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Handcuffed prisoners beat cop in police station

February 6, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source


Three prisoners went berserk yesterday, battering a Police Detective Constable even as they were being led into the Cove and John Police Station lock-ups following their second appearance before Magistrate Zamena Ali.

The three prisoners, Devon Manroop, and brothers Delon and Bevaughn Boucher, who were sharing handcuffs have left Constable Paddy nursing a gaping wound on his left hand, which required several stitches.

The prisoners have been charged wth attempting to commit armed robbery on Bourda Market stallholder Deonauth Rajkumar early last month at Haslington, East Coast Demerara.

One of them was shot when the businessman who is a licenced firearm holder, backed them off.

This newspaper was reliably informed that as the prisoners were being led from the courtroom which is situated above the lock-ups, one of them requested a cigarette from a relative who was in the compound.

Constable Paddy, who was escorting them along with another rank, objected to this arrangement and the prisoner became angry and verbally abusive.

The bandit then got physical and using his free hand, he dealt paddy a cuff to his face. Before the constable or his colleague could react, the two other bandits pounced on Paddy and began cuffing him about his body.

One of the prisoners then cuffed a glass window and when it broke he grabbed a sharp piece and stabbed Constable Paddy, who by now was dazed from the earlier blows he had received.

Eventually other ranks came to his rescue and they managed to subdue the prisoners and secure them in the lock-ups.

The prisoners are expected to face additional charges stemming from yesterday’s assault.

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Dem boys seh…Bug talk mek police get beat up

February 6, 2014, By Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features/Columnists, News , Source


Dem children in school got a new game dem does play when school dismiss. Dem does form a circle and sing Bharrat got Bobby, Rob de Earth got Terry, Ah Kneel got Clifton and Ganga got Kwame.

Is a nice song but dem boys trying to find out de meaning.

Of course dem got an idea bout Rob de Earth and Terry. Dem did hear Terry buy some concession fuh US$6 million. People seh that only rich people could afford a claim like that but dem boys know different. De word out there is that Rob de Earth tek way somebody claim and give Terry. De money is just to stop people from asking questions.

Dem boy seh is not only he got money. Bharrat got money too, plenty money. But sometimes when a man got nuff money people does feel sorry fuh he.  This is one man who got people worrying about who he gun lef he money for when he dead.

He ain’t got a chick or a child. He got sisters but dem might travel before he because he still young. But then again, dem always got de junkies who does move in when a place lef empty fuh too long. Then police does get busy when somebody complain.

If this thing wasn’t serious dem boys woulda laugh. Three prisoners beat a police constable and all because de man tell he colleagues that de station got bug.

De three prisoners was coming out of de court and de same time a minibus was passing de police station playing loud music. This prisoner hear de word bug and he think that de policeman telling he friends something else.

Suh when de policeman approach dem wid a baton in he hand dem boys ain’t tek no chance. De next thing dem see is that de policeman put he hand in he pocket. One of dem think was a condom he was reaching for so was blows from de start.

In de end dem tek way de baton and dem boys hear de policeman hollering.

Talk half and wonder wha happen to de baton.


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