I appreciate the Ameriandian people and recognise their hard work unlike the blacks.

You are what you are a child of an untouchable who recasted himself.You have come to know you are a human despite your ancestors having been told for centuries (and they believed it) they were not. Clarity did not come from within the culture but from being touched by others lifting you up and out of the darkness of your own mental confinement to a principle.


Here you stand, a man, a human but alas the vestigial pull to put others where you were remains. Get rid of that curse to fully reach for your completeness as a human being.


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