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I WILL NEVER CELEBRATE THIS DAY. it was the day after RAWAN Forbes unleashed atrocities against Indos. he specifically chose this day to celebrate his victory over Indos. May 25, 1964, an Indo family who lived in Wismar and had a store: black thugs started to burn the property down. the owner begged "please take everything but let us live." he grabbed his wife, ran to school for their 5 daughters & son, then they ran for their lives to Berbice where they originated from


The massacre of Indo-Guyanese began at Wismar and lasted for over 38 hours, beginning from Sunday May 24th and ending on Tuesday May 26, 1964. In the 38 hours of brutality, barbarism, and savagery on some 2000 Indo-Guyanese living in villages of Wismar and Christianburg, some 18000 Afro-Guyanese armed with cutlasses, wooden poles, gasoline bombs and guns burnt and destroyed over 230 Indo-Guyanese homes and businesses. Indo-Guyanese who thought they could find shelter in their own homes were confronted and beaten by large mobs of Afro-Guyanese screaming "kill de coolies" as their homes were burnt to the ground. One family whose home was burnt was confronted by a large mob who beat the wife unconscious, repeatedly stabbing the husband and then continuing to kick and molest two smaller children. This occurrence was by no means isolated. Some families who managed to escape from the villages into the nearby forest were also hunted down like animals.

@Mitwah posted:

The massacre of Indo-Guyanese began at Wismar and lasted for over 38 hours, beginning from Sunday May 24th and ending on Tuesday May 26, 1964. In the 38 hours of brutality, barbarism, and savagery on some 2000 Indo-Guyanese living in villages of Wismar and Christianburg, some 18000 Afro-Guyanese armed with cutlasses, wooden poles, gasoline bombs and guns burnt and destroyed over 230 Indo-Guyanese homes and businesses. Indo-Guyanese who thought they could find shelter in their own homes were confronted and beaten by large mobs of Afro-Guyanese screaming "kill de coolies" as their homes were burnt to the ground. One family whose home was burnt was confronted by a large mob who beat the wife unconscious, repeatedly stabbing the husband and then continuing to kick and molest two smaller children. This occurrence was by no means isolated. Some families who managed to escape from the villages into the nearby forest were also hunted down like animals.

Extremely sad events happened on May 24, 1964.

Of the numerous people and children suffered; three of my relatives were killed ...

1. Richard Khan -- Cousin

2. Isaac Bridgewater -- my Godfather and the father of the then Senator Christina Ramjattan

3. Paul Mirgin -- Relative

Source -- Report: Wismar, Christianburg, Mackenzie Disturbances -1964 --

Last edited by Former Member

Time for action to forge racial unity, end marginalisation – Opposition Leader

in News, Politics Thursday, 26 May 2022, 10:05 0 Comments -- Last Updated on Thursday, 26 May 2022, 10:05 by Denis Chabrol -- Source --

Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton

Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton, on Guyana’s 56th Independence Anniversary, urged an end to β€œlip service” on tackling racial disunity and socio-economic and political marginalisation.

In a message to mark the end of British colonial rule on May 26, 1966, he said Guyanese need to do better to entrench their shared values, strengthen their sense of β€œOne Destiny” and rejuvenate their national pride. β€œWe need to end the existence of Two Guyanas,” he said.

