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Former Member


The story goes that Hanuman was sent by Rama to Ayodhya the day before Rama's arrival as prearranged with Bharat to let the residents of Ayodhya know how Sita and Rama and all Their retinue were returning.

This was five days before Diwali, and after the Vijaya dasami (victory of Rama ) celebration.

King Dashrath ruled the rich and prosperous city of Ayodhya. He had three wives and Kaikayi was his favourite. She saved his life in a war at a very crucial time. Dashrath granted her two favours for saving his life.

Dashrath had four sons. Rama, the oldest, was everybody's favourite. He was married to the beautiful and devoted Sita. Just before Ram's coromation, Kaikayi reminded Dashrath of her two favors. She told him to crown Bharat as king and to banish Ram to the jungle for fourteen years. Her wishes were granted.

The old king Dashrath later died of a broken heart. After a few years in the forest, Sita was lured by the demon king Ravana. Rama, with the help of a monkey general, Hanuman, rescued Sita and defeated Ravana. After fourteen years in exile Ram and Sita and returned to Ayodhya.

It is in Their honor that "Diwali" is celebrated. "Diwali" signifies the victory of good over evil.

Today in India for Diwali all the shops are decorated brightly. Many people make "rangoli" in their house or outside. They are filled to capacity in this festive season. Everybody buys new things and decorates their homes. People visit their friends and relatives and give them sweets. On Diwali friends come over for the whole day and relatives come and go. Everyone has a wonderful time celebrating the return of Sita and Rama. Thus Diwali has become a day when all the sad things of the past are forgotten and happy times are remembered. 


DIWALI FESTIVAL: 10th October. 1968,
(Letter from Srila Prabhupada to Hamsadutta dasa written from Seattle., Letters book Vol 1. p.549.)

Diwali ceremony can be observed in the temple by illuminating 100's of candles, indifferent parts of the temple, and offering a special Prasad to the Deity. This ceremony was observed by the inhabitants of Ayodhya, the Kingdom of Lord Ramachandra, while Lord Ramachandra was out of His Kingdom due to His 14 years banishment by the order of His father. His younger step-brother Bharat, took charge f the Kingdom and the day on which Lord Ramachandra took back the charge again from His brother, and seated on the throne, this is observed as Diwali, and Deepabali. Deepabali means the same thing - Deepa means candles, and bali means numerous. When numerous candles are lighted it is called Deepabali. In India, this Deepavali function is celebrated in a special auspicious occassion. This Deepabali function can be observed on 21st October, and Prasad can be distributed on 22nd October, during daytime, which is known as Govardhan Puja and Annakuta Ceremony. In India, in all Vaishnava temples, this ceremony is observed and 100's of people are given prasadam according to the capacity of the temple. So I understand that last year the Deepabali ceremony was held in the temple, and there was collection of $130.00. So you can do the needful.
Hope you are all well.
Your Ever Well Wisher.
A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami.


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Diwali, or Dipawali, is India's biggest and most important holiday of the year. The festival gets its name from the row(avali) of clay lamps (deepa) that Indians light outside their homes to symbolize the inner light that protects from spiritual darkness. This festival is as important to Hindus as the Christmas holiday is to Christians.

Over the centuries, Diwali has become a national festival that is enjoyed by most Indians regardless of faith: Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, and Sikhs.

Hindus interpret the Diwali story based upon where they live:

  • In northern India they celebrate the story of King Rama's return to Ayodhya after he defeated Ravana by lighting rows of clay lamps.
  • Southern India celebrates it as the day that Lord Krishna defeated the demon Narakasura.
  • In western India the festival marks the day that Lord Vishnu, the Preserver (one of the main gods of the Hindu trinity) sent the demon King Bali to rule the nether world.

In all interpretations, one common thread rings true—the festival marks the victory of good over evil.

Non-Hindu communities have other reasons for celebrating the holiday:

  • In Jainism, it marks the nirvana or spiritual awakening of Lord Mahavira on October 15, 527 B.C.
  • In Sikhism it marks the day that Guru Hargobind Ji, the Sixth Sikh Guru was freed from imprisonment.

Dharmic Sabha might bad-mouth Swami Aksharananda for what he said at State House last night: "Meanwhile, Swami Aksharanandan of the Saraswati Vidya Niketan Secondary School weighed in on the continuous feud over the date for Diwali celebration.
“It is only one single organisation in this entire hemisphere that insists that Diwali must be done at a certain time,” the Swami said, adding: “This kind of stupidity can only be matched by the amount of disdain that these people have for the very people of whom they claim to care about.
“What else can it be, if they know what the truth is and are confident of what the truth is. But I am absolutely sure they know what the right thing is.”

