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American arms used to kill Palestinians; US complicit in Israeli crimes: Report

An Israeli soldier points his gun at a Palestinian woman in the occupied West Bank city of al-Khalil. (File photo)
With the same amount of money that the United States gives each year to fund weapons for Israel, the federal government could instead fund affordable housing vouchers for 350,000 low-income families, or green jobs training for 500,000 unemployed workers, pr early reading programs for 900,000 at-risk students, or primary health care to 24 million people without insurance.”

American Report


A recent policy paper published by the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation brings to light a number of cases in which weapons and ammunition produced by and financed by the United States over the past decade have been used by Israel to kill the defenseless Palestinians.

“US military aid to Israel is a policy that is running on autopilot and must be reconsidered,” Josh Ruebner, the national advocacy director of the Washington-based organization and author of the policy paper, said on March 5.

Ruebner added, “US weapons provided to Israel at taxpayer expense make the US complicit in Israel’s human rights abuses of Palestinians living under Israel’s 44-year military occupation of the West Bank, East al-Quds (Jerusalem), and Gaza Strip and defeat US foreign policy objectives of halting Israeli settlement expansion, ending Israeli military occupation, and establishing a just and lasting Israeli-Palestinian peace.”

Between the years 2000 and 2009, the United States transferred “more than 670 million weapons, rounds of ammunition, and related equipment,” according to the report.

During the same period, “Israel killed at least 2,696 unarmed Palestinians, including 1,128 children, often with US weapons in violation of the Foreign Assistance Act and Arms Export Control Act.”

The Foreign Assistance Act, signed into law in 1961, stipulates that “no security assistance may be provided to any country the government of which engages in a consistent pattern of gross violation of internationally recognized human rights.”

This comes as the official inquiries and investigations into US military aid to Israel over recent decades have been met with growing resistance from groups both within and outside of the US government.

Although more expensive weapons systems such as tanks and aircraft make up the bulk of purchasing contracts between Israel and the American manufactures, small arms and ammunition purchases account for the largest number of deaths.

The report adds that Israeli soldiers load some of their guns with high-velocity tear gas canisters and rubber-coated bullets manufactured in the United States - a frequent culprit in death throughout the occupied Palestinian territories.

“From fiscal year 2000 to 2009, the State Department licensed - and US taxpayers funded - the delivery of more than 595,000 tear gas canisters and other ‘riot control’ equipment to the Israeli military, valued at more than 20.5 million dollars,” according to the report.

In a 2007 memorandum of understanding, Washington pledged 30 billion dollars in military assistance to Tel Aviv between 2009 and 2018 - a 25-percent increase in average annual military aid over previous years. Israel will receive roughly 3.1 billion dollars in US military aid for fiscal year 2012.

“With the same amount of money that the United States gives each year to fund weapons for Israel, the federal government could instead fund affordable housing vouchers for 350,000 low-income families, or green jobs training for 500,000 unemployed workers, pr early reading programs for 900,000 at-risk students, or primary health care to 24 million people without insurance,” the report pointed out.

The report comes as eighteen Palestinians have been killed in Israeli airstrikes on the besieged Gaza Strip since last Friday.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday the Tel Aviv regime will continue airstrikes against the besieged Gaza Strip “as long as necessary.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Where is the Rev? How can you let this go? The jews!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is what I said before: Hitler actions - one at a time.

Come on Rev speak up. Don't give me no BS about terrorists.

Originally Posted by asj:

An Israeli soldier points his gun at a Palestinian woman in the occupied West Bank city of al-Khalil. (File photo)

If he didn't have that gun, that Palestinian girl would beat his ass good and prappa. See her stare? She is not scared of him. After 6 decades, these Israelis still don't realize that their peace isn't going to come at the point of their gun. But then again, they have more than 6 thousand years of record of not being to get along with others.

Obama gave Netanyahu the green light to attack Gaza Strip’


Tue Mar 13, 2012 6:43PM GMT
Interview with Hani al-Basous, professor at Islamic University of Gaza

I think that the Israeli administration led by Netanyahu has taken the green light from the United States administration which was given by Obama to Netanyahu directly, given him the green light to attack the Palestinian people to kill as many people as they can.”

