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Sasenarine Singh, CEO of GuySuCo

Sasenarine Singh, CEO of GuySuCo


February 9 ,2021

-$400M being spent on Blairmont Estate maintenance

The Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) is working towards a production target of 97,420 metric tonnes (MT) for 2021 and it is rapidly moving ahead with maintenance as it prepares for the start of the first crop later this month.

GuySuCo Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Sasenarine Singh yesterday said the company is hoping to complete maintenance by February 20th in order to begin grinding.

Singh noted that the total production for 2020 was 88,868 MT.

Bell loaders being repaired at the estate

Maintenance being done at the Blairmont Estate yesterday. Also in picture is one of the rollers purchased in January for the factory.

“This year the target is more doable, it’s more achievable, it’s more pragmatic… We are going to generate out targets based on the cane standing on the ground,” he stressed.

According to him, the first crop will start on February 20th and run until May 15th, with a target of 42, 609 MT. The second crop is expected to start in July and run into November.

For the first crop, Singh said, GuySuCo is working to improve the land preparation process and focus on ensuring the plants are fed at the right time. “For years GuySuCo has underfed our plants … That ends today. Our plants are going to get their fertiliser at the right time so they can produce the right quality of sugar at the right time, so they can be taken to the factory at the right time to produce they right amount of sugar,” he said.

Thirdly, he added, the corporation is looking to improve the efficiency in cane transport. “The weakest link in this business is bringing sugar from the field to the factory. That is where we lose most of our money because the model basically says within 48 hours your sugar should be in the factory and we have to make sure our canes as much as possible get from the field into the factory within that 48 hours period,” he said.  

Blairmont maintenance

During a media tour with several managers of the Blairmont Estate yesterday, Singh disclosed that $400 million is being spent on maintenance at the location.

During the tour, the media was given a firsthand opportunity to see maintenance being done on at the estate.

The works include repairs of fans of the boilers in order to increase air flow to support combustion. Furnace repairs are also expected to improve air flow, while rehab works on carrier chains are expected to reduce factory down time.

Stabroek News was told that the maintenance will increase efficiency and steam generation which allows for an increase in electricity production using bagasse, thereby reducing the dependence on fossil fuel.

Presently workers are installing three re-shell rollers at a cost of $21 million and this is expected to enhance the milling operation and improve sugar recovery.

Additionally, work on the crystallisers is expected to result in an improvement in sugar quality, grain size, sugar recovery and reduction in boiling house congestion.

Further, improvements are being made in the cane wash system, which is expected to result in better milling, performance and steam generation.

The corporation is also replacing the worn cane conveyors components so as to improve reliability and avoid stoppages. 

Efficiency and expansion

Meanwhile, Singh yesterday stated the corporation is also working to ensure that it is able to produce sugar more efficiently. He noted that he met with managers and unions yesterday and they discussed the first crop plan to make sure that it is possible. A major problem for GuySuCo is that its cost of production for sugar is above the world market price.

“As CEO, I have a mandate and a charge from the Government of Guyana to ensure I preserve the 8200 jobs that currently exist in GuySuCo and with a view of expanding”, he stressed.

The foundation of their plan rests on “increasing our revenue stream, attacking our non-value added costs but more importantly ensuring that we deliver on the manifesto promise of His Excellency, the President,” Singh said.

Furthermore, the CEO noted that at all levels the company has been retraining and encouraging staff to be cost-conscious and focused on markets as they can be the best sellers of their products.

He then called on former sugar workers to rejoin the corporation as he stressed that the target now has never been more achievable than the targets within the last five years.

Singh said that he believed sugar will reclaim its rightful place in the country and a brighter day will come.

In January, he noted, GuySuCo renew-ed its molasses contract with DDL. “We are proud to announce that the 2021 agree-ment offers a much higher price than we were getting even three months ago and we are grateful for the partnership that DDL is bringing to GuySuCo,” he said.

Additionally, GuySuCo was able to secure US$30 more per metric tonne in the Trinidad market, which he said was the corporation’s biggest market in the Caribbean. “We are getting more money out of it.”

According to Singh, GuySuCo has also been able to expand its St. Vincent market and has started negotiation with Grenada to restart selling packaged sugar to the Grenada market.

Further, he noted that a plan to expand the packaging plant at the Blairmont and Enmore estates to a total cost of $600 million has been greenlit.

“What we are doing right now is building an inventory of packaged sugar. So when somebody in Trinidad calls and says, ‘Hey we need so much tonnes of Demerara Gold, it’s there. We mustn’t build it at that point. It must be there already, available to sell, ’cause this is a business, this is not a charity,” the CEO said.

Singh said that when he started the job he met a horrible situation, where at Rose Hall, Skeldon and Enmore estates they lost billions of dollars in “real value.”

