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Hamilton Green key figure during repressive period; doesn’t deserve pension- GHRA


The Guyana Human Rights Association (GHRA) on Saturday slammed government for moving to give former Hamilton Green a hefty pension for serving as Prime Minister from 1985 to 1992.

β€œThe Prime Minister Hamilton Green Pension Act 2016 on the Order Paper is utterly shocking. His entire political career reflects the attributes that have kept Guyana ethnically polarized and, for this reason, securely anchored at the bottom of all Caribbean indicators of social and economic progress in the modern era,” the GHRA said in a statement.

During the 1970s and 1980s, Guyana’s political landscape had been marred by the killing and beating of opponents to the then People’s National Congress (PNC)- led administration. Newsprint for anti-government and independent newspapers were severely restricted, and people were arrested and prosecuted for being in possession of basic food items that had been either banned or restricted.

Following is a slightly edited version of the statement.

The Prime Minister Hamilton Green Pension Bill 2016, which will be read for the first time on Monday November 21, 2016, provides for Green to be paid a pension β€œbased on the salary paid to the Prime Minister, as though he actually earned the said salary, taking into consideration his record of service as a legislator.” It also provides for Green to receive all benefits provided for by the Former President (Benefits and Other Facilities) Act 2015. The value of these benefits are an annual pension of G$20,580,000, others benefits to the value of G$3.1mn annually, two vehicles provided and maintained by the State and two first-class annual airfares free transportation provided by the State.

Former Prime Minister Green also qualifies for an ex-Parliamentarian pension together with whatever benefits accrue from his period of Mayor of Georgetown.

The Prime Minister Hamilton Green Pension Act 2016 on the Order Paper is utterly shocking. His entire political career reflects the attributes that have kept Guyana ethnically polarized and, for this reason, securely anchored at the bottom of all Caribbean indicators of social and economic progress in the modern era. 

During the 1970s and 1980s he was a leading government figure in the political repression reflected by Guyana heading the list of countries with most refugee applications to Canada and mass exodus of Guyanese of all backgrounds to any other country they could find respite. Those years saw bizarre hardships imposed on the Guyanese people including being criminalized for possession of onions and garlic, blocks-long queues around gas stations due to gasoline shortages and outbreaks of beri-beri.

During the last two decades Mr. Green, as mayor of Georgetown, presided over its physical decay. Despite a career marked by incompetence and divisiveness, Hamilton Green, now well over 80 years of age, was appointed asChairman of the Board of Directors of the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA).

Thanks to the legacy of economic and social turmoil for which he and other leaders were responsible it is ironic that Guyanese of the same age group as Hamilton Green are now condemned to live on old-age pensions of G$17,000. while he complains at having to eke out a living on his pension of G$100,000. plus his benefits from being Mayor.

This proposed Bill should not be submitted to Parliament on the following grounds.

Firstly, it is insulting to Guyanese tax payers of this generation, who are prominently wage-earners, (rather than businesses or private professionals who mostly don’t pay taxes according to the GRA) to shoulder the burden of excessive pension for people who have so curtailed this generation’s life chances.

Secondly, there is no justification for this Bill beyond cronyism.

Thirdly, to date Mr. Green, never apologized for the humiliation, hardship and violence to which the Guyanese people were subjected during his harrowing term of office.  Had Dr. Jagan in 1992 not β€˜drawn a veil’ over the past in the interests of social peace, Mr. Green might have found himself facing the courts.

Fourthly, the idea that former Presidents and senior politicians deserve to be treated as β€˜Princes of the City’ with excessive pensions, and benefits reinforces rather than undermines the repugnant notion that the purpose of politics is to enrich politicians.

Fifthly, a personalized Bill to reward Mr. Green for a lifetime of politics marked by incompetence and divisiveness is provocative in the context of the current administration’s anti-corruption campaign.

Sixthly, The Guyanese Parliament is still to distinguished itself for the quality of its contribution to public life. If the Bill under discussion is entertained, its reputation would be further eroded by the ridicule it would justly attract.

