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GuySuCo has passed ‘point of no return’

January 9, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 


– economist warns of continued bailouts

Days after closing off with its worst performance in over two decades, there are now beliefs that the sugar industry has passed the point of no return.
Writing in his Sunday column in the Stabroek News, economist Dr. Clive Thomas, was more than convinced that the crisis in the sugar industry has passed its tipping-point or point of no return. “This means that all hopes for a rational, considered and ordered reform and recon­struction of the industry are lost.”

Economist, Dr. Clive Thomas

Dr. Clive Thomas

His column was entitled, “The Guyana Sugar Industry: The Point of No Return”.
Last year, the industry recorded a 23-year-low of 186,807, below its reduced 190,000 tonnes target. At the end of the year, the Guyana Sugar Corporation owed suppliers and banks in excess of $10B.
With over $5B in bailout monies to the industry last year, Dr. Thomas, who has been analyzing GuySuCo situation in several of the columns, expressed alarm.
“…the present configuration of the industry is leading it to produce less and less sugar at a higher and higher cost! Given the inevitably resultant losses, this is clearly an unsustainable commercial dynamic for GuySuCo’s operations. In light of this, both the EU’s continuing sugar assistance and government’s bailouts of GuySuCo can be viewed as seeking to rescue the industry from total collapse.”
Such a situation, however, represents, in essence, a classic case of throwing good money after bad, Thomas said. “As worldwide experience has shown, while it is hard politically for governments to stop providing unwarranted subsidies to state industries, it is far worse for them to yield to those interests that are driving the need for the subsidies. The misallocation of national resources implicit in this posture is inevitably bad for everyone economically, but it will eventually also carry a devastating political cost, given the size and configuration of the sugar industry in Guyana’s political economy.”
The economist argued that as a rule, all industries and businesses go through life cycle changes. GuySuCo and the wider sugar industry are at the industrial life cycle stage of post maturity and long-term secular decline he said.
“As presently configured the country’s sugar busi­ness can no longer go for­ward as a viable commer­cial endeavour.”
Thomas pointed to several of his articles, one of which focused on how deep-seated the defects and deficiencies in the present sugar industry are.
He warned that the sugar industry, as it is now, has serious implications for the country’s economic structure.
“Here the limitations of the sugar sector are clearly revealed. Over the decades, sugar’s contribution to GDP, export earnings, and tax revenue has fallen well behind that of other traditional commodity sectors such as gold, rice, and bauxite, as well as the services sector.”
Regarding the huge sums of money that had been allocated to the sugar industry by the European Union (EU), Dr. Thomas urged that they must be seen in the light of the additional massive bailouts provided by the Government of Guyana to GuySuCo in recent years.
Government has remained largely quiet on its plans for the industry this year. Already, there have been calls for parts of the industry to be privatized, including the flagship Skeldon factory.
Government has not held anyone accountable for the poorly run industry and despite indications from President Donald Ramotar that he would have started making changes last year, commencing with the Board of Directors, there has been no such movements.
The Skeldon project, to the tune of US$200M, has been a major embarrassment, with a number of defects affecting performance.  While it had targeted 43,482 tonnes at the beginning of 2013, actual production at December 21 was a miserly 25,380 tonnes.
GuySuCo, with over 16,000 workers, had been looking for foreign management, discarding UK-based Tate and Lyle and now experimenting with a number of Indian experts at its Enmore factory.
Last month, the National Assembly approved a $4B bailout to help pay its 16,000-plus workers and meet other critical expenditure.
Once the ‘sweet king’, earning the hog’s share of foreign exchange, sugar has slid to third, behind gold and rice.
The Corporation is facing the squeeze from its suppliers, with a number of them refusing to extend more credit. Hard-hit are supplies of spares and fertilizers.
The main union has blamed agriculture for a large part of the problems with low yields affecting production. The Alliance For Change has called for the immediate sacking of the entire GuySuCo board and replacing of management.
Last month, after days of strike action, GuySuCo agreed to pay its workers their annual production incentive. This will be done in two parts, during the first quarter of this year. The Opposition, during the 2013 National Budget debate, had demanded an updated recovery plan for GuySuCo to be laid in the National Assembly.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Once the ‘sweet king’, earning the hog’s share of foreign exchange, sugar has slid to third, behind gold and rice.
The Corporation is facing the squeeze from its suppliers, with a number of them refusing to extend more credit. Hard-hit are supplies of spares and fertilizers


The Skeldon project, to the tune of US$200M, has been amajor embarrassment, with a number of defects affecting performance.  While it had targeted 43,482 tonnes at the beginning of 2013, actual production at December 21 was a miserly 25,380 tonnes.


It is also true that people don't want to cut cane anymore and that can also be a factor for being way below the target. They should bring Machines to cut the cane and let Private Farmers get incentives/subsidies to produce sugar cane.


The failure of the sugar industry is also Ramouthar's failure as he and others handpicked by the cabal squatted on the board of GUYSUCO and did nothing to turn the industry fact they were not capable of doing so !......

