Skip to main content The Honorable Prime Minister of Guyana.

Mr. Nagamootoo  you served our country with distinction,  from the trenches to one of the highest office in our nation

I still remember  when you fought alongside the late DrJagan. You suffered like any other opposition member at that time. When democracy was returned , you were selected to be Minister of Information ( of I am not mistaken). You gave up a Ministerial position to go and furthur your studies, you did well and became a Lawyer.

You are a pace setter and not a follower. You made a wonderful choice to leave the Ppp when you realized.that the leaders were corrupt and did not follow in the footsteps of Dr. Jagan.

Today your hard work is crowned by you being the Prime Minister of Guyana.

Seventy never look better,  if our brother Jail was around he would have been celebrating.


May the good Lord continue to bless and keep you safe.

Happy birthday Hon. Prime Minister!


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Chief posted:


I am dissapointed by your comments.

That's all you make from my best wishes to one of your comrades? 

Up to this day the PPP is within you.  No thanks and gratitude to anyone . Or is it that you are jealous of Mr. NAGAMOOTOO? 



Definitely not. I never craved what he has now. Reminder: For me it has always been honor before money or luxury or high position. Sorry for offending you with my original remark.

seignet posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Chief posted:

Come in Churchie  and Gilly.

You sound as if you want something from Moses, or through him. You flatter him like a born opportunist. Enough said. 

I like the way you put that accross. Just the way it is composed. Not that I agree it applies the Chief. 

I was joking with him, hence the grin graemlin. Of note: if Chief didn't mention Gilly I won't have commented.

Last edited by Former Member

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