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Haiti - Social : Mass influx of Haitian illegal in Guyana
02/08/2016 10:15:13,

Haiti - Social : Mass influx of Haitian illegal in Guyana







Since the beginning of the year, over 4,000 mainly Haitian immigrants have entered illegally in Guyana to obtain the status of asylum seeker. If the phenomenon is not new in Guyana, it is very significant increase compared to the previous year.

For months, of queues are visible in front of the Red Cross, La Poste, the French Office for Immigration and Integration and the prefecture..

Hundreds of undocumented people wait day and night outside the headquarters of the Red Cross, in Cayenne to try to get the precious "admission to the territory," an important step since it then offers the possibility to receive financial aid pending the formal decision of French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons (OFPRA), which can take up to 2 years.

Note that in Guyana, 95% of the requests of immigrants are rejected by OFPRA whose regional office is located in Guadeloupe.

PI/ HaitiLibre

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