Two Palestinian teenagers have been injured in a gun attack by Israeli soldiers in the besieged Gaza Strip.

Israeli soldiers opened fire on a group of Palestinian mourners in Gaza City on Tuesday and injured two teenagers.

The group was holding a funeral for two Palestinians killed in an Israeli airstrike on Gaza late on Monday.

At least 25 Palestinians have been killed and dozens of others wounded in Israeli airstrikes since March 9.

Press TV interviewed Hani al-Basous, a professor at the Islamic University of Gaza, to further talk over the issue.

What follows is a transcript of the interview.

Press TV: Do you see a connection between Netanyahu's recent visit to the US and this escalation in attacks on Gaza? If so, do you believe Netanyahu has gotten a green light of sorts from the US to escalate tensions?

Basous: Yes, I think so that the Israeli administration led by Netanyahu has taken the green light from the United States administration which was given by Obama to Netanyahu directly, given him the green light to attack the Palestinian people to kill as many people as they can.

I think the United States is convicted by what the Israeli army is doing in the Gaza Strip which has been killing people. This morning and also for the last two hours, some attacks on the Gaza Strip are continued by the Israeli military forces. I think the Israeli connection between what the Israeli army is doing in the Gaza Strip and the meeting which was in the United States a few days ago between Obama and Netanyahu.

I think the Israeli army feels that they have no responsibility and the international community will not proceed against them and its case. This is why I think the Israeli army is continuing killing people in the Gaza Strip. The attacks have been for the past three days led by the machines and by the airstrikes against the Gaza Strip and up to this minute.

I think the situation is still tense and I expect there will be continuous escalation within the next few hours and the next few days.

Press TV: The international community has largely remained silent on both the siege of Gaza, as well as regular attacks that Israel carries out on the enclave. How do the people of Gaza cope with this international silence?

Basous: I think the people of Gaza are so frustrated at the international community and this community did not take any stand to support the Palestinian people up to this minute.

I think even the United States administration was supporting the Israeli side and they undermine the freedom and the rights of the Palestinian people. The international community has done nothing.

The people of Gaza have been living on the constant siege and attacks by the Israeli side for the past 5 years. These types of escalations and waves of escalations every few days, every few weeks against the people of Gaza and meanwhile, we are watching that the international community that has been silent and did not take any stand, did not take any step to stop the Israeli escalation against Gaza.

I think the international community, if it believes in peace, democracy and prosperity; they have to take step to stop the Israeli escalation. The people of the Gaza Strip are so weak and sensitive. The people of the Gaza Strip have no means for basic living.

For the past few weeks, we have had no electricity, no fuel and even the medicine. We have shortage in medicine and commodities and on the top of this; the Israeli machines have been launching many strikes against the people of the Gaza Strip.

People here in Gaza start to question the international community and its own position at this minute and we have witnessed that even the international human rights organizations and the United Nations have not taken any steps to support the Palestinian people in which that we believe at this time that any step should be taken now to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people with help so much and we still have some hope that the Islamic nations, the Arab states and Egypt would intervene to stop such Israeli escalation on the Gaza Strip.

Otherwise, the Israeli machines and the Israeli warplanes would continue their killing of the innocent Palestinian people in Gaza.

I don't think that Pres Obama would tell anyone to kill as many people as possible so this person is being reckless with their assumptions. While the US ignore the wutlissness of the Israelis and support them out of misguided sense of responsibility they are not interested in killing the Palestinians. This is Israel's wutlissness.


Sad situation, however note that the Palestinians have shown very little eagerness for peace, instead they continue to shell Israel and support Hamas a terrorist organization. They chose their own fate by being supporters of Hamas which refuse to acknowledge the right of Israel to exist. 


A besieged people does not have the responsibility to be friendly with their oppressors while they are still oppressed. The Palestinians did not allign themsleves with Hamas. Hamas is part of the besieged Palestinian people. Hamas was also born out of the Israeli oppression.


They chose their own fate by backing Hamas, a known terrorist organization. They must learn that negotiating is the only way out, they still wait in hope that Iran would develop the bomb and destroy Israel. But little do they realize that they too will be destroyed. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

They chose their own fate by backing Hamas, a known terrorist organization. They must learn that negotiating is the only way out, they still wait in hope that Iran would develop the bomb and destroy Israel. But little do they realize that they too will be destroyed. 

