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Hague: 'We will not allow Mr Assange safe passage out of the UK'

The Foreign Secretary William Hague has insisted the Government will not allow Julian Assange safe passage out of the United Kingdom.

Mr Hague said it was a "matter of regret" that the Ecuadorian government decided to grant the Wikileaks founder political asylum but warned that it "does not change the fundamentals" of the case.

He told a press conference:

We will not allow Mr Assange safe passage out of the UK. There's no legal basis for us to do so.

The UK does not accept the principle of diplomatic asylum.

          – British Foreign Bully William Hague

Times of India (Mumbai). It said that British school children are not taught the evil aspects of British rule – in fact there is a controversy going on in Britain right now about teaching school-children about Jallianwala Bagh, where hundreds of peacefully protesting Indians were massacred (including women and children). It’s difficult to understand why Britain wants to brush this under the carpet..after all if German school children can be taught about the evils of Nazi rule, why can’t British school-children be taught about the evils of British rule in India? Sure, the Nazis did more damage in a short period of time and killed millions of Jews. But who has calculated the damage that Britain did? Are there any records of the number of Indians killed and enslaved by the British during the British Raj? Are there any records of ill-treatment meted out on a regular basis to the Indians? Has anyone calculated the economic damage caused to India because of the East India Company and British rule?

Not to mention the monstrosities they did in Africa. Cecil Rhodes the quintessential British hero brought gun machines to Black Africa to exterminate the black tribes and leave the land clear for white settlement. TO the cleansed land he gave the name of Rhodesia whose real and natural name was Zimbabwe. He was also declared a national hero by the Apartheid Regime in South Africa.

Originally Posted by Lucas:

Not to mention the monstrosities they did in Africa. Cecil Rhodes the quintessential British hero brought gun machines to Black Africa to exterminate the black tribes and leave the land clear for white settlement. TO the cleansed land he gave the name of Rhodesia whose real and natural name was Zimbabwe. He was also declared a national hero by the Apartheid Regime in South Africa.

The Chinese are doing worse to Africa today as they pillage and plunder.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Lucas:

Not to mention the monstrosities they did in Africa. Cecil Rhodes the quintessential British hero brought gun machines to Black Africa to exterminate the black tribes and leave the land clear for white settlement. TO the cleansed land he gave the name of Rhodesia whose real and natural name was Zimbabwe. He was also declared a national hero by the Apartheid Regime in South Africa.

The Chinese are doing worse to Africa today as they pillage and plunder.

That's a dodgy comparison.. where is China carrying out African genocide or trading African slaves?

Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Lucas:

Not to mention the monstrosities they did in Africa. Cecil Rhodes the quintessential British hero brought gun machines to Black Africa to exterminate the black tribes and leave the land clear for white settlement. TO the cleansed land he gave the name of Rhodesia whose real and natural name was Zimbabwe. He was also declared a national hero by the Apartheid Regime in South Africa.

The Chinese are doing worse to Africa today as they pillage and plunder.

That's a dodgy comparison.. where is China carrying out African genocide or trading African slaves?

In Africa today. It's not slavery of the 18th century but of the 21st as practiced by the Chinese.


They enslave their own people in China and pay them $1.00 a day in sweatshops. Imagine what they do to blacks in Africa who they are racist against.


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