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:

Pandit Granger delivering Diwali Speech. Story.


Said the President: “Diwali is particularly important for us, because it is the Festival of Lights. It is the festival which symbolises the victory of light over darkness, of knowledge over ignorance, of togetherness over divisiveness and is a lesson that all Guyanese could learn that it is not only a Hindu thing, it is a national thing.”
Noting that anything which brings Guyanese closer together is a good thing, the president said that every region across Guyana should hold Diwali observances, as it is a national celebration.


President Ganger can break the barrier of disunity,if on behalf of the PNC,he offered an apology to the nation especially the East Indians,the atrocities committed by it's former leader Forbes Burnham.

He may even get an Indian name like Desmond Hoyte who was called Desmond Persaud for the reforms he initiated after Burnhan death.

Last edited by Django
yuji22 posted:


The story goes that Hanuman was sent by Rama to Ayodhya the day before Rama's arrival as prearranged with Bharat to let the residents of Ayodhya know how Sita and Rama and all Their retinue were returning.

This was five days before Diwali, and after the Vijaya dasami (victory of Rama ) celebration.

King Dashrath ruled the rich and prosperous city of Ayodhya. He had three wives and Kaikayi was his favourite. She saved his life in a war at a very crucial time. Dashrath granted her two favours for saving his life.

Dashrath had four sons. Rama, the oldest, was everybody's favourite. He was married to the beautiful and devoted Sita. Just before Ram's coromation, Kaikayi reminded Dashrath of her two favors. She told him to crown Bharat as king and to banish Ram to the jungle for fourteen years. Her wishes were granted.

The old king Dashrath later died of a broken heart. After a few years in the forest, Sita was lured by the demon king Ravana. Rama, with the help of a monkey general, Hanuman, rescued Sita and defeated Ravana. After fourteen years in exile Ram and Sita and returned to Ayodhya.

It is in Their honor that "Diwali" is celebrated. "Diwali" signifies the victory of good over evil.

Today in India for Diwali all the shops are decorated brightly. Many people make "rangoli" in their house or outside. They are filled to capacity in this festive season. Everybody buys new things and decorates their homes. People visit their friends and relatives and give them sweets. On Diwali friends come over for the whole day and relatives come and go. Everyone has a wonderful time celebrating the return of Sita and Rama. Thus Diwali has become a day when all the sad things of the past are forgotten and happy times are remembered. 


DIWALI FESTIVAL: 10th October. 1968,
(Letter from Srila Prabhupada to Hamsadutta dasa written from Seattle., Letters book Vol 1. p.549.)

Diwali ceremony can be observed in the temple by illuminating 100's of candles, indifferent parts of the temple, and offering a special Prasad to the Deity. This ceremony was observed by the inhabitants of Ayodhya, the Kingdom of Lord Ramachandra, while Lord Ramachandra was out of His Kingdom due to His 14 years banishment by the order of His father. His younger step-brother Bharat, took charge f the Kingdom and the day on which Lord Ramachandra took back the charge again from His brother, and seated on the throne, this is observed as Diwali, and Deepabali. Deepabali means the same thing - Deepa means candles, and bali means numerous. When numerous candles are lighted it is called Deepabali. In India, this Deepavali function is celebrated in a special auspicious occassion. This Deepabali function can be observed on 21st October, and Prasad can be distributed on 22nd October, during daytime, which is known as Govardhan Puja and Annakuta Ceremony. In India, in all Vaishnava temples, this ceremony is observed and 100's of people are given prasadam according to the capacity of the temple. So I understand that last year the Deepabali ceremony was held in the temple, and there was collection of $130.00. So you can do the needful.
Hope you are all well.
Your Ever Well Wisher.
A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami.


Hindus need more leaders like Prabhupada.

Leonora posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Pandit Granger delivering Diwali Speech. Story.

He wowed all Indo-Guyanese with his attire and speech.  

Let me take this opportunity on this holy occasion in Congratulating President Granger in celebrating Diwali with all Guyanese.

If he was in our Iskcon Movement, he would have been taken an initiated name as Dravida Garuda Dasa.

This is a celebration in which politics is set aside.

Happy Deepavali to ALL of my Guyanese brothers and sisters. 

Hare Krsna

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Pandit Granger delivering Diwali Speech. Story.


