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Former Member

With all that money and privileged life opening up do you folks think the PNC will lose this? They had a whole year to game the system. Now they have international validation of free and fair election. 

I have no regrets about the PPP. Arrogance, greed and total disrespect for the nation built on a system of laissez faire looting of the state had to  have some karmic recompense. Add to that disrespect for the people by implanting hand picked ideologue rather than youthful thinkers and change agents did not earn them any kudos. Dog house for another decade is their lot...

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Stupid trench water dude...I have no idea other than any other. I just know black people's survival and fair share of oil money mean they have to thief the election. They cannot win in a racially bifurcated population that is almost evenly matched but with the PPP always having a slight advantage. This is not an election but a racial competition and those managing it will most likely have a finger on the scale if they know they have only a slight chance of winning and losing means the PPP having them in the dog house. 


AFC deserves worst than being the "toilet cleaners" for the PNCR and being "kicked in the teeth".

AFC's position/statements when it was formed that it-AFC will NOT join with any political organization ... it will ALWAYS remain committed only to its policies.

From 2015, AFC solidly joined to the PNCR with its ministers/members influence reduced to basically nothing in the PNCR administration.


D2, factor what the PNC did to the AFC after 2015 and you will figure why we are here today!  That was an Indian reach out to the PNC.  They were kicked in the teeth.



Why are you allowed to speculate and not I? BTW The only certainty here is Shuman may cobble together a seat.  He might be the only hope t he PPP  has to control the excesses of a granger regime if they lose

Trenchman Sean,

Who told you the PPP won? No solid evidence exists that they did. I hope they win only to teach arrogant Granger a lesson but that does not look t he case if t hey are still counting and fixing. 


Dunce, if only you would stop and think for once you would stand a better chance of being taken as sensible. Everyone is guessing. The idea of 20 thousand ahead does not mean victory. It means so only if the advantages are in specific areas since there are two different kinds of seats. 

Again you bloody dunce...historical polling centers managed by some of the best statisticians in the world were predicting an HC win...and they did not fail given the straight numbers since she did win by more than 3 million votes. It was where she lost marginally that made the difference.

If you are saying that you by virtue of you grand mathematical skills gained at your high school education you outsmarted every one by a right prediction you are just being the usual fool and deluding yourself. 

You are making the same mistake here with our our legislative seats with 50 being calculated by a d'Hunt largest remainder method and the others by majority. It is not a straight up larger count.


Last edited by Former Member

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