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February 24, 2016 Source

The Guyana Sugar Corporation today accused the main sugar union GAWU of forcing some Uitvlugt estate workers to strike yesterday.

A GuySuCo press release follows:

On Tuesday February 23, 2016,as Guyana celebrated its 46th Anniversary after becoming a Republic, the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers’ Union (GAWU) representatives fanned out across the sugar industry persuading workers to strike and protest. Workers at most of the estates did not answer this call which was master minded by the Union’s central leadership. The maturity of the workforce has prevailed over the Union’s self-serving call that could have had a negative impact on the industry.

There was normalcy at all estates except Uitvlugt estate, where 400 harvesters came out,indicating their willingness to work. However, the Field Officer and representatives of GAWU prevented the workers from taking up work, with the result that 70 persons defied them while 330 went home reluctantly.

The Field Officer who was installed there just yesterday [after his predecessor was dismissed February 3, 2016 for not supporting calls made by his superiors in the Union] and representatives were at the orderline encouraging workers to strike. It was alleged that they were given strong warning by the Union leadership,in the case of the Field Officer that,“if he cannot get the workers to protest he will be removed as Field Officer” and in relation to the representatives “if they don’t get their respective gang workers to strike they will be removed as reps”.Similarly the workers were told if they don’t support the strike they would not be afforded representation by the Union in the future.

The reluctant support of the workers relates to 330 cane harvesters who preparedness their meals and came out to work but had to go home losing their earnings for today. Also with a production of 410 tonnes sugar this morning against a target of 969 tonnes sugar,their inability to work, which was incited by the representatives and Field Officer of the Union, will result in all of Uitvlugt possibly losing a further day’s pay in the form of Weekly Production Incentive [WPI] for not achieving their target.

It is believed that the Union was determined to break Uitvlugt Estate’s momentum as the estate achieved its targets for the two previous weeks since the crop commenced, when all workers earned one day WPI each.

GuySuCo exhorts its workers to be more concerned with their future, with job security, and not the agenda of their Union’s leadership which seems not to be in sync with the best interest of the workers and the industry.

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When sugar production don't meet payroll and another estate might be closed, GuySuCo might be blamed for marginalized workers. How long do you keep bailing-out a business, when its not productive ? 

Komal Chand might be concerned about  losing GAWU membership. In 1963 it was 'DOWN WITH MPCA -  WE WANT GAWU'. It might be time for DOWN WITH GAWU - , if some workers don't listen at their call to strike.    


GAWU continues to operate against the interests of sugar workers and the sugar industry. GAWU wants to squeeze blood out of stone. Let us see how long the union's intimidation tactics will run.


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