Hamas is part of the besieged Palestinian people. They are not foreign fighters. While I don't like their practice of harming innocent people, their actions mirror exactly those of the Israelis. The only difference between the two is that Israel are the foreign force given the military machine to oppress the Palestinians.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Sad situation, however note that the Palestinians have shown very little eagerness for peace, instead they continue to shell Israel and support Hamas a terrorist organization. They chose their own fate by being supporters of Hamas which refuse to acknowledge the right of Israel to exist. 

Little eagerness for peace, eh ! Would you like to exchange places with them for a week; only one week. Anyone who challenges Israel or the USA is automatically branded a terrorist. Do you know that the laws of Israel permit a Jew, regardless of where he/she was born, to settle and obtain residence and citizenship in Palestinian land and the Palestinians who have been living there for millenia are being evicted from their land and homes each day ? Because Hamas refuses to yield to the ultra-wicked designs of Israel (theft of land with tacit US support) and the USA they automatically become terrorists. Would you like to go through checkpoints several times per day as you go to school, go to work, go to visit relatives etc and be brutalised and embarassed at each turn you make ? These people were dispossessed of their properties, refused permits to build on thei own land, seriously restricted in their movement, beaten and humiliated at every opportunity and they are the terorists, right ?


Originally Posted by keffer:

Little eagerness for peace, eh ! Would you like to exchange places with them for a week; only one week. Anyone who challenges Israel or the USA is automatically branded a terrorist. Do you know that the laws of Israel permit a Jew, regardless of where he/she was born, to settle and obtain residence and citizenship in Palestinian land and the Palestinians who have been living there for millenia are being evicted from their land and homes each day ? Because Hamas refuses to yield to the ultra-wicked designs of Israel (theft of land with tacit US support) and the USA they automatically become terrorists. Would you like to go through checkpoints several times per day as you go to school, go to work, go to visit relatives etc and be brutalised and embarassed at each turn you make ? These people were dispossessed of their properties, refused permits to build on thei own land, seriously restricted in their movement, beaten and humiliated at every opportunity and they are the terorists, right ?


It takes someone with a soul and at least an once of humanity/decency to appreciate your comments.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

They chose their own fate by backing Hamas, a known terrorist organization. They must learn that negotiating is the only way out, they still wait in hope that Iran would develop the bomb and destroy Israel. But little do they realize that they too will be destroyed. 

Hamas is part of the besieged Palestinian people. They are not foreign fighters. While I don't like their practice of harming innocent people, their actions mirror exactly those of the Israelis. The only difference between the two is that Israel are the foreign force given the military machine to oppress the Palestinians.

These 'innocent' people originate from other countries (Poland, Hungary, Czecoslovakia, Ukraine etc) and have the right move to Palestine because the laws of Israel allow them to dispossess those who were born there; how many documetaries do you have to see to understand the reality of the situation there ? You need to have a look at maps of the area which show changes in occupation of the land  over the past 20 or 25 years ?


Originally Posted by keffer:

These 'innocent' people originate from other countries (Poland, Hungary, Czecoslovakia, Ukraine etc) and have the right move to Palestine because the laws of Israel allow them to dispossess those who were born there; how many documetaries do you have to see to understand the reality of the situation there ? You need to have a look at maps of the area which show changes in occupation of the land  over the past 20 or 25 years ?


All that is needed now is the powers that be to exercise their concience. Six decades of injustive continues.

Originally Posted by keffer:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Sad situation, however note that the Palestinians have shown very little eagerness for peace, instead they continue to shell Israel and support Hamas a terrorist organization. They chose their own fate by being supporters of Hamas which refuse to acknowledge the right of Israel to exist. 

Little eagerness for peace, eh ! Would you like to exchange places with them for a week; only one week. Anyone who challenges Israel or the USA is automatically branded a terrorist. Do you know that the laws of Israel permit a Jew, regardless of where he/she was born, to settle and obtain residence and citizenship in Palestinian land and the Palestinians who have been living there for millenia are being evicted from their land and homes each day ? Because Hamas refuses to yield to the ultra-wicked designs of Israel (theft of land with tacit US support) and the USA they automatically become terrorists. Would you like to go through checkpoints several times per day as you go to school, go to work, go to visit relatives etc and be brutalised and embarassed at each turn you make ? These people were dispossessed of their properties, refused permits to build on thei own land, seriously restricted in their movement, beaten and humiliated at every opportunity and they are the terorists, right ?



