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Haitians flocking to Guyana to get to French Guiana and beyond via Suriname

Published on May 31, 2017,

By Ray Chickrie
Caribbean News Now contributor

GEORGETOWN, Guyana -- Since the government of Suriname abruptly closed its consulate in Port-au- Prince for fear of β€œsecurity” after it halted the visa free entrance of Haitians to Suriname, Guyana is now the destination of choice for Haitians looking to get to French Guiana, the USA and beyond.

The government of Suriname had to bow to pressure from the EU and in particular France, to impose visa requirements on Haitians travelling to Suriname. As a result, Guyana is now being used as a hub for Haitians to get to their ultimate destination, French Guiana, a European Union (EU) territory that is already dealing with economic and social upheavals.

On Friday, Guyanese authorities arrested a number of Surinamese involved in the smuggling of 27 Haitians, including 12 children, at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) who were on their way to French Guiana via Suriname. They arrived in Guyana on a Copa Airlines flight from Haiti via Panama, and no one was at the airport to meet them.

According to Guyana’s Kaieteur News, the police believe that the smugglers, after realizing that the investigators were onto them, did not show up at the airport.

β€œNo one wants to take responsibility now because we don’t have anywhere to put these people and they have arrived here legally,” a policeman told Kaieteur News.

From Guyana, it is very easy to get to Suriname illegally through the β€œbacktrack” without the need of a passport. It's a breeding ground for crime, human trafficking, drugs, weapons, and pirating. The two countries have been examining ways and means of policing the illegal β€œbacktrack”crossing via the Courantyne River that separates the two countries.

The international human trafficking network is complex and includes law enforcement officials from a number of countries like Guyana, Haiti, Suriname, the US and Brazil. Suriname seems to have little capacity to address the problem properly, and Guyana is more successful in dealing with human trafficking, according to the De Ware Tijd News on Monday.

It seems that the ringleaders involved in trafficking the Haitians made reservations at two major hotels in Guyana but when checks were made by the police, it was discovered that reservations were cancelled on the same day they were made.

In Guyana on Friday, the police arrested a Haitian medical student at his residence after it was confirmed that he is a part of the human trafficking ring.

According to Kaieteur News, the police had been monitoring the medical student for some time and made the arrest after receiving sufficient facts. While on surveillance, the cops found out that the medical student had been receiving large sums of money from Haiti. The police believed that the suspect’s main income was cash he received from traffickers.

Guyana may soon find itself forced, like Suriname, to reimpose visa requirements on Haitians travellers to Guyana. At one point, the government welcomed Haitians to Guyana as β€œtourists”. The government of Guyana will now come under EU and US pressure to stem the flow of Haitians into French Guiana, the US and beyond.

Earlier, in March this year, more than 150 Haitians arrived in Guyana via a chartered aircraft, but minister of citizenship and immigration of Guyana, Winston Felix, told Demerara Waves that he is not worried.

β€œWe did not have any issues with their bona fides, we saw nothing wrong. To me everything appeared very normal,” Felix told Demerara Waves. They were given one month’s stay in Guyana. He told the publication that Haitians are free to travel to neighbouring Suriname if they so desire and have the required visa.

β€œThey didn’t come to Guyana to stick in Guyana,” he added.

He is absolutely correct, Haitians are not looking to β€œstick in Guyana”.

French and Surinamese authorities met in early May to strengthen cooperation on justice and security matters. At that meeting, Suriname β€œconfirmed its intention to ratify the agreements on readmission and police cooperation already concluded several years ago. Such ratifications are important because they should facilitate the establishment of a Police Cooperation Center in Saint-Laurent du Maroni,” the frontier between Suriname and French Guiana.

The two countries agreed to β€œaccelerate the conclusion of a mutual legal assistance agreement. The entire Guiana plateau is facing the same security challenges; we applaud this reaffirmed desire to face them together.”


Haitian influx create hysteria in Guyana, Brazil and Suriname


By Ray Chickrie

Caribbean News Now contributor

GEORGETOWN, Guyana – Between January – July 2019 more than 8,600 Haitians arrived in Guyana and β€˜only 13 left the country legally’. In a display of hysteria to feed the base of multiple factions, β€œThe Haitians are coming,” is making headlines across the country.