For instance, at the Rose Hall Estate there were 12 working serviceable tractors in 2015 which were reduced to “shells.”

“We’ve lost so much equipment and we have three factories that were never decommissioned,” he said. , while explaining that it was found that was as if they were closed and everyone ran out of the.


Singh, who has been on the ground meeting with managers, workers and the unions since taking the post of CEO, noted yesterday, that the corporation’s turnaround is based on the foundation of a five-year strategic plan. “This first crop is our opportunity as the new management team to re-engineer this business and drive the outcome that we have in our five year plan,” he said, while stressing that the corporation has a commitment to shareholders and the people of Guyana to make the industry viable “but it will take some time.”

He said the mantra going forward is to produce what they can sell “for the most possible cash”. According to Singh, they are not excited to sell raw bulk sugar in the market and “it’s an afterthought, if it happens it happens because we had no other alternative”.

Instead, the corporation’s primary market going forward will remain packaged value-added sugar — Demerara Gold, Enmore Crystals and a new brand which is expected to be launched for both local and international markets.

“We are quadrupling actually over the next five years our marketing of value-added packaged sugar both locally and in the Caribbean and international market,” he added.

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“As CEO, I have a mandate and a charge from the Government of Guyana to ensure I preserve the 8200 jobs that currently exist in GuySuCo and with a view of expanding”, he stressed.

This number looks high for two grinding estates.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

“As CEO, I have a mandate and a charge from the Government of Guyana to ensure I preserve the 8200 jobs that currently exist in GuySuCo and with a view of expanding”, he stressed.

This number looks high for two grinding estates.

The jobs are not only for cane cutters.  There are other office workers and  Maintenance workers here too.


“We are quadrupling actually over the next five years our marketing of value-added packaged sugar both locally and in the Caribbean and international market,” he added.  What does quadrupling our marketing mean? 

@Totaram posted:

“We are quadrupling actually over the next five years our marketing of value-added packaged sugar both locally and in the Caribbean and international market,” he added.  What does quadrupling our marketing mean?

Four times their cost to advertise.

Last edited by cain
@Totaram posted:

“We are quadrupling actually over the next five years our marketing of value-added packaged sugar both locally and in the Caribbean and international market,” he added.  What does quadrupling our marketing mean?

Rama, former production manger at Nortel, at what rate per annum for the next five years?


All the preparations look good but, the bottom line is, will they sell their product above the cost of production? Sugar sweetens but does not satisfy hunger! I think it would have been better if the estates were left closed, except for meeting local needs and DDL's, and allowing the lands to be used for the production of needed ground provisions and other foodstuffs by the.former sugarcane workers. How much sugar will they sell to the islands? What about the Indian, Brazilian and other producers who will not sit still if and when Guyana tries to undercut their prices! They will clobber you!

Perhaps this is just 'jobs for our faithful supporters'! If so, everyone will pay for this! But, of course, there's oil to absorb the cost of political blunders! ₩e hope! Why would Singh care? He will always have his credentials for another misadventure! Singh's credentials include shutting down a losing enterprise, I believe! Guess he doesn't! Believe, I mean! Hahahahahaha.......

Last edited by Former Member
@cain posted:

Four times their cost to advertise.

If this is what they intend to do then what does it say about their strategy?  Part of it includes selling packaged sugar at an increased price in the local market.  What could very well happen in that scenario is that sugar will be imported at a lower cost .  A similar outcome will likely materialize in the Caribbean market.  The core issue facing GUYSUCO is that it simply cannot compete on cost in the world market.  Its new strategy may even imperil its local market. 

@Totaram posted:

If this is what they intend to do then what does it say about their strategy?  Part of it includes selling packaged sugar at an increased price in the local market.  What could very well happen in that scenario is that sugar will be imported at a lower cost .  A similar outcome will likely materialize in the Caribbean market.  The core issue facing GUYSUCO is that it simply cannot compete on cost in the world market.  Its new strategy may even imperil its local market.

Imported at a lower cost? Not as long as the PPP supports it, Tota!

@Former Member posted:

Imported at a lower cost? Not as long as the PPP supports it, Tota!

Under different circumstances Guyana has imported sugar.  When the Brits and others paid higher than world prices for sugar Guyana imported sugar for local consumption and sold its sugar to the Europeans.  It has been a while since I bought sugar in Guyana but my mother used to buy loose sugar as needed from our local grocer (uncle Goberdhan) who bought it in big bags from GUYSUCO.  Try selling plastics bags of sugar to Guyanese at a higher price and  see what happens.  BTW, IMHO,Demerara sugar is the best sugar in the world. 

@Former Member posted:

There's a company here marketing Demerara sugar which I doubt it is!

