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Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

None of these fellows seem to be very comfortable. All of them look as though in  need of a bathroom break. Maybe the good Rev need to give them a lesson is from his " smiling does a body good" workshop!


On the contrary, they look excellent.

The two at left seem to be holdin hands, the nex one with the white beard look like a puppet, nex one with the brown tie looks like he wasn't even suppose to be there, he jus walkin through the room, he does work in the mailroom, blue suit banna lookin lil irie if I mus say so maself, last banna look like he hidin a goady (use to know Goady Eric who did that with his jacket as he burst into song).


Yall got anymore nice pics like dis?

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Great work by our GREAT EXECUTIVE President. Two Commissions sworn in. Keep up the GREAT work MR President, the Guyanese People want you to continue doing the People's Business with such energy and CARE!!!

Great Leader, Dear Leader???  That sound like KIM II SUNG from the Democratic Communist Republic of Korea.


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