Said the President: “Diwali is particularly important for us, because it is the Festival of Lights. It is the festival which symbolises the victory of light over darkness, of knowledge over ignorance, of togetherness over divisiveness and is a lesson that all Guyanese could learn that it is not only a Hindu thing, it is a national thing.”
Noting that anything which brings Guyanese closer together is a good thing, the president said that every region across Guyana should hold Diwali observances, as it is a national celebration.


President Ganger can break the barrier of disunity,if on behalf of the PNC,he offered an apology to the nation especially the East Indians,the atrocities committed by it's former leader Forbes Burnham.

He may even get an Indian name like Desmond Hoyte who was called Desmond Persaud for the reforms he initiated after Burnhan death.

Georgetown, Guyana – (October 18, 2017) President David Granger and First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger, this evening, hosted a Diwali Utsav at the Baridi Benab at State House in observance of the festival of lights, where he said all Guyanese must use the observance of this National Holiday to put aside their differences and work for the good of the country.

“When we were a colony we never celebrated Hindu and Islamic festivals as national holidays but this is one the gifts of Independence and I believe that this observance will help to build respect and help to build understanding among the people of Guyana. I think that this type of observance helps Guyanese to understand each other and demystifies the religious precepts and helps Guyanese to come closer to each other. Diwali is close to us because it is the festival of lights. It is the festival, which signifies the victory of light over darkness, of knowledge over ignorance, the victory of togetherness over divisiveness and it is a lesson that all Guyanese can learn that it is not a Hindu thing. It is a national thing,” he said.

Describing State House as a home for all Guyanese, the Head of State said that he will ensure that more national holidays are celebrated there as all such observances provide lessons for all citizens and should be celebrated and observed across the country. He said, “Anything that brings Guyanese closer together is good and I believe that Diwali is good for us. Every region of Guyana should hold a Diwali observance because it is a national observance. All Guyanese need to learn the lessons of coming together and overcoming poverty, overcoming illiteracy.”

Swami Aksharananda of the Saraswati Vidya Niketan Secondary School, in his remarks, said that it is unfortunate that one group of individuals have decided to use the festival of Diwali to bring segregation and promote divisiveness in the Hindu community and further afield to fulfil their own political agenda. The religious leader said that every country that falls under the longitude in which Guyana is located from Toronto to Buenos Aires, is celebrating the official day of Diwali today.

“It is quite an interesting juxtaposition that we see in our society today where this festival of Diwali is concerned. There is a kind of unspeakable monumental and stupendous ignorance that is prevailing among some sectors of the Hindu community unfortunately. It is only one single organisation in this entire hemisphere that insists that Diwali must be done at some other time. This kind of ignorance and stupidity can only be matched by the amount of disdain these people have for the people whom they claim to speak. If they know what the truth is and I am confident that they know what the truth is, what the writing is but they insist in the name of Diwali to make the Hindus and the Hindu festival an instrument of political activity and what else can it be but that?” he said.

Nevertheless, Swami Aksharananda said that Diwali, which focuses on the Goddess Lakshmi also has a message, which speaks to self-help and working towards your own destiny and this must become a prevailing message for all Guyanese at this auspicious time. “Lakshmi reminds us that our destiny is in our hands and we have to take hold of that and move forward boldly otherwise we will be subjecting ourselves to dehumanisation and that is not good for our people. At this time, we must resist all attempts to devalue to diminish our people in any way whatsoever. This festival and the light that we lit today holds for us a hope that we can transcend all and every challenge and move forward to build for this country and our people, the life that I believe we all richly deserve,” he said.

Mr. Venu Mataji from the Crane ISKCON Hare Krishna Temple, echoed these sentiments as he spoke to the significance of Diwali, which he said represents victory over darkness and evil and calls for cooperation and unity. “Diwali from a spiritual point of view marks the victory over darkness, victory over obstacles or evil in a sense that Lord Rama returned on a day like today from Lanka and the entire City of Ayodhya would have been lighted up. The significance of us celebrating this year after year is to bring light into our hearts and into our society, into our country that we can light up our country with the good will and the blessings of the Lord, which will go a far way in brining happiness, peace and love,” he said.

Meanwhile, Mr. Mataji said that it is indeed commendable that the President and the First Lady made a decision to celebrate this auspicious festival in their home with members of the Hindu community.
Mr. Malcolm Harripaul, who was tasked with responsibility for organising the event, said that when he was contacted by President Granger, the occasion was so significant to the President’s heart that he was told that all Hindu invitees must be made to feel comfortable and at home. As such, the venue was decorated to resemble a Mandir and sweet treats were prepared by members of the Hindu community.

The event was attended by Ministers of the Government, Members of the National Assembly, members of the diplomatic corps and other special invitees.

Last edited by Django

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