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Unreal Guyanese are fat ass coolie that complain about everything and talk shit daily. No unity, no cooperation, and can't coexist with another race. When they see Afro-Guyanese embracing Haitians they feel threatened. 

They were wrong about Haitians flooding Guyana, and now they badmouthing Madam Chair @ GECOM for sleeping in bed with PNC Blackmen.

Them belly full but still barking like hungry belly dogs. Them no good coolie brought disaster upon themselves and blaming black men for their downfall. These shameless creatures give me the pleasure to cuss them out non-stop. 

Prince posted:

Unreal Guyanese are fat ass coolie that complain about everything and talk shit daily. No unity, no cooperation, and can't coexist with another race. When they see Afro-Guyanese embracing Haitians they feel threatened. 


Don’t you think all other races should be concerned about their safety and well-being when Haitians embrass Afro and  display the behaviour below .


Haiti earthquake: looting and gun-fights break out

As anger and fears of violence grew amid desperate shortages of food, water and medical supplies, bands of machete-wielding earthquake survivor yesterday roamed through the ruins of Port-au-Prince.

A man fires warning shots into the air to prevent looters from ransacking his shop: Haiti earthquake: looting and gun-fights break out
A man fires warning shots into the air to prevent looters from ransacking his shop Photo: REUTERS

Sporadic violence, looting and gang-related gunfire broke out under sweltering Caribbean skies even as thousands of US forces awaited deployment from a newly-arrived aircraft carrier sitting in the waters off the city.


Prince posted:

Just what I expected from a bunch of losers parading on their usual ignorance and ignoring the message of unity. I hope the PPP lose so all you can swim in shit.

Hey you functionally illiterate jackass, why don't you look in the mirror, you will see an angry loser swimming in his own stale shit swallowing the shit water. You should just STFU moron.

Dave posted:
Prince posted:

Just what I expected from a bunch of losers parading on their usual ignorance and ignoring the message of unity. I hope the PPP lose so all you can swim in shit.

I see you avoiding all the questions asked ... a wonder why? Now rinse that shit off your eyes and answer the questions bhai . 



I am not avoiding questions. I simply didn't see a legitimate question asked that is in line with the message of unity. 

Prince posted:
Dave posted:
Prince posted:

Just what I expected from a bunch of losers parading on their usual ignorance and ignoring the message of unity. I hope the PPP lose so all you can swim in shit.

I see you avoiding all the questions asked ... a wonder why? Now rinse that shit off your eyes and answer the questions bhai . 



I am not avoiding questions. I simply didn't see a legitimate question asked that is in line with the message of unity. 

You of all the haramees on this site should not use the word "UNITY". You treat "you mattie coolies" like the Indians of India treat the dhobies. Haul you rass and carry it and give you crusty dry shit nasty battie to the do mangy dogs.

skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:
Dave posted:
Prince posted:

Just what I expected from a bunch of losers parading on their usual ignorance and ignoring the message of unity. I hope the PPP lose so all you can swim in shit.

I see you avoiding all the questions asked ... a wonder why? Now rinse that shit off your eyes and answer the questions bhai . 



I am not avoiding questions. I simply didn't see a legitimate question asked that is in line with the message of unity. 

You of all the haramees on this site should not use the word "UNITY". You treat "you mattie coolies" like the Indians of India treat the dhobies. Haul you rass and carry it and give you crusty dry shit nasty battie to the do mangy dogs.

Correction: I can speak of unity with pride because I don't make a judgment based on skin color. BTW, all those pitiful words you decorated your statement shows that you are classless to discuss anything that isn't in your interest. 


Dem Haitians probably done get big promises from the PNC.  Help take Guyana away from coolies, we guh give you a slice.

Under the PPP, Guyana was, by far, the single largest donor after the earthquake.  Furthermore, Guyana’s donation was all cash, unconditional, transferred into their national account to do as they see fit.  Most others pledged or donated non-cash.  

This is a documented fact!

Baseman posted:

Dem Haitians probably done get big promises from the PNC.  Help take Guyana away from coolies, we guh give you a slice.

Under the PPP, Guyana was, by far, the single largest donor after the earthquake.  Furthermore, Guyana’s donation was all cash, unconditional, transferred into their national account to do as they see fit.  Most others pledged or donated non-cash.  

This is a documented fact!

If that is documented fact, how does that plays out with Haitians in Guyana based on facts or what you know is true? 

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

Dem Haitians probably done get big promises from the PNC.  Help take Guyana away from coolies, we guh give you a slice.


This is a documented fact!

And why would Haitians be so loyal to APNU to accept that.  You don't know when the election is so should Haitians be hanging aro9und Guyana until then?  How are they going to live and what will they earn in Guyana compared to Chile and French Guyana were most are likely headed to.

This Mad Jagdeo disease is really disastrous.


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