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Haitian nationals released from custody and dumped in front of City Hotel

December 9 ,2020


Just after 8:30 pm, the Haitians were rounded up at the Hugo Chavez Centre in Berbice and told to get their belongings and board the two buses in the compound. At that moment, they were unaware that they were being released.

Haitian nationals released from custody and dumped in front of City Hotel

After being in the Government’s β€œprotective custody” for three weeks, 26 Haitian nationals including children were released on Wednesday night and dumped in front of the city hotel where some of them were staying before being held.

The owner of the Hotel was shocked by the appearance of the Haitian nationals at his hotel and said he would see what he can now do to accommodate them.

Just after 8:30pm, the Haitians were rounded up at the Hugo Chavez Centre in Berbice and told to get their belongings and board the two buses in the compound. At that moment, they were unaware that they were being released.

The buses brought them into the city just after 10:30 pm. According to one of the Haitians, they were given their passports as they were allowed to leave the buses close to the hotel where they had been staying prior to their detention. Some of them complained that their treatment was humiliating.

The Haitians arrived in Guyana back in November and were admitted to stay for six months.

However, the day after their arrival they were rounded up by the Police and taken to the government facility in Berbice where they remained until this evening.

Initially, the Government said the Haitians were being held in β€œprotective custody” as they were suspected to be victims of human trafficking.

But when the Haitians denied that they were victims of human trafficking and voiced their displeasure over their detention, the government moved to the Magistrates’ Court and was granted deportation orders to remove the Haitians from Guyana.

Attorney Darren Wade, acting on behalf of the Association of Haitian Nationals in Guyana moved to the High Court and was granted a hold on the deportation order as he argued that the order was unlawful.

The Government was called upon to defend its move.

A number of local and regional organizations had expressed concern over the detention of the Haitians.

Haitians have been traveling to Guyana to make their way to neighbouring Suriname and Brazil.


This is a shameful action by the PPP government. Dem rass realize that the detention was illegal and are now pissed off at innocent Haitians, who  are looking for  a better life.

Lets see the PPP government complain, when innocent Guyanese are detained in another CARICOM country. Because de PPP dumb enough to start the ball rolling. 


Haitians opted to leave Hugo Chavez Centre – Gov’t

The Government of Guyana today said that 26 Haitians who were being kept at the Hugo Chavez Rehabilitation and Reintegration Centre pursuant to a police investigation opted to leave the facility last night for an address of their choice.

A statement by the government follows:

Statement by Government of Guyana on Haitians

On the 3rd day of December 2020, the Honourable Chief Justice Roxane George granted a Stay of Deportation Orders made in relation to 26 Haitians currently in Guyana. The case before the Chief Justice is still pending and there is no indication when it will be concluded.

Up to last night, the Haitians were being accommodated at the Hugo Chavez Rehabilitation and Reintegration Centre. It must be emphasised that this is not a detention centre. This centre is properly staffed, resourced and its guests are adequately fed and supervised. The facility is secured and the conditions hygienic.

However, since it cannot be determined when the legal proceedings will be concluded, the Haitians were offered either to remain at the facility or to be released at an address of their choice. They chose the latter. After their meals, last evening, they were dropped off at the address requested. Their valuables and passports were delivered to them.

The Government wishes to reject the wild and reckless allegations that are circulating on this matter and implore that politicians and others, cease exploiting and sensationalizing this matter in the advancement of selfish agendas.


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