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@Rochelle posted:

Where was your outcry under Jagdeo when far more were living under poverty?

Where was your outcry when Guyana was on the EU blacklist preventing economic trade and investments under a Jagdeo presidency??

Is that what you are hoping to return to??? 

And Exxon is NOT the only company that has the resources to extract oil from Guyana's earth. If that is the consequence, so be it!

And FYI, Trump is out of office come November 2020. New ambassadors and US officials will be in power. We already have good contacts in the Democratic Party to ensure they don't pull a Pompeo.

Honey, I would not go out on a limb thinking the US will suddenly change course if Trump is voted out.  And bear in mind, he will be there until Feb 2021.  It will take 72 hour complete the job in Guyana.  Furthermore, Clinton was very remorseful at what he deemed the destruction of Guyana by the PNC with impunity.  He viewed it as a grave injustice to the people of Guyana.  Additionally, don't forget how the PNC treated the Carter Center, a much revered US democracy proponent force.

On Exxon, you are incorrect, first, there are not many companies with the capability to operate at such depths.

As a lawyer, I'm surprised you believe the GoG can just reassign the territory to any other company.  In a perverse way, Exxon is now in the stronger position by striking oil.  The asset is now theirs and they cannot be deprived.  If they act under USG directive, nothing Guyana can do but fret and frown.

Of course, the PNC can try the Nationalization route however, try that and see how quickly US marines will be storming over Guyana.

@Rochelle posted:

And FYI, Trump is out of office come November 2020. New ambassadors and US officials will be in power. We already have good contacts in the Democratic Party to ensure they don't pull a Pompeo.

@Former Member posted:

Honey, I would not go out on a limb thinking the US will suddenly change course if Trump is voted out. 

And bear in mind, he will be there until Feb 2021.

Indeed, indeed, indeed ....

On February 2021, Trump will be watching extremely sadly and crying loudly while Joe Biden is the new President of the US_of_A.


@Rochelle posted:

Where was your outcry under Jagdeo when far more were living under poverty?

Where was your outcry when Guyana was on the EU blacklist preventing economic trade and investments under a Jagdeo presidency??

Is that what you are hoping to return to??? 

And Exxon is NOT the only company that has the resources to extract oil from Guyana's earth. If that is the consequence, so be it!

And FYI, Trump is out of office come November 2020. New ambassadors and US officials will be in power. We already have good contacts in the Democratic Party to ensure they don't pull a Pompeo.

The point is your flippant proposal for a dictatorship. As I don't think you fully comprehend the impact of economic sanctions. Sanctions are not going to raise national income and reduce poverty. That is just not the way it usually works.

As per the EU blacklist, my understanding is that it relates to not having the proper anti-money laundering policies and procedures in place. It does not prevent economic trade and investments. It requires additional scrutiny of transactions that involve a counterparty in a blacklisted country. Again, not the same thing as economic sanctions.

With respect to getting another company to replace Exxon. Lets ignore the legal hurdles for now. Maybe you are proposing a nationalization of the oil sector like Venezuela. If that is the case, please take a look at how they are doing. However the first place to start is to look into the challenges for Iran as it tries to sell its oil which is priced in USD.

Again, I think your bet on a Biden presidency in being more favourable is misplaced. If you have been following the news over the past four years, Trump has defined himself by going against international consensus particularly the consensus of America's allies. He was probably your best bet. Do you realistically see Biden going against the EU, Canada, UK, OAS, CARICOM, etc?


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