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June 19, 2017 Source

The Guyana Sugar Corporation Inc. (GuySuCo) today said that the Report on the Feasibility Study for Aquaculture – as a diversification venture for GuySuCo – has found that it has significant potential.

A statement by GuySuCo tonight said that the study was undertaken by AquaSol Corporation Inc., a company that is based in Florida, United States.

The statement said that areas examined in the study included: an evaluation of the physical characteristics of the proposed geographic location’s soil properties; – water resources and quality.  Included also were the infrastructure – and the requirements for managing a commercial aquaculture project. The statement said that the consultants gave the rationale for selecting particular species in this case tilapia; along with a detailed operational plan that includes Farm Design and Operations.

“The Report indicates that there are numerous competitive advantages for Aquaculture as a key diversification venture and as a business opportunity for GuySuCo in the short, medium and long term.

“The main products considered in the Report were: Tilapia and Shrimp. However, the study concluded that Tilapia was more suited to the Wales Estate project site than shrimp that required a relatively saline environment. The study highlighted that Guyana’s climatic conditions and soil types are ideal to support high growth rates for Tilapia throughout the year”, the statement added.

On the operational side, the study said  that the capacity of the Corporation will have to be built from an organizational perspective – systems and retraining of employees – as well as recruiting appropriate skills and expertise.

Market opportunities for this venture are – to a small extent – local and regional, the statement added.  However, the main targeted markets would be in the United States. Brazil also appears to be market of unexplored potential.

It is unclear what prompted tonight’s statement. It followed an editorial in today’s Stabroek News pointing out that the promises by the corporation for diversification at Wales had not materialised 17 months on.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Django posted:

Well at the least the Consulting company is legit.

click on link for some of the projects

People in Guyana will eat Tilapia for the rest of their lives. White mouth(Whapya) will become an epidemic in Guyana if this happens.


Tilapia is being considered to bring in hard currency to the central bank now?  So GuySuco will be renamed GuyFishco?   That consulting company just rob the PNC govt blind.  Django, how much did the PNC pay for these people to tell them that tilapia can earn foreign exchange?  Dat gaan fuh channa!!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Tilapia is being considered to bring in hard currency to the central bank now?  So GuySuco will be renamed GuyFishco?   That consulting company just rob the PNC govt blind.  Django, how much did the PNC pay for these people to tell them that tilapia can earn foreign exchange?  Dat gaan fuh channa!!

Exactly my thought when pnc slop can boy posted this.  Now these jackasses are moving away from their core business to produce fish to stuff with cocaine for export.

RiffRaff posted:

"In Honduras, fresh tilapia exports to the USA, Europe and Asia are predicted to total over 9 500 tonnes in 2016, valued at about US$70 million. "

A pittance compared to sugar. Already the market saturated with tilapia. Did these jackasses do a study? In addition, why the jackasses don't leave this type of industry to private individuals? Every industry govt touch turns to shyte. 

Drugb posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Tilapia is being considered to bring in hard currency to the central bank now?  So GuySuco will be renamed GuyFishco?   That consulting company just rob the PNC govt blind.  Django, how much did the PNC pay for these people to tell them that tilapia can earn foreign exchange?  Dat gaan fuh channa!!

Exactly my thought when pnc slop can boy posted this.  Now these jackasses are moving away from their core business to produce fish to stuff with cocaine for export.

Tilapia are bottom feeders, just like carp. Most Americans do not eat bottom feeders like carp, mullet, and catfish.

skeldon_man posted:
Drugb posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Tilapia is being considered to bring in hard currency to the central bank now?  So GuySuco will be renamed GuyFishco?   That consulting company just rob the PNC govt blind.  Django, how much did the PNC pay for these people to tell them that tilapia can earn foreign exchange?  Dat gaan fuh channa!!

Exactly my thought when pnc slop can boy posted this.  Now these jackasses are moving away from their core business to produce fish to stuff with cocaine for export.

Tilapia are bottom feeders, just like carp. Most Americans do not eat bottom feeders like carp, mullet, and catfish.

The problem is that the strength(or weakness ) of Guysuco is sugar production. Now they are changing their mission statement to  jump into fish production when they can`t even make sugar profitable.  Failure in one industry does not guarantee success in another.

skeldon_man posted:
Drugb posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Tilapia is being considered to bring in hard currency to the central bank now?  So GuySuco will be renamed GuyFishco?   That consulting company just rob the PNC govt blind.  Django, how much did the PNC pay for these people to tell them that tilapia can earn foreign exchange?  Dat gaan fuh channa!!

Exactly my thought when pnc slop can boy posted this.  Now these jackasses are moving away from their core business to produce fish to stuff with cocaine for export.

Tilapia are bottom feeders, just like carp. Most Americans do not eat bottom feeders like carp, mullet, and catfish.

Americans are beginning to eat everything. A few years ago they did not eat dungenes crabs. Now those crabs are around 20 dollars a pound. In the restaurants on the Atlantic coast one is beginning to see fish once discarded on the menu.  Americans need for cod, haddock, plaice and sole is being swayed by price and the realization that the fish once discarded are just as tasty.

Drugb posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Drugb posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Tilapia is being considered to bring in hard currency to the central bank now?  So GuySuco will be renamed GuyFishco?   That consulting company just rob the PNC govt blind.  Django, how much did the PNC pay for these people to tell them that tilapia can earn foreign exchange?  Dat gaan fuh channa!!

Exactly my thought when pnc slop can boy posted this.  Now these jackasses are moving away from their core business to produce fish to stuff with cocaine for export.

Tilapia are bottom feeders, just like carp. Most Americans do not eat bottom feeders like carp, mullet, and catfish.

