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Former Member

look at the shameless prick, they delay the results of the election and recently he said, election recount has conditions..... SOB.


Stimulus package, hampers ‘hamstrung’ by political problems- Nagamootoo.


“We need to resolve our political problems and we need to move on as a nation and as Government to deal with this very pressing matter of how to stimulate our economy, how to keep production going, how to keep jobs going. We need to address these very, very important issues but as I said we are hamstrung by the political problematics that face us at this time,” Nagamootoo said during a virtual press conference on Thursday.



Image may contain: one or more people, cloud, sky and outdoor

Image may contain: one or more people and outdoor

Image may contain: car and outdoor

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Former Member posted:

 DJ the pictures tell a thousand words, call your family back home. Adios. 

That's only if the pictures make sense., those above tell about three or four words.

@Former Member posted:

What he is doing is inserting a few pictures at selected locations to support a predetermined narrative. Very devious mind.

Keep talking, someday you will say something intelligent.

@cain posted:

That's only if the pictures make sense., those above tell about three or four words.

You are smart or so they say...

1) If the thread is beyond your smarts, choose another one. 
2) Post topics for discussion. 

@Former Member posted:

You are smart or so they say...

1) If the thread is beyond your smarts, choose another one. 
2) Post topics for discussion. 

How much "discussion" has this thread brought to the forum? 


Cain- the banna post pictures of customers queuing up at the bank as they are observing crowd control for social distancing purposes as proof of starvation. Very astute and intelligent deduction/conclusion. Lol

Last edited by Former Member
@cain posted:

How much "discussion" has this thread brought to the forum? 

The least you can do is respect my opinion without sounding bitter and take it as a lesson and work on yourself. 

@Former Member posted:

Cain- the banna post pictures of customers queuing up at the bank as they are observing crowd control for social distancing purposes as proof of starvation. Very astute and intelligent deduction/conclusion. Lol

I could make a monkey out of you, but why should I take all the credit. 


Dave, this is not happening only in Guyana bro. I live in New Jersey and everything thursday I'm at the supermarket in a long ass line waiting to get inside. Shelves are bare , items are scarce. Take what u can. Btw, this is in response to your thread.

@Sheik101 posted:

Dave, this is not happening only in Guyana bro. I live in New Jersey and everything thursday I'm at the supermarket in a long ass line waiting to get inside. Shelves are bare , items are scarce. Take what u can. Btw, this is in response to your thread.

The lines are created because of the physical distancing, at the store entrances and then to the cashiers. Fortunately in Toronto the shelves are stocked. The rush to hoard is over, what is difficult to buy is face masks, I was promised the N95 mask at $2.00 each, should get them Sunday, gloves ,I purchased a box of 150 for $10.00 at Costco.


Pulp mills are going down, this can lead to paper product shortages, there goes a spree on arse wipes again. Scargill, meat processing plant in Calgary is going down, there goes meat shortage too.

Last edited by cain
@kp posted:

The lines are created because of the physical distancing, at the store entrances and then to the cashiers. Fortunately in Toronto the shelves are stocked. The rush to hoard is over, what is difficult to buy is face masks, I was promised the N95 mask at $2.00 each, should get them Sunday, gloves ,I purchased a box of 150 for $10.00 at Costco.

You don't need a face mask. With a face like yours, Covid will stay far far. 

@Sheik101 posted:

Dave, this is not happening only in Guyana bro. I live in New Jersey and everything thursday I'm at the supermarket in a long ass line waiting to get inside. Shelves are bare , items are scarce. Take what u can. Btw, this is in response to your thread.

Those pictures are from Banks, not supermarkets. But thanks for the info. 

@Sheik101 posted:

Dave, this is not happening only in Guyana bro. I live in New Jersey and everything thursday I'm at the supermarket in a long ass line waiting to get inside. Shelves are bare , items are scarce. Take what u can. Btw, this is in response to your thread.

Sheik, WTR you saying?  Apart from toilet paper and some types of cleaning supplies, there is no shortage of anything.  And people hoarding toilet paper.  I never joined a line, except check out.  If I see a line, me gone, return later.  I stopped in a Stop & Shop in Maplewood few days ago, they had everything, including Toilet Paper, but no sanitizing wipes.

But I made my own sanitizing spray.

Guyana is being mismanaged by the Dark Forces!

@Former Member posted:

Sheik, WTR you saying?  Apart from toilet paper and some types of cleaning supplies, there is no shortage of anything.  And people hoarding toilet paper.  I never joined a line, except check out.  If I see a line, me gone, return later.  I stopped in a Stop & Shop in Maplewood few days ago, they had everything, including Toilet Paper, but no sanitizing wipes.

But I made my own sanitizing spray.

Guyana is being mismanaged by the Dark Forces!

I saying what I know. What I see. Maybe I should go by this place u been.

@Sheik101 posted:

I saying what I know. What I see. Maybe I should go by this place u been.

Nah mek worries, things not as bad.  Every time I see a line, I remember the Guyana Dark Days.

Anyway, these artificial shortages are created by people panicking.  It’s not for real, except certain cleaning stuff. That is real as use is way up. 


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