The Palestinians played the wrong cards when they expected the Umma to annihilate the Jews just as Hitler did.  They embraced terrorism and the many attempts at peace was spurned by their leaders with their support. So they pay the price of being refugees. They are now negotiating for less land than they would have gotten in the original agreements proposed in the 40's. They brought this on themselves so let them suffer. You should stop worrying about these folks and let them chose their own destiny, after all you are not an Arab. Worry about what is going on in Guyana. 


If dem PNC and dem bakkers get dem chance, abie coolies gon be juss laka dem palestinians.  Dem goa bruk we up in lil villages all ova guyana and gah abie like cattle.  Dem bias gatt big plans and big army fuh cage abie up.  All who mock dem palestinins, nah mek worries, abie gao gh abie chance.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

You should stop worrying about these folks and let them chose their own destiny, 

That is exactly the point. They don't get to choose their own destiny because they are reserved as shooting targets for the Israelis. And while Pres Obama laments today about the loss of life in Syria, he has no thoughts for the loss of Palestinian lives. If the powers that be hadn't interfared from the beginning, Jews and Palestinians would still be peacefully living side by side in Palestine like they have done for hundreds of years.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

You should stop worrying about these folks and let them chose their own destiny, 

That is exactly the point. They don't get to choose their own destiny because they are reserved as shooting targets for the Israelis. And while Pres Obama laments today about the loss of life in Syria, he has no thoughts for the loss of Palestinian lives. If the powers that be hadn't interfared from the beginning, Jews and Palestinians would still be peacefully living side by side in Palestine like they have done for hundreds of years.


No they have a choice, vote out Hamas and support peace talks. They chose not to do this and in essence have determined their own fate. If they had agreed to peace decades ago their country would be booming with trade with Israel and other benefits of have the Jews as a trading partner. Obama is right to stay out of the Palestinians business, they choose to have terrorists as leaders, let them pay the price. Meanwhile I am sure issues in Guyana warrants attention more than the Palestinians who have been supporting terrorism for decades. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by keffer:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Sad situation, however note that the Palestinians have shown very little eagerness for peace, instead they continue to shell Israel and support Hamas a terrorist organization. They chose their own fate by being supporters of Hamas which refuse to acknowledge the right of Israel to exist. 

Little eagerness for peace, eh ! Would you like to exchange places with them for a week; only one week. Anyone who challenges Israel or the USA is automatically branded a terrorist. Do you know that the laws of Israel permit a Jew, regardless of where he/she was born, to settle and obtain residence and citizenship in Palestinian land and the Palestinians who have been living there for millenia are being evicted from their land and homes each day ? Because Hamas refuses to yield to the ultra-wicked designs of Israel (theft of land with tacit US support) and the USA they automatically become terrorists. Would you like to go through checkpoints several times per day as you go to school, go to work, go to visit relatives etc and be brutalised and embarassed at each turn you make ? These people were dispossessed of their properties, refused permits to build on thei own land, seriously restricted in their movement, beaten and humiliated at every opportunity and they are the terorists, right ?



The Palestinians played the wrong cards when they expected the Umma to annihilate the Jews just as Hitler did.  They embraced terrorism and the many attempts at peace was spurned by their leaders with their support. So they pay the price of being refugees. They are now negotiating for less land than they would have gotten in the original agreements proposed in the 40's. They brought this on themselves so let them suffer. You should stop worrying about these folks and let them chose their own destiny, after all you are not an Arab. Worry about what is going on in Guyana. 

