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Knife-wielding teenage criminals nabbedPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Shirley Thomas  
Tuesday, 05 June 2012 21:43
- as they rob schoolboy PROMPT  response to cries for help from a secondary school boy under attack by  two knife-wielding teenage criminals on Camp and New Market Streets in  the city yesterday afternoon, narrowly saved the life of the teen, whose  neck the criminals had already slashed with a knife.

‘Nabbed and begging for mercy’:  The teenage criminals who attacked a student of Richard Ishmael’s Secondary School yesterday afternoon. (Cullen Bess-Nelson photo)

Around  15:30 hrs, the student of Richard Ishmael Secondary School was on his  way home when he was attacked by the two bandits, armed with knives, and  who relieved him of his cellular phone. As death stared him in the  face, the student impulsively tried to resist the criminals who,  reacting with rage, cut him on the neck, just centimeters away from his  jugular vein.

GOTTCHA!   The teen criminals now at the mercy of those in whose hands they find themselves. (Cullen Bess-Nelson photos)

In  pain, the boy cried out for help, and public spirited-citizens rushed  to his rescue.  The bandits fled, running west into New Market Street,  but they were hotly pursued by passersby. They were eventually  overpowered by a man who claimed he was similarly robbed some time ago.  Suspecting that

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Guyana needs to adapt a national service far away into the interior and let these hooligans work to build villages for little or no pay. Each one of them should spend two years for each offense. Putting these people in jail takes money and waste of labor. Put them to work and hopefully they can redeem them self in the process and return to society.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Guyana needs to adapt a national service far away into the interior and let these hooligans work to build villages for little or no pay. Each one of them should spend two years for each offense. Putting these people in jail takes money and waste of labor. Put them to work and hopefully they can redeem them self in the process and return to society.

If you hang them dat would be the end of it!


Hanging is not the answer to the problem. They say death is easier than 20 years at Mazaruni. The two recent murders that took place in Guyana, both assailants decided to take poison rather than to be caught alive. The message is clear that no one wants to spend time suffering in jail. I say let them serve the country rather than wasting time and money by being locked up.


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