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What's wrong with y'all brain box Basil Williams?  He can't prosecute legal corruption?  Don't forget he has a British trained advisor now.  Between him and Tessa all the PPP boys should be in jail soon.  Preet is not of the caliber of those legal wannabees on the PNC team.  Besides, he is too busy putting some corrupt Democrats in jail.  Mayor DeBlasted just had to pay a $50,000 fine.

Bibi Haniffa
Nehru posted:

IN all fairness spending 500 million and only recently hiring 5 additional SPECIAL Prosecutors at over 500 million, we with even a Pea brain MUST conclude there is nothing there, agree??

This might be a way of paying themselves - legal corruption.  Imagine if all these prosecutors are of Williams "caliber".

But who knows, they might start prosecution closer to the elections.

VVP posted:
Amral posted:

Jagdeo may have been a great president but i think there was too much corruption surrounding him and he got caught up in it

The buck stops at the President's desk my friend.  Jagdeo is guilty of festering a culture of corruption in Guyana.  He was in it not surrounded by it.

Do you hold this statement as also true for your PNC thuggery, nepotism, corruption, thievery and blatant lies?

skeldon_man posted:
VVP posted:
Amral posted:

Jagdeo may have been a great president but i think there was too much corruption surrounding him and he got caught up in it

The buck stops at the President's desk my friend.  Jagdeo is guilty of festering a culture of corruption in Guyana.  He was in it not surrounded by it.

Do you hold this statement as also true for your PNC thuggery, nepotism, corruption, thievery and blatant lies?

Don't know about the "yours" but it sure look like we are heading to Burnhamism.


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