Originally Posted by Churchill:

The failure of the sugar industry is also Ramouthar's failure as he and others handpicked by the cabal squatted on the board of GUYSUCO and did nothing to turn the industry fact they were not capable of doing so !......

I AGREE. Hopefully it is not too late and I do respect Prof Thomas's opinion.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Churchill:

The failure of the sugar industry is also Ramouthar's failure as he and others handpicked by the cabal squatted on the board of GUYSUCO and did nothing to turn the industry fact they were not capable of doing so !......

I AGREE. Hopefully it is not too late and I do respect Prof Thomas's opinion.

well said prof nehru now we have to take away your party card you turning into a n-igger indian 


Churchill has come out of hiding. Let's see if this would chase him away.

Churchill; Why were expelled from the PPP group? Was it about some $?

Clive Thomas has been writing the same things as early 1974. Diversification, value added, privatise (even as he professed socialism) no future for sugar.etc. etc.

Let me remind Clive that as he was professing "no return" sugar production move from 119,000 tons to 350,000 tons in 2003/2004. Clive was wrong and is wrong.



Originally Posted by genius:

Churchill has come out of hiding. Let's see if this would chase him away.

Churchill; Why were expelled from the PPP group? Was it about some $?

Clive Thomas has been writing the same things as early 1974. Diversification, value added, privatise (even as he professed socialism) no future for sugar.etc. etc.

Let me remind Clive that as he was professing "no return" sugar production move from 119,000 tons to 350,000 tons in 2003/2004. Clive was wrong and is wrong.



I am hoping you are right but I rather Action than just talk.

Originally Posted by genius:

Churchill has come out of hiding. Let's see if this would chase him away.

Churchill; Why were expelled from the PPP group? Was it about some $?

Clive Thomas has been writing the same things as early 1974. Diversification, value added, privatise (even as he professed socialism) no future for sugar.etc. etc.

Let me remind Clive that as he was professing "no return" sugar production move from 119,000 tons to 350,000 tons in 2003/2004. Clive was wrong and is wrong.



Genyass...I am not the one hiding but you ....You and your girlfriend Jagdeo will be picked up soon by the authorities....I was never expelled from any PPP group and have always contributed financially and other wise to the party whilst you and your sidekicks were marching with the PNC and MPCA...


Clive Thomas is a holder of a real Phd unlike you ! ....Cheddi offered him a position in the cabinet but he couldn't accept because of the WPA's position at that time......


The workers at Albion are awaiting the opportunity to give you a royal cut ass when you show you face there....

Originally Posted by genius:

Churchill has come out of hiding. Let's see if this would chase him away.

Churchill; Why were expelled from the PPP group? Was it about some $?

Clive Thomas has been writing the same things as early 1974. Diversification, value added, privatise (even as he professed socialism) no future for sugar.etc. etc.

Let me remind Clive that as he was professing "no return" sugar production move from 119,000 tons to 350,000 tons in 2003/2004. Clive was wrong and is wrong.



maybe this is your avenue to steal the tax payers money guysuco is a lost cause for guyana its just putting a burden on the tax payers its time to move on the ppp already sink this ship


The sugar industry can be rescued if drastic measures are taken immediately to revive it.....the entire board of directors have to be revamped and modern ways of planting and harvesting of the canes be implimented....more lands have to be opened up for production to keep a high tech factory operational at its maximum....the cane fields have to be up graded to facilitate mechanizations, etc......

It is sad to know that even the  fertilization  of the crops have been mismanaged.....also GAWU has to come forward and serve the workers or be replaced as their bargaining agents.....


Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
The President should hire a team of Experts from India/South Africa to run the Industry.
what you mean guyana need to hire a new president

. You from Bush Dam right or is it hubu backdam???
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Brazilians are good too.  Jagdeo was too confident, his youth and inexperience cause the Guyanese Taxpayers a whole lot.

the ppp lack of inclusive that cause the guyanese all these pains.the ppp police is only to use party people to run government industries this is one of the cause of the demise of all the government run corporation.there is lots of bright capable guyanese that can turn this industry around or at the most stop it from being in the deficit 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Brazilians are good too.  Jagdeo was too confident, his youth and inexperience cause the Guyanese Taxpayers a whole lot.

the ppp lack of inclusive that cause the guyanese all these pains.the ppp police is only to use party people to run government industries this is one of the cause of the demise of all the government run corporation.there is lots of bright capable guyanese that can turn this industry around or at the most stop it from being in the deficit 

Are you one of them?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Brazilians are good too.  Jagdeo was too confident, his youth and inexperience cause the Guyanese Taxpayers a whole lot.

the ppp lack of inclusive that cause the guyanese all these pains.the ppp police is only to use party people to run government industries this is one of the cause of the demise of all the government run corporation.there is lots of bright capable guyanese that can turn this industry around or at the most stop it from being in the deficit 

Are you one of them?

na me i know how to mind cow



I was at Albion last week and will be there again next week. Bai it looks like you are another sugar expert.When last were you in a cane field or are you just another arm chair expert?

