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BREAKING NEWS: City mayor resigning due to poor health

Georgetown Mayor Hamilton green is set to submit his resignation soon, due to ill-health, a well-placed City council source told INews Guyana on Saturday.

Greene, who is suffering from an undisclosed ailment, has been making frequent trips overseas to seek medical attention, the source said.

INews Guyana understands that the city mayor, after diagnosed sometime back, had indicated to close associates on the council, that he was contemplating quitting, since the “pressures” of the job, were causing his health conditions to deteriorate even faster.

The source, who asked not to be quoted, revealed that the mayor has been “seriously ill in recent months” but has been clinging to hope and “fighting this illness “to ensure that he continues to fulfill his mandate as mayor.

However the source said that green was forced to leave the country two weeks ago to seek emergency treatment since he was “seriously ill”.

This recent spate of illness, the source said, was what forced the mayor to consider resigning, a position according to the source “he is very inclined to take”

Green has been mayor since 1993 when the last local government elections in which his now defunct Good and Green Guyana (GGG) party won the municipality.

Green’s wife is also ailing and is currently based in Trinidad and Tobago, where she is being treated.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Cobra:

God took too long to be mercyful with Hammy Greene. He should have been out of office a long time ago for decaying the city.   

Better late than never. At least the residents of Georgetown can breathe a sigh of relief now that ill health has forced this fossilite to make an exit

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Allah has been good to Hammie.

Poor attempt at coded message.


Hope his health improve. But happy that he is stepping down since he has done a terrible job over the past two decades.

Coded my ass. Hammie is Muslim so what is coded about what I said???Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Allah has been good to Hammie.

Poor attempt at coded message.


Hope his health improve. But happy that he is stepping down since he has done a terrible job over the past two decades.


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Coded my ass. Hammie is Muslim so what is coded about what I said???Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Allah has been good to Hammie.

Poor attempt at coded message.


Hope his health improve. But happy that he is stepping down since he has done a terrible job over the past two decades.

I hope he dies a slow painful death. As Guyanese would say "Leh he punish before he dead". I am amazed the the PPP let the people of  Guyana pay for his medical expenses. This makes me mad as hell. What makes Hammie so special to the PPP. May be some poor person who can't afford medical expenses should go to the PPP to pay their medical expenses too. The PPP is and has always been sleeping in bed with the PNC. Can't trust the PPP; PNC; APNU, and AFC and all the other fringe parties. They are all sell outs. Hammie rass betta dead soon.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:


Hamilton Green was a Muslim, from at least, when he was the Minister of Works and Hydraulics.


He used to pray, during the day, in his ministerial office.

Indeed. He used to attend the Old Mosque I think. Now the bricks are really going to fly.


This individual saw the end of too many PPP supporters.  Nandlall should get a DNA sample for storage for the government from this individual when he bites the dust.  It could come in handy in the future development of science. 

Last edited by Prashad
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:


Hamilton Green was a Muslim, from at least, when he was the Minister of Works and Hydraulics.


He used to pray, during the day, in his ministerial office.

Hamilton Green was associated with the Nation of Islam.  He brought W Deen Muhammed the leader of the Nation of Islam (and son of Elijah Muhammed) to Guyana for a visit.  If you don't know what organizations such as the N.O.I., Moorish Temple of America and the 5% PERCENTERS Nation stand for then I strongly suggest that you read up about them. They are black supremacist  organizations.    

Last edited by Prashad

Hamilton Green may not be as sick as it looks.  Only two weeks ago he wrote a stinging letter to the newspapers complaining about Ralph Ramkarran.  I think he is preparing to take up a senior leadership position in the PNC where he will be a full time advisor to Granger.

Last edited by Prashad
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Why is Ksazma getting ticked up about coded message? 

Because I don't like pussies that don't come with breasts.


Originally Posted by Chief:

Hammie is one of Guyana longest serving Politician.Like it or not the man made his contribution and he outlived Jagan, Burnham, Hoyte, Janet and many others .

Hamilton Green is not as sick as has been stated.  He is going to be a key advisor to Granger.  He is untouchable because Uncle Sam and race politics made him untouchable.  Let us not forget that it is documented about role this individual played in the x-13 plan. 


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