Some packages say Demerara style but that sugar could come from anywhere (Mauritius for example).  If it says product of Guyana then it's probably the real thing.  However, believe or not GUYSUCO or Guyana doesn't have a patent on Demerara sugar.  Some time back they sued a company using the name and lost. 

@Totaram posted:

Some packages say Demerara style but that sugar could come from anywhere (Mauritius for example).  If it says product of Guyana then it's probably the real thing.  However, believe or not GUYSUCO or Guyana doesn't have a patent on Demerara sugar.  Some time back they sued a company using the name and lost.

Should have named it PPP sugar!

Naw! Come to think of it, might remind people of urine!

@Django posted:

Sasenarine Singh, CEO of GuySuCo

Sasenarine Singh, CEO of GuySuCo


February 9 ,2021

-$400M being spent on Blairmont Estate maintenance

The Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) is working towards a production target of 97,420 metric tonnes (MT) for 2021 and it is rapidly moving ahead with maintenance as it prepares for the start of the first crop later this month.

GuySuCo Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Sasenarine Singh yesterday said the company is hoping to complete maintenance by February 20th in order to begin grinding.

Singh noted that the total production for 2020 was 88,868 MT.

Bell loaders being repaired at the estate

Maintenance being done at the Blairmont Estate yesterday. Also in picture is one of the rollers purchased in January for the factory.

“This year the target is more doable, it’s more achievable, it’s more pragmatic… We are going to generate out targets based on the cane standing on the ground,” he stressed.

According to him, the first crop will start on February 20th and run until May 15th, with a target of 42, 609 MT. The second crop is expected to start in July and run into November.

For the first crop, Singh said, GuySuCo is working to improve the land preparation process and focus on ensuring the plants are fed at the right time. “For years GuySuCo has underfed our plants … That ends today. Our plants are going to get their fertiliser at the right time so they can produce the right quality of sugar at the right time, so they can be taken to the factory at the right time to produce they right amount of sugar,” he said.

Thirdly, he added, the corporation is looking to improve the efficiency in cane transport. “The weakest link in this business is bringing sugar from the field to the factory. That is where we lose most of our money because the model basically says within 48 hours your sugar should be in the factory and we have to make sure our canes as much as possible get from the field into the factory within that 48 hours period,” he said.  

Blairmont maintenance

During a media tour with several managers of the Blairmont Estate yesterday, Singh disclosed that $400 million is being spent on maintenance at the location.

During the tour, the media was given a firsthand opportunity to see maintenance being done on at the estate.

The works include repairs of fans of the boilers in order to increase air flow to support combustion. Furnace repairs are also expected to improve air flow, while rehab works on carrier chains are expected to reduce factory down time.

Stabroek News was told that the maintenance will increase efficiency and steam generation which allows for an increase in electricity production using bagasse, thereby reducing the dependence on fossil fuel.

Presently workers are installing three re-shell rollers at a cost of $21 million and this is expected to enhance the milling operation and improve sugar recovery.

Additionally, work on the crystallisers is expected to result in an improvement in sugar quality, grain size, sugar recovery and reduction in boiling house congestion.

Further, improvements are being made in the cane wash system, which is expected to result in better milling, performance and steam generation.

The corporation is also replacing the worn cane conveyors components so as to improve reliability and avoid stoppages.

Efficiency and expansion

Meanwhile, Singh yesterday stated the corporation is also working to ensure that it is able to produce sugar more efficiently. He noted that he met with managers and unions yesterday and they discussed the first crop plan to make sure that it is possible. A major problem for GuySuCo is that its cost of production for sugar is above the world market price.

“As CEO, I have a mandate and a charge from the Government of Guyana to ensure I preserve the 8200 jobs that currently exist in GuySuCo and with a view of expanding”, he stressed.

The foundation of their plan rests on “increasing our revenue stream, attacking our non-value added costs but more importantly ensuring that we deliver on the manifesto promise of His Excellency, the President,” Singh said.

Furthermore, the CEO noted that at all levels the company has been retraining and encouraging staff to be cost-conscious and focused on markets as they can be the best sellers of their products.

He then called on former sugar workers to rejoin the corporation as he stressed that the target now has never been more achievable than the targets within the last five years.

Singh said that he believed sugar will reclaim its rightful place in the country and a brighter day will come.

In January, he noted, GuySuCo renew-ed its molasses contract with DDL. “We are proud to announce that the 2021 agree-ment offers a much higher price than we were getting even three months ago and we are grateful for the partnership that DDL is bringing to GuySuCo,” he said.

Additionally, GuySuCo was able to secure US$30 more per metric tonne in the Trinidad market, which he said was the corporation’s biggest market in the Caribbean. “We are getting more money out of it.”

According to Singh, GuySuCo has also been able to expand its St. Vincent market and has started negotiation with Grenada to restart selling packaged sugar to the Grenada market.

