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kp posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Nehru posted:

I will hole in one that Stormy Daniels anytime and you do not have to ask me twice.

Make sure you wear white briefs.  Do you have enough money to buy her a condo in West Palm Beach? If not, you might be waiting for a long time to play golf with her.

 If you are a good negotiator, from $130k who knows in hard and slow times she may accept $1,000. it's all in making the deal.


Wow, how telling!! Is that what you do when you visit the brothels in Cuba?  What a winner you are!

Nehru posted:

Base, you really buy dat BULLSHIT??? Sometimes we have to use our common sense. And yes she was too busy to go to Davos, again BULLSHIT!!!!

Well, when he arrived, the TV showed her chatting and mingling with the guests in the guests box.   So the explanation appears reasonable.  He arrived and went straight to the podium!

Davos, I would not read too much into that.  When he was elected she said she still intend to give her son Baron all the time and attention he is accustomed to. For her that’s sacrosanct.

She is a mother fully dedicated to her child and all the glitz and glamor comes 2nd.  She has remained very private over the past year!

She is not like Varshanie!

Baseman posted:
kp posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Nehru posted:

I will hole in one that Stormy Daniels anytime and you do not have to ask me twice.

Make sure you wear white briefs.  Do you have enough money to buy her a condo in West Palm Beach? If not, you might be waiting for a long time to play golf with her.

 If you are a good negotiator, from $130k who knows in hard and slow times she may accept $1,000. it's all in making the deal.


Wow, how telling!! Is that what you do when you visit the brothels in Cuba?  What a winner you are!

Little twit I am happy and just celebrated my 42nd wedding anniversary to a beauty queen the 6th of January 2018. We holiday together , what I have I don't need to look else where. I retired at a young age,I have two wonderful kids one a Doctor and a daughter a Lawyer in the US. What can you say of yourself,  Sad Man.

Leonora posted:

How do you all feel about this?

Preventing people from sponsoring parents, adult children, or siblings for US citizenship. The White House, led by Trump, has demanded limits on family-based immigration — which accounts for the majority of legal immigration to the US — as part of a DACA deal. The Trump framework would limit family sponsorship to “spouses and minor children” — thus presumably changing the F3 and F4 visas, used for US citizens to bring adult children and siblings, respectively, to the US, as well as an unlimited visa for citizens to sponsor their parents. (Reports indicate that people currently in line for those visas — a backlog that extends for years — will be able to remain in line.)

I think there will be a compromise.  That’s his stake in the ground.  I think he should leave it open to all children.  It’s a tough one.  Maybe the further out you go, add some degrees of merit!  So, older unmarried kids, for example, must also demonstrate some skills, etc.  

when you go to the rum shops in queens, one wonders why some are even here.

kp posted:
Baseman posted:
kp posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Nehru posted:

I will hole in one that Stormy Daniels anytime and you do not have to ask me twice.

Make sure you wear white briefs.  Do you have enough money to buy her a condo in West Palm Beach? If not, you might be waiting for a long time to play golf with her.

 If you are a good negotiator, from $130k who knows in hard and slow times she may accept $1,000. it's all in making the deal.


Wow, how telling!! Is that what you do when you visit the brothels in Cuba?  What a winner you are!

Little twit I am happy and just celebrated my 42nd wedding anniversary to a beauty queen the 6th of January 2018. We holiday together , what I have I don't need to look else where. I retired at a young age,I have two wonderful kids one a Doctor and a daughter a Lawyer in the US. What can you say of yourself,  Sad Man.

All I can say, you are an old man fill with hate and shit!

Nehru posted:

Leonora, nothing wrong with celebrating and having a few drinks.That is the American way BUT these bottom of the Barrel Base came in contact with are still in the Hubu Backdam mentality!!!

I wouldn’t say I come in contact,  went out a few times and saw the action. But as Leonora said, maybe they still celebrating escaping Burnham!

Baseman posted:
cain posted:

Haul yo ass Base..the shit that moron does affects the world.

Like taking out ISIS?  Alyuh better watch out that American factories don’t decide to stay here or return to the US.  Canada is already concerned about the lower corporate tax rates in the US!  

I see you are one of those who can be lead by the nose ring. So to you Trump has cleared the world from ISIS. Banna we all have our beliefs, you believe in Trump I believe you are nuts.

Trump the Lone Ranger takes out ISIS even though he suffers from bone spurs and cannot do his stint in the forces...fkin wimp.

Watching him last night as he proudly spoke about the soldier who saved his buddy, I thought what a big mouth turd he is.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:
Baseman posted:
cain posted:

Haul yo ass Base..the shit that moron does affects the world.

Like taking out ISIS?  Alyuh better watch out that American factories don’t decide to stay here or return to the US.  Canada is already concerned about the lower corporate tax rates in the US!  

I see you are one of those who can be lead by the nose ring. So to you Trump has cleared the world from ISIS. Banna we all have our beliefs, you believe in Trump I believe you are nuts.

Trump the Lone Ranger takes out ISIS even though he suffers from bone spurs and cannot do his stint in the forces...fkin wimp.

Watching him last night as he proudly spoke about the soldier who saved his buddy, I thought what a big mouth turd he is.

You believe what you want, i believe what I want.  I saw on TV many rejecting he has anything to do with the economy, Stock markets, etc.  

So, you believe what you want, I believe what I want.  It’s immaterial.  

Nehru posted:

Base, you of all people should know the Economy and Stock Market do NOT improve in 1 year. Obama policies, intelligence and strategies are NOW coming to fruit!!!

The market prices in future.  What we see today is a reflection of what’s to come.  The markets had a major convulsion election night pivoting to a Trump thrust.  

Obamas policies are in the history book of the market.   If things had gone south, you all would be ascribing blame to trump!

For some, 2024 will still be Obama if alls well


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