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Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

On this Arrival Day Moses Nagamootoo will part the PPP sea of despair and destruction and LIBERATE the EAST Indians of Guyana.


Long Live Moses Veersammy Nagamootoo.

Moses cant wash his own BT, that is why he has you doing it for him.

Nobody want to wash Bharrat BT, it mixed up with Kawame peanut butter.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

We have come a long way Baby!!!

The celebration is not about how far you have come. It is about how far one can come when they are free from rigid cultural shackles and obscene bigoted social rules. It should also inform you that being stuck in the backside of india for 6000 years, Indians in Guyana should pay special homage to where they are rather than wax nostalgically and fictively about from whence the came. Speaking to and for the Indan in Guyana is speaking to their liberation from cruel oppression and the flowering of a culture that exists no where in india because there, their siblings are still neck deep in the same shit.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Happy Indian Arrival Day!

Isn't the holiday Arrival Day in Guyana?


Technically it is because the non-Indians and their antiman collaborators can't bring themselves to utter the word "Indian" because it's so offensive to ayuh sensibilities.


So for the mental comfort of these people the day had to be shortened to "Arrival Day"

Originally Posted by TK:

Pavi...who have come a far way? 800K Guyanese live outside Guyana; 750K live inside Guyana? See how aluh are cowards? Aluh choose May 5, but fear to say Indian Arrival Day. Instead aluh prefer to curse, spread fears and how how aluh is victim, never mind aluh Indo govt in power for 23 years.

The PPP wuking the bottom house in Bath.  They tell the people that blackman will rape their c00lie daughters.


But what they not telling people is the c00lie girls going willingly to bed with the blackman because them c00lie boys in Bath liming on the culvert waiting for the FILA booths from New York and are first class waste man who spend the majority of their waking day in the RUM SHOP.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Happy Indian Arrival Day!

Isn't the holiday Arrival Day in Guyana?


Technically it is because the non-Indians and their antiman collaborators can't bring themselves to utter the word "Indian" because it's so offensive to ayuh sensibilities.


So for the mental comfort of these people the day had to be shortened to "Arrival Day"

Isn't it appropriate to celebrate the arrival of other ethnic groups in a multicultural society at the same time or should we have a Chinese Arrival Day and Portuguese Arrival Day for those who arrived before Indians even set foot on Guyanese soil? Or are you saying that these other groups do not deserve to be recognized? What about people who arrived from Africa?

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by TK:

Pavi...who have come a far way? 800K Guyanese live outside Guyana; 750K live inside Guyana? See how aluh are cowards? Aluh choose May 5, but fear to say Indian Arrival Day. Instead aluh prefer to curse, spread fears and how how aluh is victim, never mind aluh Indo govt in power for 23 years.

The PPP wuking the bottom house in Bath.  They tell the people that blackman will rape their c00lie daughters.


But what they not telling people is the c00lie girls going willingly to bed with the blackman because them c00lie boys in Bath liming on the culvert waiting for the FILA booths from New York and are first class waste man who spend the majority of their waking day in the RUM SHOP.


I'm sure running a campaign where you insult Indian people is gonna win you all their support.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Happy Indian Arrival Day!

Isn't the holiday Arrival Day in Guyana?


Technically it is because the non-Indians and their antiman collaborators can't bring themselves to utter the word "Indian" because it's so offensive to ayuh sensibilities.


So for the mental comfort of these people the day had to be shortened to "Arrival Day"

Shaitaan, Originally it was Indian Arrival Day but Kwayana, Caribj, Hinds and others screamed Racism, despite the fact that Aug 1 is Emancipation Day. And yes the Govt appease those RACIST. The good thing is that the National Stadium will be packed with our people celebrating our great sacrifices and ACCOMPLISHMENTS!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Happy Indian Arrival Day!

Isn't the holiday Arrival Day in Guyana?


Technically it is because the non-Indians and their antiman collaborators can't bring themselves to utter the word "Indian" because it's so offensive to ayuh sensibilities.


So for the mental comfort of these people the day had to be shortened to "Arrival Day"

Shaitaan, Originally it was Indian Arrival Day but Kwayana, Caribj, Hinds and others screamed Racism, despite the fact that Aug 1 is Emancipation Day. And yes the Govt appease those RACIST. The good thing is that the National Stadium will be packed with our people celebrating our great sacrifices and ACCOMPLISHMENTS!!

But you all c00lie cowards succumb to the black racist like David Hinds and called May 5th Arrival Day.  When Hinds them got Freedom Day.


Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Happy Indian Arrival Day!

Isn't the holiday Arrival Day in Guyana?


Technically it is because the non-Indians and their antiman collaborators can't bring themselves to utter the word "Indian" because it's so offensive to ayuh sensibilities.