 The Guyana Human Rights Association (GHRA) is calling for the non-submission of this obnoxious Bill.


Amral, dat is a cop out or simply not having balls! Bhai, say it as it is. THE MONSTER PNV AND THEIR VIOLENT, BULLYING , BLOOD SUCKING CREW ARE DESTINED TO DESTROY GUYANA.   Billy asked what the KFC thinks about this. Well, Billy the KFC is dead. Uncle Tom the Gaumont HO will take all the customers available at the right PRICE!!!


Coming events cast their shadows beforehand. The burning issue of Hamilton Green's hefty PM pension and other questionable issues indicate the coalition's blatant disregard of public opinion.

And those who believe the PPP will return to power in 2020 are fooling themselves. Very soon we shall see who succeeds Dr Steve Surujbally as GECOM Chairman. I bet he will not be one of the nominees submitted by the Opposition Leader as required by the Constitution. That won't be surprising because the PPP President had also ignored Opposition Leader Hoyte's nominees in favor of Doodnauth Singh. 

As I mentioned repeatedly here, APNU will not give up power just now. And while workers are told there are insufficient funds for reasonable wage increases, they will watch the government's fat cats get fatter.

Was the PPP regime different? No!! It is precisely the PPP regime's lavish lifestyle, cronyism, nepotism and favoritism that caused their loss of power. No remorse on their part so far. 

The Guyanese masses will not see uplift in the near or medium-term.

Gilbakka calls a β™  a β™ .

Gilbakka posted:

Coming events cast their shadows beforehand. The burning issue of Hamilton Green's hefty PM pension and other questionable issues indicate the coalition's blatant disregard of public opinion.

As I mentioned repeatedly here, APNU will not give up power just now. And while workers are told there are insufficient funds for reasonable wage increases, they will watch the government's fat cats get fatter.

The Guyanese masses will not see uplift in the near or medium-term.

Gilbakka calls a β™  a β™ .


This proves that Granger is from the Racist old school wing of the PNC which rewards PNC thugs for their "service" to the PNC.

Rewarding this know and brutal PNC thus is indeed an insult of those who suffered for 28 years under the brutal PNC dictatorship.

Please clarify when you stated that APNC will not "give up" power. It is in the PNC's DNA to rig, loot, murder and reward the murderers like they are currently rewarding Greene. 

We are indeed headed once again into an era of brutal dictatorship with rigged election and corruption as never seen in the history of Guyana.

Guyanese will NEVER uplift their lives under the PNC, never has and never will, why are you surprised ?

Failure, dictatorship and corruption are in the DNA of the PNC, why are you surprised ?

After all, you and others at GNI assisted in supporting and propping up these racist and corrupt AFC/PNC crabdawgs. Good to see you slowly speaking out, slowly is not enough, being more vocal should be your priority.

History is repeating itself twice, the PNC crabdawdgs are back !

BTW, why is Moses silent, is it because his big belly is swelling up with fat ?

Last edited by Former Member
Prashad posted:

The Tamil is now celebrating Hamiltone Greene 83 Birthday.He has put up championship thropy to celebrate . Big Indian business like Kisson is following the Tamil and celebrating also with big cheques . Glen Khan aka Glen Lall and his paper is celebrating too.   In world warTwo Hitler's gestapo also use the Judenrat as jew catchers.

'Glen Khan aka Glen Lall' and his paper is celebrating too.

Glen Lall is NOT aka Glen Khan; they are two completely different individuals.

Prashad posted:

Let us keep on the issue and not get distracted by racist arguments. Here is someone who played a very major role in permanently destroying Guyana society in criminal ways yet today he is the ideological godfather of Jranger and gang. This issue is the sad irony here.

Yes. Jagdeo. After all the Hammie Greene thugs who still remain active are now on the PPP payroll.

One can only wonder how you can decide to forget the PPP role in this.  It just shows what a nasty piece of work that the PPP is.


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