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Hamper and Pamper replacing Lampy and Pampy

Sep 03, 2020 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists 0, Source - Kaieteur News -

Dem Boys Seh…

Dem boys hear we plan fuh borrow one billion Guyana dollars fuh improve the maternity hospital over de river.

De boss man of de Waterfall paper seh dat if dem give he de billion dollars, he would build a brand new hospital with dat money.

But de real issue is why we gat to borrow a few million US dollars when we giving away hundreds of millions through dem bad deals we signing with dem foreign investors.

De President go to Berbice and he promise fuh open up back them sugar estates wah close. Dem boys seh all he doing is putting dem worker fuh scratch a living.

If he get de right deal from dem bauxite company wah digging out we ore and shipping it out, none of dem worker nah gat to worry about going and do back- breaking wuk fuh cut cane.

But is bad deal mek we gat fuh put them back fuh cut cane and dem wife and mooma gat fuh line up fuh receive hamper.

While some people ah receive hamper, some politician gan soon want pampers. Since some of dem lose power, dem looking magga and dem wetting dem pants.

But is suh when yuh sins ketch up with yuh. Dem try fuh steal election and now dem wrang-doing ketching up with them.

Talk half and wait fuh when pamper start share!

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