Further, he noted that a plan to expand the packaging plant at the Blairmont and Enmore estates to a total cost of $600 million has been greenlit.

“What we are doing right now is building an inventory of packaged sugar. So when somebody in Trinidad calls and says, ‘Hey we need so much tonnes of Demerara Gold, it’s there. We mustn’t build it at that point. It must be there already, available to sell, ’cause this is a business, this is not a charity,” the CEO said.

Singh said that when he started the job he met a horrible situation, where at Rose Hall, Skeldon and Enmore estates they lost billions of dollars in “real value.”

For instance, at the Rose Hall Estate there were 12 working serviceable tractors in 2015 which were reduced to “shells.”

“We’ve lost so much equipment and we have three factories that were never decommissioned,” he said. , while explaining that it was found that was as if they were closed and everyone ran out of the.


Singh, who has been on the ground meeting with managers, workers and the unions since taking the post of CEO, noted yesterday, that the corporation’s turnaround is based on the foundation of a five-year strategic plan. “This first crop is our opportunity as the new management team to re-engineer this business and drive the outcome that we have in our five year plan,” he said, while stressing that the corporation has a commitment to shareholders and the people of Guyana to make the industry viable “but it will take some time.”

He said the mantra going forward is to produce what they can sell “for the most possible cash”. According to Singh, they are not excited to sell raw bulk sugar in the market and “it’s an afterthought, if it happens it happens because we had no other alternative”.

Instead, the corporation’s primary market going forward will remain packaged value-added sugar — Demerara Gold, Enmore Crystals and a new brand which is expected to be launched for both local and international markets.

“We are quadrupling actually over the next five years our marketing of value-added packaged sugar both locally and in the Caribbean and international market,” he added.

That is only US$2 million.  What is the big deal?


The money ( will you cut out the goddamn interference, you Canadian scum? You only lower yourself further than an earthworm) had been better spent on encouraging the workers into other agricultural fields! I repeat, sugar only sweetens, other foods satisfy hunger! Survival is a job, too! In fact, the main job! All this while they all would.have been better off! Both governments have failed the sugar workers!

@Former Member posted:

The money ( will you cut out the goddamn interference, you Canadian scum? You only lower yourself further than an earthworm) had been better spent on encouraging the workers into other agricultural fields! I repeat, sugar only sweetens, other foods satisfy hunger! Survival is a job, too! In fact, the main job! All this while they all would.have been better off! Both governments have failed the sugar workers!

Nobody failed the sugar workers.  If you and all your friends didn't run away from the PNC, Guyana would have had enough cane cutters to do the job.  Sugar didn't fail. The people abandoned the cane fields for a better life in North America.  Your friends in the PNC are too lazy to do the job, they prefer to steal.

@Former Member posted:

Your stupidity forbids argument, rectum!

Then why are you arguing? Instead of discussing the development that is transforming Guyana into a paradise, you are trying to enhance your stupidity which surpasses your ignorance.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Then why are you arguing? Instead of discussing the development that is transforming Guyana into a paradise, you are trying to enhance your stupidity which surpasses your ignorance.

You, evidently, are too stupid to understand what I posted!

Last edited by Former Member
@Ramakant-P posted:

What you posted is a stupid answer to my rhetorics.

What rhetorics, kunt? And your vision of a PPP paradise is myopic and PPParty insulated!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

What rhetorics, kunt? And your vision of a PPP paradise is myopic and PPParty insulated!

My vision of a PPP paradise has been taken out of the PPP 2020 Manifesto which has been proclaimed to the whole world but you lack the imagination, foresight, or intellectual insight to see what will become a reality.

@Ramakant-P posted:

My vision of a PPP paradise has been taken out of the PPP 2020 Manifesto which has been proclaimed to the whole world but you lack the imagination, foresight, or intellectual insight to see what will become a reality.

You are so stupid that you don't see how vainglorious you are. Schupidness nah gat cure.

@Mitwah posted:

You are so stupid that you don't see how vainglorious you are. Schupidness nah gat cure.

Another asinine statement. If I appear to be vainglorious then I am not going to argue with you about that because I would take that as a compliment.

@Ramakant-P posted:

My vision of a PPP paradise has been taken out of the PPP 2020 Manifesto which has been proclaimed to the whole world but you lack the imagination, foresight, or intellectual insight to see what will become a reality.

But then again, you believe ANYTHING! Promises are just that! PPPromises!

@Ramakant-P posted:

Another asinine statement. If I appear to be vainglorious then I am not going to argue with you about that because I would take that as a compliment.

Being accused of boastfulness is a compliment? You either don't know the meaning of vainglorious or are just being chupid! As usual!

No wonder you are an ex! Teacher, I mean!

Last edited by Former Member

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