The opposition and its constituents are claiming β€œthe β€˜Black government’ in Guyana is doling out citizenship to the Haitians in an effort to have them register to vote for the ruling government and by selective means avert the Indian dominated Peoples Progressive Party (PPP) from winning the upcoming general election. 

Meanwhile, on Sunday it was learned that β€œa significant number of the 8,600-plus Haitians who arrived in Guyana during the last seven months made way to Lethem, a frontier town neighbouring Brazil” according to investigations by the Guyana Kaieteur.

The Haitians can’t be accounted for because they don’t remain in Guyana. They continue to Brazil and Suriname illegally through the so-called β€œbacktrack” to get to French Guiana and elsewhere in South America. Haitians constitute 30-50 percent of the immigrant population in French Guiana. 

The massive border between Guyana, Brazil, and Suriname is unmanned. Thus, is this why no record of them exiting the country exist?

On Friday, the issue got unpleasant. The Guyana Times, headlined β€œInflux of Haitians into Guyana raises major health concerns……as Haiti leads in HIV/AIDS, cholera, TB” 

β€œHaiti is among the leading countries for its high statistics on Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and the cholera epidemic, the country has the β€œworst health indicators of the Americas”, with the highest malnutrition, infant mortality, maternal mortality and most importantly, skyrocketing HIV/AIDS figures.”

β€œWith an estimated adult HIV prevalence rate of 2.3 percent, the Caribbean is the second worst-affected region in the world after sub-Saharan Africa.”

Last week, leader of the opposition Bharrat Jagdeo, from the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic alleged, ” the surge of immigrants and the ongoing House-to-House Registration being conducted by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) are more than mere coincidences. Jagdeo compared the number of Haitian immigrants arriving and departing from Guyana over the past few years.”

β€œFor a while now, we have been speaking about the massive influx of foreign nationals. We believe a lot of it is [human trafficking] smuggling, that it is a very lucrative criminal enterprise. But recently, after the passage of the no-confidence motion, we saw a surge in the numbers. This surge has something to do with the registration process that is going on now,” the opposition leader said.

The Guyana based Kaieteur News (KN) said, β€œThe Haitians, on average of about 50 of them daily, have been arriving here via Copa Airlines, a Panamanian-registered service which flies also to Haiti. There are few indications of what the situation is…human smuggling, trafficking or something else.”

Mysteriously, the Haitians can’t be accounted for because presumably, they don’t remain in Guyana. They continue to Suriname illegally through the so-called β€œbacktrack” to get to French Guiana and elsewhere. Haitians constitute 30-50 percent of the immigrant population in French Guiana. 

Minister with responsibility for citizenship, Winston Felix defended his government’s visa-free policy towards Haitians stating, β€œLet me reiterate government’s firm and settled position on CARICOM nationals arriving In Guyana. Apart from our laws which would restrict the entry of anyone to Guyana, all CARICOM nationals arriving in Guyana are granted six months to remain in the country, with the possibility of extension”

β€œI am checking on the veracity of the statement that three busloads of Haitians have arrived in Guyana,” Felix added, β€œWe have found that their intention is to get to relatives in Suriname, Cayenne, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, and Venezuela. We have traced legal departures but there is a number we cannot account for, and those we suspect left illegally (backtrack).”

However, Felix failed to accept that this is part of a larger network of human trafficking. He said, β€œWe have not found evidence of trafficking in Haitians. Venezuelans are the subjects of that offense as the prosecution of current cases suggests.”

Getting the Haitians to French Guiana is organized from Haiti where a vast network of Rakete (smugglers) and Ajans (agencies) extends to Suriname, French Guiana and beyond. Haitians don’t need a visa to enter Guyana that is why there is an influx. The cost of getting to France in South America, Cayenne has decreased; more people can β€˜afford to pay the smugglers. 

The hypothesis is that β€œonce they get to Guyana it is easy to enter β€˜Suriname illegally’.”

From Suriname, the taxi will bring them to Albina where they will meet the boatman who will take them over the Marowijne River to French Guiana, a European Union (EU) territory. Some may have relatives in La Guyane. Some will continue their journey to other parts of South America, including Chile. 