β€œWe must move beyond lip service and give substance to building racial harmony in Guyana. We can and must take tangible steps to eliminate racial discrimination, to guarantee equality of opportunity for all, and to establish healthy inter-ethnic understandings and interactions,” he said.
No details were provided by the Opposition Leader but he emphasised the impo0rtance of a level playing field. β€œNo ethnicity, no group, no class, no citizen is superior to any other. All must be treated equally and respected. And all must share fairly and equitably in the national patrimony,” he said.
While the National Assembly recently moved a step closer to the re-composition of the constitutional Ethnic Relations Commission, President Irfaan Ali is yet to establish his long-promised β€œOne Guyana Commission” to be chaired by Prime Minister Mark Philips to conduct countrywide hearings on ethnic relations.
Since the split in the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) in the 1950s, Guyana’s political landscape continues to be deeply fragmented along racial lines between the Indo-Guyanese backed PPP and the Afro-Guyanese-dominated People’s National Congress Reform.
The Opposition Leader, who is also the PNCR Leader, chided government for β€œbad-governance and devoid of national self-confidence and optimism.” β€œInstead of concerted effort and broad-based participation in national decision-making, we find a government increasingly hell-bent on instituting political dominance and autocratic rule,” he said.
A United States-funded assessment has recommended power-sharing but the governing People’s Progressive Party has since poured c0ld water on the study and has promised to send a response to the United States Agency for International Development.  The Irfaan Ali-led government has refused to engage in political talks with the opposition A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) unless it recognises that it has been legitimately elected at the March 2020 general and regional elections. The opposition has alleged that the elections were rigged by the PPP while the government and the international community has pointed to skullduggery to declare the coalition the winner in Region Four and by extension nationally.

Mr. Norton lamented that there was economic discrimination in favour of a select clique rather than the broad masses of Guyanese. β€œInstead of a viable economy, we find an economy that privileges the political elite, friends and family, but shortchanges the elderly, single parents, unemployed, the working poor, the young and upcoming, small business owners, small farmers and families with babies and small children,” he said. Sections of the big private sector are perceived in some quarters as enjoying a close relationship with the PPP in and out of government.

The Opposition Leader recommended that steps be taken to forge a harmonious community based on democratic values, social justice, fundamental human rights, rule of law, transparency, accountability, good governance, rule of law and effective management of Guyana’s resources.
Declassified documents by the United States and Britain have showed the roles they had played to engineer the removal of PPP Founder Leader Cheddi Jagan from office and the granting of independence under Burnham for fear that the former would have created another Soviet communist satellite state second only to Cuba.
Last edited by Former Member

DG, sorry to hear about your relatives. the guy I mentioned above is long dead. i only know he was allowed to escape; don't know the details: if they fled to the bushes and were rescued; were allowed to board the special ferries; etc. i was a lad and remember him telling the story and praising god to be alive. he built a church in my village in honor of being saved, to tell devotees of what transpired that dreadful day

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Time for action to forge racial unity, end marginalisation – Opposition Leader

in News, Politics Thursday, 26 May 2022, 10:05 0 Comments -- Last Updated on Thursday, 26 May 2022, 10:05 by Denis Chabrol -- Source --

Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton

Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton, on Guyana’s 56th Independence Anniversary, urged an end to β€œlip service” on tackling racial disunity and socio-economic and political marginalisation.

In a message to mark the end of British colonial rule on May 26, 1966, he said Guyanese need to do better to entrench their shared values, strengthen their sense of β€œOne Destiny” and rejuvenate their national pride. β€œWe need to end the existence of Two Guyanas,” he said.

β€œWe must move beyond lip service and give substance to building racial harmony in Guyana. We can and must take tangible steps to eliminate racial discrimination, to guarantee equality of opportunity for all, and to establish healthy inter-ethnic understandings and interactions,” he said.

Eh eh ... is only now Norton feels that the PNCR must stop giving lip service to the issues in Guyana.

@Former Member posted:

DG, sorry to hear about your relatives. the guy I mentioned above is long dead. i only know he was allowed to escape; don't know the details: if they fled to the bushes and were rescued; were allowed to board the special ferries; etc. i was a lad and remember him telling the story and praising god to be alive. he built a church in my village in honor of being saved, to tell devotees of what transpired that dreadful day

Indeed Irfon Ali ... indeed ....

Many people fled in the woods and other places to avoid/escape the happenings and were later escorted to safe places.

One of my Godfather; who is an Afro-Guyanese living at MacKenzie was extremely annoyed with the happenings. He and a few of his friends travelled with boats to Wismar to save many of the people and brought then to safety at MacKenzie.


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