So for the mental comfort of these people the day had to be shortened to "Arrival Day"

Shaitaan, Originally it was Indian Arrival Day but Kwayana, Caribj, Hinds and others screamed Racism, despite the fact that Aug 1 is Emancipation Day. And yes the Govt appease those RACIST. The good thing is that the National Stadium will be packed with our people celebrating our great sacrifices and ACCOMPLISHMENTS!!

But you all c00lie cowards succumb to the black racist like David Hinds and called May 5th Arrival Day.  When Hinds them got Freedom Day.



Them "coolie cowards" will keep ayuh sk**t in the Opposition on May 11th. Watch!

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Happy Indian Arrival Day!

Isn't the holiday Arrival Day in Guyana?


Technically it is because the non-Indians and their antiman collaborators can't bring themselves to utter the word "Indian" because it's so offensive to ayuh sensibilities.


So for the mental comfort of these people the day had to be shortened to "Arrival Day"

Shaitaan, Originally it was Indian Arrival Day but Kwayana, Caribj, Hinds and others screamed Racism, despite the fact that Aug 1 is Emancipation Day. And yes the Govt appease those RACIST. The good thing is that the National Stadium will be packed with our people celebrating our great sacrifices and ACCOMPLISHMENTS!!

But you all c00lie cowards succumb to the black racist like David Hinds and called May 5th Arrival Day.  When Hinds them got Freedom Day.



Them "coolie cowards" will keep ayuh sk**t in the Opposition on May 11th. Watch!

Shyster, wishful dreaming.


The c00lie cowards will be on them belly with Kawame on top of them.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Happy Indian Arrival Day!

Isn't the holiday Arrival Day in Guyana?


Technically it is because the non-Indians and their antiman collaborators can't bring themselves to utter the word "Indian" because it's so offensive to ayuh sensibilities.


So for the mental comfort of these people the day had to be shortened to "Arrival Day"

Shaitaan, Originally it was Indian Arrival Day but Kwayana, Caribj, Hinds and others screamed Racism, despite the fact that Aug 1 is Emancipation Day. And yes the Govt appease those RACIST. The good thing is that the National Stadium will be packed with our people celebrating our great sacrifices and ACCOMPLISHMENTS!!

None of those persons screamed racism. You are just a liar! You people could not have the courage to name it Indian Arrival Day...but you put it on May 5. If you wanted an Arrival Day celebration, then choose a date neutral to all the immigrant other groups (Indian, Barbadians, Africans, Portuguese, Chinese, etc). I would prefer a date consistent with a major historical event of resistance by indenture servants, and call it Arrival Day, a day of celebration and reflection. But as usual, aluh want suck cane and blow whistle. Aluh want spread racial fears by demonizing the blackman and oppress Indos intellectually and morally, all while putting Arrival day on May 5. Aluh have no shame!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Happy Indian Arrival Day!

Isn't the holiday Arrival Day in Guyana?


Technically it is because the non-Indians and their antiman collaborators can't bring themselves to utter the word "Indian" because it's so offensive to ayuh sensibilities.


So for the mental comfort of these people the day had to be shortened to "Arrival Day"

Bro, the fact that the term is so obsessively used in our society by some Indians to self identify with what is exemplary in humanity as unique to them  is its own failing. That Arrival day emerged from the bilge of racist theoreticians in the Indian community extolling the same supremacist virtues is the galling part.  There is nothing more offensive than one like yourself equipped with the aptitude to know better chiming the same nonsense daily.


Indians in Guyana are not a new specie. They are, if the truth be told, a rescued people. They do not have any culture one can parallel in India. They are a synchretism of 20 or more tribes who suffered terribly for countless centuries and who, had not for the viscous turn of some ( ashamed of who they were) to recast them as the new Brahmins, would be a shining example of humanity freed from its shackles reaching for the true potential of any free peoples


The very idea that one van be jealous of "indian" success is bigoted.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Happy Indian Arrival Day!

Isn't the holiday Arrival Day in Guyana?


Technically it is because the non-Indians and their antiman collaborators can't bring themselves to utter the word "Indian" because it's so offensive to ayuh sensibilities.


So for the mental comfort of these people the day had to be shortened to "Arrival Day"

I see.  The only immigrants to Guyana are Indians.  The Chinese, Portuguese, Bajans, and African indentures can be ignored.  The same folks who do this will scream when they migrate to other nations as small immigrant groups and are told to pull down their jhandi flags, cease having days long weddings, and to stop playing Bollywood music for the whole neighborhood and to not practice Diwali.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I'm sure running a campaign where you insult Indian people is gonna win you all their support.

So when most Indo women know that its Indo and not Afro men who most often rape them doesn't you think that you are insulting them?


Do you think that blacks are to blame for the fact that Guyanese Indians have the HIGHEST suicide rate in the ENTIRE world, higher than in Trinidad with a similar demography.


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