When Suriname granted Haitians visa-free access to the country, the same thing happened. They arrived in large numbers but most left Suriname. Due to pressure from France and the European Union, Suriname abruptly closed its Port-a-Prince consulate and its ministry of justice announced that Haitians needed a visa to enter Suriname.

However, Suriname, Guyana, and Haiti are CARICOM nationals, free movement of movement, goods and services form part of that treaty.

Several incidents reported by the media of Suriname just this year referenced a surge of Haitians entering Suriname illegally from Guyana. In January this year, the police arrested 24 Haitians for entering the country illegally. Two days earlier on December 12, in Coronie 18 illegal Haitians were arrested. The β€œhuman smugglers, β€œtwo brothers and a co-driver were arrested.” Suriname police concluded that they came from Guyana.

Cubans also make up a large number of people who arrive in Guyana onwards to South America, and as far as Chile.

ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:

And yet long before NCV this was an issue.

More than 8,000 have arrived since NCV.

Interesting how many energy these fools are forced to expend on what their claim is a non issue.

matching and overmatching alyuh satanic "energy" expended on the "non-issue" with brains since the forces of justice don't have the unlimited millions of STOLEN US$ the PPP tiefmen paying for y'all Goebbelsian media campaign

Last edited by Former Member

How desperately destitute does a person have to feel about themselves that they need to console themselves by thinking that their words or actions really have any effect on others on an online discussion board? Truly a pathetic display of desperation. Perhaps these may provide you with some remedy for your discomfort.


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Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

France is spending millions of francs on its former colonies in Africa.  They should ask Canada to take in a million of them.  Montreal and Quebec need French speakers. 

Canada doesn't want them.  Jamaica is barely a one hour flight from Haiti and they don't want them either.  Haitians need a visa to enter Jamaica.

Bibi Haniffa

Why do we speak of Haitians as though they are subhuman.  We do have some concern them being used for political purposes.  However, they are victims.

We must remember, just a few decades ago, many of us were running helter-skelter from Guyana to any dry land.  Many hopped onto the first dick or patacake they could find, as long as it had a Green Card attached!!

Many of these same "victims" are now ridiculing and talking about the Haitians as people referred to us Guyanese back then.

I'm totally against the Haitians being used for political purposes however, I'm not against the average Haitian seeking a better life!  That's the story of many of us!

Ayuh got no empathy, sympathy or morality!  Sheer hypocrites!!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:

And yet long before NCV this was an issue.

More than 8,000 have arrived since NCV.

And 8,000 have also left, 7.980 departing to Brazil and Suriname.

I still await Guyana Times showing pictures of a huge bands of Haitian creole speakers hiding in Linden?  What happened?  No cameras available, or the people said that they don't intend to go all the way to French Guiana.  Even those heading to Brazil are also in-transit through that country.

Baseman posted:


I'm totally against the Haitians being used for political purposes however, I'm not against the average Haitian seeking a better life!  That's the story of many of us!

Ayuh got no empathy, sympathy or morality!  Sheer hypocrites!!

No empathy or sympathy needed unless you worry about what awaits them once they reach French Guiana or Chile.  Bibi has been roaming all over Guyana to find Haitians toiling on worksites.  She went t Sophia, Linden and Buxton and she couldn't find any Haitians living there.

Maybe Bibi is now trying to deny the right of Afro Guyanese to vote because she now wants to call them "Haitian".

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:


I'm totally against the Haitians being used for political purposes however, I'm not against the average Haitian seeking a better life!  That's the story of many of us!

Ayuh got no empathy, sympathy or morality!  Sheer hypocrites!!

No empathy or sympathy needed unless you worry about what awaits them once they reach French Guiana or Chile.  Bibi has been roaming all over Guyana to find Haitians toiling on worksites.  She went t Sophia, Linden and Buxton and she couldn't find any Haitians living there.

Maybe Bibi is now trying to deny the right of Afro Guyanese to vote because she now wants to call them "Haitian".

I’m not roaming all over Guyana.  I’m eating dhall Puri at Shanta’s with me friends them.

Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I’m not roaming all over Guyana.  I’m eating dhall Puri at Shanta’s with me friends them.