I humbly suggest you do some serious learning ... and I do not mean from western newspapers and TV. What attempts at peace are you talking about ? Should they have gratefully accepted the crumbs which were thrown their way by Begin, Peres, Sharon, Barak and Netanyahu ? What would you have done in their place; roll over, play dead and surrender your dignity ? Unless one is prepared to fairly and objectively look at the historical facts on the ground, it probably is difficult for one to understand what these people have been dealing with for more than 50 years. You call them terrorists ... well, I hope it does not shock you to find out that, based on international law (read this to mean UN, not US and the loads of racist ignoramuses who control your political landscape) justice is overwhelmingly on the side of the Palestinians. The US has been a huge supporter of Israel from day one simply because they are similarly guilty of oppression (of black people) for many years and so lack the balls to speak out against injustice. There is also  the $$$$ influence of Jews in the USA . It does not matter what idealistic rantings are made by that jackass Obama; the same for folks like Colin Powell, Condolesa Rice and all the present-day Uncle Toms. They cannot refute the fact that Israel is nothing but a bully; just like their big brother Uncle Sam. How would you like if someone invades and takes over your property because they have the physical might to do so and you are told not to resist their occupation ? Under international law the Palestinians have every right to resist with everything they have at their disposal. Get real, buddy  ......whether they are now negotiating for more or less land is irrelevant. Remember, King Hussain told a convocation audience at an American university some years ago that Israel can have land or she can have peace; not both.  


By "They brought this on themselves so let them suffer" seems to mean might is right. If that is your mindset then I will say no more .....except to remind you that when the shoe is on the other foot, you will have absolutely no moral right to say anything. Be careful, my friend, because power is not a fixed quantum; we have already seen irrefutable signs of the decline of what many of us always knew as the 'powerful' countries. Just leave yourself with enough wiggle room so that others can come to help you when it is your turn to suffer. Do not be so callous about the oppression of others...


Originally Posted by BGurd_See:


No they have a choice, vote out Hamas and support peace talks.

Hamas was formed in 1987, twenty years after the Palestinians were illegally evicted from their land and 40 years after the illegal creation of the state of Israel. For those 40 years, the Palestinians were not given peace. In fact they were being oppressed which heralded in the first intifada from which Hamas was formed. You desparately need to be better educated on that conflict. Or you could choose to not be but until then, your conclusions are baseless and embarrassing even for you.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:


No they have a choice, vote out Hamas and support peace talks.

Hamas was formed in 1987, twenty years after the Palestinians were illegally evicted from their land and 40 years after the illegal creation of the state of Israel. For those 40 years, the Palestinians were not given peace. In fact they were being oppressed which heralded in the first intifada from which Hamas was formed. You desparately need to be better educated on that conflict. Or you could choose to not be but until then, your conclusions are baseless and embarrassing even for you.


The Palestinians chose not to have peace and want to be victims. Every time there is peace talks they call for the destruction of Israel as non negotiable. I empathize with then but just like drug abusers, they are in control of their destiny , "just say no to terrorism".  They continue to suicide bomb and launch rockets cross border so they pay the price with a wall being erected, border patrols and sanctions. I am tired of the conflict and its effect on the instability in the Middle East. They should just kill each other. 

The Jewish community in Canada has denounced Israel crimes against the Palestinians as well as its warmongering against Iran by organizing rallies to protest Tel Aviv policies, Press TV reports.

Jewish groups, particularly the Independent Jewish Voices of Canada (IJVC) have played a major role in organizing rallies against a war with Iran, a Press TV correspondent reported Saturday.

IJVC, founded in 2008, describes itself as representing the Jewish people in Canada who have in common a strong commitment to social justice and universal human rights. The organization was as a result of the national Independent Jewish Canadian Conference.

“There is no evidence that Iran has developed nuclear weapons, and it’s ironic that Israel has a very large nuclear stockpile and also has the backing of the US which has the largest nuclear stockpile,” IJVC activist, Diana Ralph told Press TV in Ottawa.

Activists say that the media campaign against Iran has also helped Israel mask its treatment of the Palestinian people.

The United States, the Israeli regime, and some of their allies have repeatedly accused Iran of pursuing military objectives in its nuclear program without offering any evidence verifying such allegations. Washington and Tel Aviv have threatened Tehran with the "option" of a military strike against its civilian nuclear facilities.

Iran argues that as a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), it has every right to develop and acquire nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

The IAEA has conducted numerous inspections of Iran's nuclear facilities but has never found any evidence indicating that Tehran's civilian nuclear program has been diverted towards nuclear weapons production.


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