The problem is that the strength(or weakness ) of Guysuco is sugar production. Now they are changing their mission statement to  jump into fish production when they can`t even make sugar profitable.  Failure in one industry does not guarantee success in another.

Sugar has been on a decade and a half decline. You cannot blame the APNU if they are unable to stop the arterial blood flow. It is better we prepare for the funeral.

D2 posted:
Drugb posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Drugb posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Tilapia is being considered to bring in hard currency to the central bank now?  So GuySuco will be renamed GuyFishco?   That consulting company just rob the PNC govt blind.  Django, how much did the PNC pay for these people to tell them that tilapia can earn foreign exchange?  Dat gaan fuh channa!!

Exactly my thought when pnc slop can boy posted this.  Now these jackasses are moving away from their core business to produce fish to stuff with cocaine for export.

Tilapia are bottom feeders, just like carp. Most Americans do not eat bottom feeders like carp, mullet, and catfish.

The problem is that the strength(or weakness ) of Guysuco is sugar production. Now they are changing their mission statement to  jump into fish production when they can`t even make sugar profitable.  Failure in one industry does not guarantee success in another.

Sugar has been on a decade and a half decline. You cannot blame the APNU if they are unable to stop the arterial blood flow. It is better we prepare for the funeral.

It seems you have short memory. When in opposition they said they had the answers to the sugar woes. Now they failed to deliver we must hold them to task. 


Druggie why the rass you always wanna argue about shyte? I have read posts from you where you agree sugar is dying and the government has no other alternative. Yes, the coalation at the time made promises just as the PPP did, just as every politician does but when reality kicks in they find it hard to deliver. 

So now we know the reality on sugar and as others have given their two cents, instead of silly arguments why don't you give us your recommendations?

Last edited by cain
cain posted:

Druggie why the rass you always wanna argue about shyte? I have read posts from you where you agree sugar is dying and the government has no other alternative. Yes, the coalation at the time made promises just as the PPP did, just as every politician does but when reality kicks in they find it hard to deliver. 

So now we know the reality on sugar and as others have given their two cents, instead of silly arguments why don't you give us your recommendations?

Whether or not the coalition government thought they had a solution is not the issue now. Sugar in it's present state is not profitable. When a bucket is leaking, you stop putting water in first then try to fix the leak. Not continue to pour water in. Every time a single idea is proposed, the first reaction is to blindly discredit it. Had Jagass proposed it though, it would have been, "progressive", "thinking out of the box". Like the parking meter issue. I have friends living in Georgetown who think its a good idea but fees are a bit too high. Once again, had this happened under Jagass, there would have been a different reaction. Ridiculous.

GTAngler posted:

Whether or not the coalition government thought they had a solution is not the issue now. Sugar in it's present state is not profitable. When a bucket is leaking, you stop putting water in first then try to fix the leak. Not continue to pour water in. Every time a single idea is proposed, the first reaction is to blindly discredit it. Had Jagass proposed it though, it would have been, "progressive", "thinking out of the box". Like the parking meter issue. I have friends living in Georgetown who think its a good idea but fees are a bit too high. Once again, had this happened under Jagass, there would have been a different reaction. Ridiculous.

You pnc boys full of excuses, the man Jagdeo haven't been in power for 6 years now yet you got him stuck in your craw.  Jagdeo aside, you really believe a sugar company should now start producing fish? That's like Uber deciding to manufacture cars, outside their scope of expertise. Leave these investments to private sector. In fact sugar belongs in the hand of the private sector not jackass govt officials whose strengths lie in collecting bribe and squeezing the people. 


Some of you folk love the BMW so much.. Bitch, Moan and Whine when the govt spoke of closing down sugar. Now they are are trying to find an alternative..its again BMW.

As much as I dont think govt should be in business I give them props for trying to find a workable solution for those who will soon be out of work. That is how a caring govt should function.

Perhaps you whiners would prefer they kept the status quo and stuck with the coke runnings.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:

Some of you folk love the BMW so much.. Bitch, Moan and Whine when the govt spoke of closing down sugar. Now they are are trying to find an alternative..its again BMW.

As much as I dont think govt should be in business I give them props for trying to find a workable solution for those who will soon be out of work. That is how a caring govt should function.

Perhaps you whiners would prefer they kept the status quo and stuck with the coke runnings.

Workable solution for what? Saving a defunct sugar industry by turning to fishery?  At that point it is no longer a sugar corporation. Will it also changes its name from GUYSUCO to GUYFISHO?

cain posted:

Sure! Better than remove the name altogether and put the people out of work.

This is why you are not a businessman. No successful business is predicated on providing employment, the profitability should be first. You are saying that govt should now provide employment via owning and operating industry? This is the function of the private sector. If fishery is so profitable then sell the land off to investors and let them run the business.  Just as you  pnc boys jump up and down when the PPP invested in the Marriott, you should also be wary of govt investing in any type of business.  


There are some here  who are so friggin negative that they  knock down any effort, yet they sit on their ass and do almost nothing.           Bitch, bitch, a dog in heat, they must live depressing and negative lives.  

If they can only embrace even the little efforts, it could go a long way  for all in Guyana.

Tola posted:

There are some here  who are so friggin negative that they  knock down any effort, yet they sit on their ass and do almost nothing.           Bitch, bitch, a dog in heat, they must live depressing and negative lives.  

If they can only embrace even the little efforts, it could go a long way  for all in Guyana.

Its not negativity but due dilligence. The premise is that govt should not be involved in businesses, only legislation and running the country. After all this is what you folks said about the Marriott when the PPP stuck the country as owners of a hotel. 

When you PNC bais were in oppostion you said the same "negativity" about the PPP, now take your dhall like a man. 


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