Yes.  Even you know that finding Haitians who spend more than 3 days in Guyana is like expecting snow to fall in G/T.

I don’t have time with no scrawny Haitians. You ever see a handsome, muscular cricketer on a nice, cozy rainy day?  Bai wha wrang wid you?  Priorities are in order.  New Thriving in Providence is the venue for tonight.

Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I’m not roaming all over Guyana.  I’m eating dhall Puri at Shanta’s with me friends them.

Yes.  Even you know that finding Haitians who spend more than 3 days in Guyana is like expecting snow to fall in G/T.

They working by the dozens at GT hospital. 

Lots of them working for cash off loading containers for Businesses... they have to survive. 


We must not forget the historical role the Haitians played fighting the European colonial master. We must never forget they were invaded by the US a few times in the 20th century and forced to live under puppet regimes that robbed them of their dignity. We must never forget that black nationalists who preached against anti-African racism mutated into oppressors of the Haitian people. 

We must keep an eye of those in Guyana who have plans to oppress Guyanese the way Haitians are oppressed by their leaders. Guyana had a leader by the name of Forbes Burnham who had the qualities of Jean Claude Duvalier. 


Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

We must not forget the historical role the Haitians played fighting the European colonial master. We must never forget they were invaded by the US a few times in the 20th century and forced to live under puppet regimes that robbed them of their dignity. We must never forget that black nationalists who preached against anti-African racism mutated into oppressors of the Haitian people. 

We must keep an eye of those in Guyana who have plans to oppress Guyanese the way Haitians are oppressed by their leaders. Guyana had a leader by the name of Forbes Burnham who had the qualities of Jean Claude Duvalier. 


I see being a PPP with your crocodile tears you cannot help this hypocrisy.  The PPP is screaming that a bunch of diseased devil worshippers are descending on Guyana, threatening life and limb of PPP supporters.

The only people oppressing the PPP in Guyana are Jagdeo and his black hating cohorts at Guyana Times.  Good that he revealed his penchant for spewing hatred towards blacks just in case any Guyanese blacks were naΓ―ve enough to think that he doesn't hate them.

caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

We must not forget the historical role the Haitians played fighting the European colonial master. We must never forget they were invaded by the US a few times in the 20th century and forced to live under puppet regimes that robbed them of their dignity. We must never forget that black nationalists who preached against anti-African racism mutated into oppressors of the Haitian people. 

We must keep an eye of those in Guyana who have plans to oppress Guyanese the way Haitians are oppressed by their leaders. Guyana had a leader by the name of Forbes Burnham who had the qualities of Jean Claude Duvalier. 


I see being a PPP with your crocodile tears you cannot help this hypocrisy.  The PPP is screaming that a bunch of diseased devil worshippers are descending on Guyana, threatening life and limb of PPP supporters.

The only people oppressing the PPP in Guyana are Jagdeo and his black hating cohorts at Guyana Times.  Good that he revealed his penchant for spewing hatred towards blacks just in case any Guyanese blacks were naΓ―ve enough to think that he doesn't hate them.

Aren’t you concern about your Black brothers and sisters health as well 

Dave posted:

Aren’t you concern about your Black brothers and sisters health as well 

Yes I am as they might catch Mad Jagdeo disease the next time they buy a roti from a shop owned by a PPP supporter.  You all really need to deal with that malady.  You see how Stormie's brain is now so fried that he is now screaming that he doesn't care about anti black racist bilge even though he claims that he has a black family.

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

France is spending millions of francs on its former colonies in Africa.  They should ask Canada to take in a million of them.  Montreal and Quebec need French speakers. 

The French Canadians like the Afro Franco to a certain extent when it comes to language but they are racist to some extent in that most of them are very worried that their children marrying them and their society changes from being a white society. These people are not like Prashad. If Mrs Prashad gives Prashad a hard time then Prashad would not think twice about replacing her with a young Eritrean.

Last edited by Prashad
caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

 Many of the women love light skin men.  Cain would score big with them.

I guess to your chagrin the Mini Mouse that you have means that they don't like you.

Carib those Haitian women would not want you and your king Kong either. Those women are into light skin Cain and light skin Stormborn. Your area of wanted  specialized experience is as the playmate of obese white women.

Last edited by Prashad

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