Listen to this EXPERTS directive

Grade fields to allow for mechanization

Revamp planting and harvesting

For your information Churchil every single field that is harvested mechanically was graded. This is the normal pratice going as fae back as 2008. Revamp planting to what? Mechanized planting is the norm in the industry.

It shows how little you know and you are beyond learning.

As to your contribution, the PPP knows all about that. Your $237 check that you raised for the 2011 elections is copied and posted up at FH.



Originally Posted by Nehru:

This Gentleman is one of the few Guyanese we should listen to.

Worst in 23 years means worst since 1990.  So now Guysuco has more problems than it did when the PPP took over management.


Sell it off to the Chinese, and if they replace the PPP supporters with Chinese laborers...well hey, maybe next time they won't vote PPP.

Originally Posted by Churchill:

Sometime ago the Brazilians offered their expertise but were turned down by Jagdeo ....

The Brazilian govt doesn't pay bribes to govts, so even though they have offered to finance a deep water harbor and all weather interior road Guyana refuses their assistance.


The sugar industry is on its way back.  The opposition does have anything to offer Guyana but negative publicity. These people's behavior on the streets and in the press is atrocious. Goons and lazy bums are at their disposal whenever the decide to start trouble. Thugs is synonymous with APNU/PNC. In the eyes of the Guyanese people the AFC has morphed with APNU in a disturbing image. Fear has gripped the nation of a possible return to the days of hardships, disrespect, frustration, economic meltdown, and rule by guns and bayonets. The people of this land are now staring at a Frankenstein monster that can possible wake up to life. All sorts of scenarios are going through minds from fleeing the country in hurry to get serious with struggle to fend off such evil.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by genius:

Churchill has come out of hiding. Let's see if this would chase him away.

Churchill; Why were expelled from the PPP group? Was it about some $?

Clive Thomas has been writing the same things as early 1974. Diversification, value added, privatise (even as he professed socialism) no future for sugar.etc. etc.

Let me remind Clive that as he was professing "no return" sugar production move from 119,000 tons to 350,000 tons in 2003/2004. Clive was wrong and is wrong.



I agree sugar has a place and a good future but not under the prevailing circumstance of incompetence and leeching by the administration.


Why the nasty did at Churchill? Are you folks so destitute that you cannot see the filth in your own houses and address that without first seeking to point fingers?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by genius:

Churchill has come out of hiding. Let's see if this would chase him away.

Churchill; Why were expelled from the PPP group? Was it about some $?

Clive Thomas has been writing the same things as early 1974. Diversification, value added, privatise (even as he professed socialism) no future for sugar.etc. etc.

Let me remind Clive that as he was professing "no return" sugar production move from 119,000 tons to 350,000 tons in 2003/2004. Clive was wrong and is wrong.



I agree sugar has a place and a good future but not under the prevailing circumstance of incompetence and leeching by the administration.


Why the nasty did at Churchill? Are you folks so destitute that you cannot see the filth in your own houses and address that without first seeking to point fingers?

This is the way the PPP operates. If anyone dares to criticize them, their reaction is to launch personal attacks on that person or organization. They would never take a step back and do some analysis and accept their faults. Look at the many attacks which were manufactured over the last few years by the PPP propaganda unit which is funded with taxpayer dollars. A lousy set of people. 

Originally Posted by Danyael:

I agree sugar has a place and a good future but not under the prevailing circumstance of incompetence and leeching by the administration.


Why the nasty did at Churchill? Are you folks so destitute that you cannot see the filth in your own houses and address that without first seeking to point fingers?

Until you dummies acknowledge that govt should not be running industry, sugar will always fail. It failed under the PNC, failed under the PPP and will fail under pnc/afc again. The same crooks, Ramjattan, Granger and Nagamootoo were under their previous parties when sugar was a failure. The fundamental issues is that the strength of politicians is to govern, not engage in entrepreneurial endeavors. 

Originally Posted by Churchill:

The sugar industry can be rescued if drastic measures are taken immediately to revive it.....the entire board of directors have to be revamped and modern ways of planting and harvesting of the canes be implimented....more lands have to be opened up for production to keep a high tech factory operational at its maximum....the cane fields have to be up graded to facilitate mechanizations, etc......

It is sad to know that even the  fertilization  of the crops have been mismanaged.....also GAWU has to come forward and serve the workers or be replaced as their bargaining agents.....


I agree with Mr. Churchill here.  The sugar industry can be rescued through radical means.  I am absolutely against the selling of Guysuco to private capitalist corporations because the sacrifice and struggle of the workers for the rights that they have today has been too great.

1.  The sugar workers and GAWU should be an equal owner of Guysuco along with the government. 


2. It has to diversify into other areas not just keep planting sugar cane in order to survive.  This has to be both agricultural and non agricultural. 


I gave the example of fish farming and using Rainforest Seafoods out of Jamaica which is owned by a Guyanese to market and sell the fish around the Caribbean.


There are many essential products needed in Guyana that can be made by Guysuco.  A company like Guysuco with the labor and skills can go into several areas of manufacturing in Guyana and using local products.  For example the manufacturing of building products using local materials. 

Last edited by Former Member

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